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Last active March 15, 2024 01:22
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Providing a built-in InheritedWidget to a State class
// Any State object 'with' this mixin has then a built-in InheritedWidget
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
/// Supplies an InheritedWidget to a State class
mixin InheritedWidgetStateMixin<T extends StatefulWidget> on State<T> {
/// Don't override the State's build() function.
/// Override this function to supply the interface instead.
Widget buildIn(BuildContext context) => const SizedBox();
/// Determine if the dependencies should be updated.
bool updateShouldNotify(covariant InheritedWidget oldWidget) => true;
void initState() {
_inheritedWidgetStateMixinMap.addAll({runtimeType: this});
_key = ValueKey<State<T>>(this);
// Supply an identifier to the InheritedWidget
Key? _key;
// Record all the Mixin's used in the app
static final Map<Type, InheritedWidgetStateMixin>
_inheritedWidgetStateMixinMap = {};
// Clear it from memory
void activate() {
// Return to Map
_inheritedWidgetStateMixinMap.addAll({runtimeType: this});
// Clear it from memory
void deactivate() {
// Remove from Map.
_inheritedWidgetStateMixinMap.removeWhere((_, value) => value == this);
_child = null;
// _inheritedElement = null;
// _dependents.clear();
void dispose() {
_key = null;
_inheritedElement = null;
/// This replaces the State class build() function
/// Unless, of course, the developer has explicitly overridden the function
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
_noBuildIn = false;
return _InheritedWidget(
key: _key,
state: this,
child: _child ??= buildIn(context),
// Only create once
Widget? _child;
/// Indicate the developer has instead overridden the build() function
bool get noBuildIn => _noBuildIn;
bool _noBuildIn = true;
/// The InheritedWidget's element object assigning Widget dependencies
InheritedElement? _inheritedElement;
// Collect any 'widgets' depending on this State's InheritedWidget.
final Set<BuildContext> _dependents = {};
/// Set the specified widget (through its context) as a dependent of the InheritedWidget
/// Return false if not configured to use the InheritedWidget
bool dependOnInheritedWidget(BuildContext? context, {Object? aspect}) {
final depend = context != null && !_noBuildIn;
if (depend) {
if (_inheritedElement == null) {
} else {
context.dependOnInheritedElement(_inheritedElement!, aspect: aspect);
return depend;
/// In harmony with Flutter's own API there's also a notifyClients() function
/// Rebuild the InheritedWidget of the 'closes' InheritedStateX object if any.
void notifyClients() => setState(() {});
/// When the State's InheritedWidget is called again,
/// this 'widget function' will be called again.
Widget stateSet<U extends InheritedWidgetStateMixin?>(
WidgetBuilder? widgetFunc) {
// Find the specified Type U
var mixin = _inheritedWidgetStateMixinMap.isEmpty
? null
: _inheritedWidgetStateMixinMap[U];
// If Type not explicitly specified default to this State
if (mixin == null && null is U) {
mixin = this;
widgetFunc ??= (_) => SizedBox(key: _key);
// If specified Type not found, no Inherited dependency is performed.
return _DependencyWidget(
state: mixin,
widgetFunc: widgetFunc,
/// The built-in InheritedWidget
class _InheritedWidget extends InheritedWidget {
const _InheritedWidget({
required this.state,
required super.child,
final InheritedWidgetStateMixin state;
InheritedElement createElement() {
final element = InheritedElement(this);
state._inheritedElement = element;
// Associate any dependencies widgets to this InheritedWidget
// toList(growable: false) prevent concurrent error
for (final context in state._dependents.toList(growable: false)) {
return element;
/// Use the StateX's updateShouldNotify() function
bool updateShouldNotify(covariant InheritedWidget oldWidget) =>
/// Called by the stateSet()
/// Supply a widget to depend upon the built-in InheritedWidget
class _DependencyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
required this.widgetFunc,
}) : super(key: UniqueKey()); // Avoid collisions
final InheritedWidgetStateMixin? state;
final WidgetBuilder widgetFunc;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widgetFunc(context);
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