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Created April 9, 2019 12:24
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  • Save AndroPlus-org/a55f357875bb8d3418dde04c5da48b38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndroPlus-org/a55f357875bb8d3418dde04c5da48b38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
04-09 21:19:59.296 9954 9954 D OpenGLRenderer: Skia GL Pipeline
04-09 21:19:59.338 9954 9954 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
04-09 21:19:59.359 9954 9954 W AppScannerSupport: Performing initial scan
04-09 21:19:59.381 1477 2154 I ActivityManager: Killing 9449:android.process.acore/u0a20 (adj 904): empty #17
04-09 21:19:59.383 1477 1512 W libprocessgroup: kill(-9449, 9) failed: No such process
04-09 21:19:59.409 1477 2154 D CountryDetector: No listener is left
04-09 21:19:59.411 889 889 I Zygote : Process 9449 exited due to signal (9)
04-09 21:19:59.423 1477 1512 W libprocessgroup: kill(-9449, 9) failed: No such process
04-09 21:19:59.423 1477 1512 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10020 pid 9449 in 41ms
04-09 21:20:01.398 1477 4713 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed: service Intent { act=com.maxmpz.audioplayer.ACTION_SCAN_DIRS cmp=com.maxmpz.audioplayer/.scanner.ScanDispatcherService (has extras) } to com.maxmpz.audioplayer/.scanner.ScanDispatcherService from pid=9954 uid=10206 pkg=com.maxmpz.audioplayer startFg?=false
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService:
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Not allowed to start service Intent { act=com.maxmpz.audioplayer.ACTION_SCAN_DIRS cmp=com.maxmpz.audioplayer/.scanner.ScanDispatcherService (has extras) }: app is in background uid UidRecord{91e2d91 u0a206 CEM idle change:cached procs:1 seq(0,0,0)}
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at android.content.ContextWrapper.startService(
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at com.maxmpz.audioplayer.scanner.ScanDispatcherService.ׅ(":121)
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at aeh.null(":305)
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at aeh$1.handleMessage(":80)
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at android.os.Looper.loop(
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at$
04-09 21:20:01.400 9954 9954 W ScanDispatcherService: at
04-09 21:20:03.868 2814 8139 I CastDatabase: Saving the database
04-09 21:20:03.881 2814 8139 I SQLiteCastStore: [CastNetworkInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0, [CastDeviceInfo]: saved 0, skipped 0, [Paired Guest Mode DeviceInfo] saved: 0, skipped: 0. [ProbedNetworks]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [ProbedSocketAddress]: saved 0, skipped: 0, [Network-Device pairs]: saved: 0
04-09 21:20:05.336 1477 2154 I ActivityManager: Killing 8026:com.topjohnwu.magisk/u0a25 (adj 904): empty #17
04-09 21:20:05.340 1477 1512 W libprocessgroup: kill(-8026, 9) failed: No such process
04-09 21:20:05.350 1477 1512 W libprocessgroup: kill(-8026, 9) failed: No such process
04-09 21:20:05.379 889 889 I Zygote : Process 8026 exited due to signal (9)
04-09 21:20:05.388 1477 1512 W libprocessgroup: kill(-8026, 9) failed: No such process
04-09 21:20:05.388 1477 1512 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10025 pid 8026 in 48ms
04-09 21:20:09.238 7559 7580 I WorkerManager: dispose()
04-09 21:20:12.862 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 0, x = 57.0, y = 105.0, inside = false/true
04-09 21:20:12.863 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]: [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]
04-09 21:20:12.862 984 1035 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
04-09 21:20:12.863 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<2>
04-09 21:20:12.863 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger down
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 2 end
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 2 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] Auth Down.
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1002 convert_info=1022
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (22)
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 8
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 301, target: 1002, cmd id: 9
04-09 21:20:12.864 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:12.867 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:12.869 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 22
04-09 21:20:12.871 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:12.871 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doWakeup] ### wakeup ###
04-09 21:20:12.877 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 1
04-09 21:20:12.877 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:12.877 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:3
04-09 21:20:12.877 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:12.878 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:12.879 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiSensor]: waitSensorUIReady
04-09 21:20:12.910 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 58.366333, y = 105.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:12.927 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=3
04-09 21:20:12.928 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd] HBM and Green spot ready
04-09 21:20:12.928 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [setExpoTimetLevel] expo level 2
04-09 21:20:12.928 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 302, target: 1003, cmd id: 45
04-09 21:20:12.928 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:12.931 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:12.932 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 303, target: 1002, cmd id: 3
04-09 21:20:12.932 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:12.943 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 61.5, y = 103.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:12.987 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 73.93475, y = 107.46741, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.020 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 77.0, y = 109.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.054 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 76.86871, y = 110.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.054 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:13.054 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 304, target: 1002, cmd id: 7
04-09 21:20:13.054 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:13.056 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:13.056 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:13.056 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 305, target: 1001, cmd id: 5
04-09 21:20:13.056 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] QSEE TEE execute command failed.
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 1011, errno = GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] cpu getfeature 1 fail
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] antipeep & screen struct flag : 0
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] high light flag = 0
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 306, target: 1001, cmd id: 4
04-09 21:20:13.057 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] image_quality=0
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] valid_area=0
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] key_point_num=0
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_raw_data_time=121ms
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] preprocess_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_feature_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] study flag =0
04-09 21:20:13.058 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] match_score=0
04-09 21:20:13.059 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] authenticate_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:13.059 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] KPI time(get_raw_data_time + preprocess+get_feature_time+authenticate)=121ms
04-09 21:20:13.059 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] total time=0ms
04-09 21:20:13.059 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:13.059 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:4
04-09 21:20:13.059 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:13.060 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:13.060 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 12
04-09 21:20:13.060 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZFingerprintCore]: [onAuthStop] retry count:0
04-09 21:20:13.060 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 307, target: 1002, cmd id: 11
04-09 21:20:13.060 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:13.061 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:13.061 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 308, target: 1002, cmd id: 8
04-09 21:20:13.061 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:13.088 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 75.925964, y = 111.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doSleep] ### sleep ###
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1033 convert_info=1033
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (33)
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDump]: [onAuthenticateEnd]DUMP_OP_AUTHENTICATE dump is disabled.
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthReceivedEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:13.091 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
04-09 21:20:13.091 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 33
04-09 21:20:13.121 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 77.24902, y = 111.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.154 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 73.10553, y = 109.552734, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.188 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 74.0, y = 110.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.221 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 73.0, y = 110.8562, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.254 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 64.495056, y = 109.93689, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.288 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 64.54187, y = 126.25134, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:13.293 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<4>
04-09 21:20:13.293 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger up
04-09 21:20:13.293 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 4 end
04-09 21:20:13.293 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 4 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:13.293 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: onAuthUpEvt
04-09 21:20:13.294 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 1, x = 64.0, y = 123.0, inside = true/false
04-09 21:20:13.324 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:13.325 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=0
04-09 21:20:13.325 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]HBM or Green Spot vanished
04-09 21:20:13.327 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1003 convert_info=1023
04-09 21:20:13.327 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (23)
04-09 21:20:13.327 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
04-09 21:20:13.329 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 23
04-09 21:20:21.600 984 1035 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
04-09 21:20:21.601 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]: [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]
04-09 21:20:21.601 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<2>
04-09 21:20:21.601 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger down
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 2 end
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 2 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] Auth Down.
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1002 convert_info=1022
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (22)
04-09 21:20:21.602 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 0, x = 55.0, y = 79.0, inside = false/true
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 8
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 309, target: 1002, cmd id: 9
04-09 21:20:21.602 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.606 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:21.608 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:21.608 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doWakeup] ### wakeup ###
04-09 21:20:21.608 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 22
04-09 21:20:21.614 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 1
04-09 21:20:21.614 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:21.614 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:3
04-09 21:20:21.614 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:21.616 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:21.616 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiSensor]: waitSensorUIReady
04-09 21:20:21.632 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 75.65497, y = 82.093506, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.666 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.16327, y = 81.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.667 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=3
04-09 21:20:21.667 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd] HBM and Green spot ready
04-09 21:20:21.668 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [setExpoTimetLevel] expo level 2
04-09 21:20:21.668 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 310, target: 1003, cmd id: 45
04-09 21:20:21.668 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.670 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:21.670 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 311, target: 1002, cmd id: 3
04-09 21:20:21.670 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.699 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 88.967285, y = 82.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.732 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 92.0, y = 83.67883, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.766 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.0, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.791 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:21.791 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 312, target: 1002, cmd id: 7
04-09 21:20:21.791 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.793 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:21.793 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:21.793 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 313, target: 1001, cmd id: 5
04-09 21:20:21.793 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] QSEE TEE execute command failed.
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 1011, errno = GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] cpu getfeature 1 fail
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] antipeep & screen struct flag : 0
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] high light flag = 0
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 314, target: 1001, cmd id: 4
04-09 21:20:21.794 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] image_quality=0
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] valid_area=0
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] key_point_num=0
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_raw_data_time=119ms
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] preprocess_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_feature_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] study flag =0
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] match_score=0
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] authenticate_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] KPI time(get_raw_data_time + preprocess+get_feature_time+authenticate)=119ms
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] total time=0ms
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:4
04-09 21:20:21.795 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:21.796 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:21.796 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 12
04-09 21:20:21.796 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZFingerprintCore]: [onAuthStop] retry count:0
04-09 21:20:21.796 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 315, target: 1002, cmd id: 11
04-09 21:20:21.796 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.798 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:21.798 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 316, target: 1002, cmd id: 8
04-09 21:20:21.798 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:21.800 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 98.45123, y = 85.09021, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.827 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:21.827 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doSleep] ### sleep ###
04-09 21:20:21.827 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1033 convert_info=1033
04-09 21:20:21.827 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (33)
04-09 21:20:21.828 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDump]: [onAuthenticateEnd]DUMP_OP_AUTHENTICATE dump is disabled.
04-09 21:20:21.828 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:21.828 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthReceivedEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:21.828 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:21.828 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
04-09 21:20:21.828 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 33
04-09 21:20:21.833 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 99.30194, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.866 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 99.30194, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.900 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 101.3855, y = 86.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.933 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 102.943665, y = 86.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:21.967 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 104.0, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.033 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 105.0, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.067 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 108.5, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.100 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 109.0, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.168 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 110.0, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.200 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 113.44348, y = 88.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.234 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 114.5, y = 88.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.267 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 114.18567, y = 88.81433, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.301 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 113.5, y = 89.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.334 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 116.197876, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.401 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 115.0, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.434 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 112.5, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.468 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 112.981384, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.501 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 114.0, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.534 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 110.58771, y = 89.41223, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.568 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 108.0, y = 87.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.668 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 109.0, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.701 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 109.3855, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.735 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 109.0, y = 86.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.835 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 109.0, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.868 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 110.389404, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.902 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 112.5, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.935 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 113.0, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:22.968 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 113.9646, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.002 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 118.2912, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.035 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 119.5, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.068 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 116.5, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.102 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.756836, y = 84.756836, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.135 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 118.0, y = 84.0238, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.168 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 118.0, y = 85.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.202 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.0, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.235 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 116.0, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.269 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.5, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.302 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.5, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.335 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.101746, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.402 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 118.0, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.436 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.284546, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.469 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.08685, y = 84.086914, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.503 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 118.5, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.536 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 117.0, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.569 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 115.5025, y = 81.50256, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.602 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 114.5, y = 79.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.636 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 112.114624, y = 75.22925, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.669 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 107.20245, y = 70.69629, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.703 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 89.11023, y = 64.90552, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:23.707 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<4>
04-09 21:20:23.707 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger up
04-09 21:20:23.707 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 4 end
04-09 21:20:23.708 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 4 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:23.708 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: onAuthUpEvt
04-09 21:20:23.709 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 1, x = 93.0, y = 67.0, inside = true/false
04-09 21:20:23.712 984 1035 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
04-09 21:20:23.741 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:23.741 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=0
04-09 21:20:23.741 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]HBM or Green Spot vanished
04-09 21:20:23.743 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1003 convert_info=1023
04-09 21:20:23.744 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (23)
04-09 21:20:23.744 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
04-09 21:20:23.745 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 23
04-09 21:20:24.359 984 1035 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
04-09 21:20:24.360 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]: [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]
04-09 21:20:24.360 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<2>
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger down
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 2 end
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 2 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] Auth Down.
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1002 convert_info=1022
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (22)
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 8
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 317, target: 1002, cmd id: 9
04-09 21:20:24.361 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.361 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 0, x = 81.0, y = 100.0, inside = false/true
04-09 21:20:24.366 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:24.367 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 22
04-09 21:20:24.368 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:24.368 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doWakeup] ### wakeup ###
04-09 21:20:24.375 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 1
04-09 21:20:24.375 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:24.375 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:3
04-09 21:20:24.375 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:24.376 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:24.377 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiSensor]: waitSensorUIReady
04-09 21:20:24.403 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 103.897644, y = 101.33862, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.426 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=3
04-09 21:20:24.426 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd] HBM and Green spot ready
04-09 21:20:24.427 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [setExpoTimetLevel] expo level 2
04-09 21:20:24.427 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 318, target: 1003, cmd id: 45
04-09 21:20:24.427 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.429 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:24.429 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 319, target: 1002, cmd id: 3
04-09 21:20:24.429 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.437 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 107.0, y = 103.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.470 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 109.163635, y = 104.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.503 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 107.63403, y = 103.63403, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.537 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 108.0, y = 105.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.551 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:24.551 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 320, target: 1002, cmd id: 7
04-09 21:20:24.551 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.552 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:24.552 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:24.552 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 321, target: 1001, cmd id: 5
04-09 21:20:24.552 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] QSEE TEE execute command failed.
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 1011, errno = GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] cpu getfeature 1 fail
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] antipeep & screen struct flag : 0
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] high light flag = 0
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 322, target: 1001, cmd id: 4
04-09 21:20:24.553 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] image_quality=0
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] valid_area=0
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] key_point_num=0
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_raw_data_time=120ms
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] preprocess_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_feature_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] study flag =0
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] match_score=0
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] authenticate_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] KPI time(get_raw_data_time + preprocess+get_feature_time+authenticate)=120ms
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] total time=0ms
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:4
04-09 21:20:24.554 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:24.555 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:24.555 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 12
04-09 21:20:24.555 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZFingerprintCore]: [onAuthStop] retry count:0
04-09 21:20:24.555 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 323, target: 1002, cmd id: 11
04-09 21:20:24.555 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.557 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:24.557 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 324, target: 1002, cmd id: 8
04-09 21:20:24.557 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:24.570 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 106.1203, y = 105.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doSleep] ### sleep ###
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1033 convert_info=1033
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (33)
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDump]: [onAuthenticateEnd]DUMP_OP_AUTHENTICATE dump is disabled.
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthReceivedEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:24.587 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
04-09 21:20:24.587 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 33
04-09 21:20:24.604 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 105.0, y = 105.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.637 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 105.0, y = 104.85034, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.670 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 104.0, y = 105.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.704 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 103.0, y = 103.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.737 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 102.0, y = 104.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.771 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 102.0, y = 104.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.804 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 100.0, y = 104.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.837 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 98.5, y = 102.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.871 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 96.5, y = 103.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.905 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 96.31012, y = 102.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.938 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 95.0, y = 101.08179, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:24.971 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 95.0, y = 101.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.004 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 95.32538, y = 101.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.038 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 94.0, y = 101.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.071 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.283936, y = 100.283936, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.104 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.0, y = 100.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.138 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.0, y = 100.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.205 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.0, y = 99.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.271 1477 1477 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 2 lines
04-09 21:20:25.305 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.0, y = 99.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.338 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 94.0, y = 98.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.371 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 94.491516, y = 98.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.405 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 92.5, y = 98.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.438 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.0, y = 97.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.471 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.0, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.505 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 93.27734, y = 95.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.538 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 91.5, y = 95.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.572 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 90.5, y = 94.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.605 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 90.0, y = 93.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.638 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 89.0, y = 91.927124, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.672 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 86.72839, y = 89.45679, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.705 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 86.0, y = 90.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.772 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.0, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.805 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 83.0, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.872 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 82.0, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.906 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 81.0, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.939 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 78.5, y = 88.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:25.972 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 77.0, y = 86.94751, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.006 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 74.75159, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.039 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 72.14221, y = 86.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.072 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 71.5, y = 83.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.106 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 71.0, y = 83.08154, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.139 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 68.0, y = 82.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.173 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 65.79065, y = 82.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.206 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 67.0, y = 82.42224, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.239 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 67.0, y = 82.42224, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.273 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 71.66791, y = 82.91699, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.306 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 74.0343, y = 83.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.339 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 76.23413, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.406 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 78.5, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.439 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.83185, y = 85.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.473 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 81.0, y = 84.9657, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.506 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 85.46771, y = 86.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.540 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 87.43347, y = 87.43347, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.640 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 87.01654, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.706 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 86.0, y = 87.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.740 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 85.5, y = 85.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.773 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 80.734924, y = 84.36743, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.807 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 70.8963, y = 85.02075, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.840 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 60.063477, y = 84.29761, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:26.845 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<4>
04-09 21:20:26.845 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger up
04-09 21:20:26.846 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 4 end
04-09 21:20:26.846 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 4 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:26.846 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: onAuthUpEvt
04-09 21:20:26.847 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 1, x = 61.0, y = 85.0, inside = true/false
04-09 21:20:26.848 984 1035 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
04-09 21:20:26.878 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:26.879 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=0
04-09 21:20:26.879 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]HBM or Green Spot vanished
04-09 21:20:26.880 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1003 convert_info=1023
04-09 21:20:26.880 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (23)
04-09 21:20:26.880 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
04-09 21:20:26.881 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 23
04-09 21:20:28.312 984 1035 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
04-09 21:20:28.314 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]: [GF_HAL][XIAOMI_BOOST]
04-09 21:20:28.314 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<2>
04-09 21:20:28.314 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger down
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 2 end
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 2 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] Auth Down.
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1002 convert_info=1022
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (22)
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 8
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 325, target: 1002, cmd id: 9
04-09 21:20:28.315 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.316 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 0, x = 63.0, y = 84.0, inside = false/true
04-09 21:20:28.321 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:28.321 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doWakeup] ### wakeup ###
04-09 21:20:28.322 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:28.323 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 22
04-09 21:20:28.327 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 1
04-09 21:20:28.327 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:28.328 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:3
04-09 21:20:28.328 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:28.329 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_high_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:28.330 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiSensor]: waitSensorUIReady
04-09 21:20:28.346 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 69.91736, y = 85.97241, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.379 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 80.69763, y = 88.17444, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.382 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=3
04-09 21:20:28.382 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd] HBM and Green spot ready
04-09 21:20:28.383 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [setExpoTimetLevel] expo level 2
04-09 21:20:28.383 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 326, target: 1003, cmd id: 45
04-09 21:20:28.383 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.386 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:28.386 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 327, target: 1002, cmd id: 3
04-09 21:20:28.386 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.413 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.75647, y = 89.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.508 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:28.508 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 328, target: 1002, cmd id: 7
04-09 21:20:28.508 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.510 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:28.510 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:28.510 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 329, target: 1001, cmd id: 5
04-09 21:20:28.510 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] QSEE TEE execute command failed.
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 1011, errno = GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] cpu getfeature 1 fail
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][Algo]: [authImage] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] antipeep & screen struct flag : 0
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] high light flag = 0
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 330, target: 1001, cmd id: 4
04-09 21:20:28.511 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] image_quality=0
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] valid_area=0
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] key_point_num=0
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_raw_data_time=120ms
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] preprocess_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] get_feature_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] study flag =0
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] match_score=0
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] authenticate_time=0ms
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] KPI time(get_raw_data_time + preprocess+get_feature_time+authenticate)=120ms
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 I [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAfterAuthAlgo] total time=0ms
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [checkDspValid] dsp status:1
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDsp]: [sendCmdToDsp] cmd type:4
04-09 21:20:28.512 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] enter
04-09 21:20:28.513 1312 1498 D [GF_HAL][gf_proxy_main]: [gf_proxy_set_normal_dsp_freq] exit
04-09 21:20:28.513 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.00702, y = 90.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.514 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZHalDump]: msg : 12
04-09 21:20:28.514 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][SZFingerprintCore]: [onAuthStop] retry count:0
04-09 21:20:28.514 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 331, target: 1002, cmd id: 11
04-09 21:20:28.514 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.515 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:28.515 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] request token: 332, target: 1002, cmd id: 8
04-09 21:20:28.515 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][CaEntry]: [sendCommand] carveout_ion_handle_fd = 12,carveout_ion_handle_len = 4194304
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalContext]: [invokeCommand] err = 0, errno = GF_SUCCESS
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][Sensor]: [doSleep] ### sleep ###
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1033 convert_info=1033
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (33)
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][HalDump]: [onAuthenticateEnd]DUMP_OP_AUTHENTICATE dump is disabled.
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthDownEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onAuthReceivedEvt] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 E [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] exit. err=GF_ERROR_PREPROCESS_FAILED, errno=1011
04-09 21:20:28.545 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
04-09 21:20:28.545 2345 2345 W FingerprintManager: Invalid acquired message: 6, 33
04-09 21:20:28.546 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.0, y = 91.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.580 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 83.0, y = 91.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.613 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 82.0, y = 91.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.680 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 81.0, y = 91.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.713 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 81.0, y = 93.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.747 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 82.0, y = 93.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.780 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 82.5, y = 93.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.813 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 82.805786, y = 94.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.848 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 82.983826, y = 94.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.880 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 83.5, y = 94.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.914 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 83.0, y = 95.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.948 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.0, y = 95.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:28.981 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.77704, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.014 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 84.008484, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.048 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 85.5, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.115 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 85.5, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.148 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 86.0, y = 97.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.181 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 86.0, y = 97.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.214 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 87.20752, y = 97.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.248 1477 1477 I chatty : uid=1000 system_server identical 1 line
04-09 21:20:29.281 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 87.20752, y = 97.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.314 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 87.0, y = 97.83142, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.348 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 87.0, y = 96.96643, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.415 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 86.0, y = 97.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.482 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 85.0, y = 97.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.515 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 85.0, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.548 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 82.76672, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.582 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 83.0, y = 94.55957, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.615 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 83.0, y = 94.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.649 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 80.0, y = 90.4187, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.682 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.0, y = 88.92993, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.715 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 77.731445, y = 86.731445, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.749 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 74.52826, y = 84.52832, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.782 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 71.5, y = 84.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.815 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 72.0, y = 85.88086, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.849 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 73.08209, y = 88.08203, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.882 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 75.27838, y = 90.27844, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.916 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 75.486694, y = 91.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.950 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 77.0, y = 94.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:29.982 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 78.89319, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.016 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.0, y = 97.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.049 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 80.291016, y = 97.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.083 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.0, y = 97.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.116 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.0, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.149 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.0, y = 96.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.183 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 77.5, y = 95.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.216 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 77.0, y = 93.70398, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.250 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.978455, y = 95.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.283 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 81.71051, y = 95.28955, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.317 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 79.17499, y = 95.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.350 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 65.05554, y = 91.763916, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.383 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 50.71161, y = 93.32214, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.417 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 49.0, y = 91.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.450 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 51.72696, y = 93.72693, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.484 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 53.85257, y = 95.92627, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.517 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 59.352783, y = 98.11755, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.550 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 63.663147, y = 101.33154, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.584 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 71.0, y = 102.5, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.617 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 104.63391, y = 108.18152, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.645 1312 1550 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [postEvent] enqueue event<4>
04-09 21:20:30.645 1312 1550 I [GF_HAL]: [gf_finger_pressure_detecting_thread] touch panel detected finger up
04-09 21:20:30.646 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Get event 4 end
04-09 21:20:30.646 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][FingerprintCore]: [onEvent] event = 4 workstate = 2
04-09 21:20:30.646 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: onAuthUpEvt
04-09 21:20:30.646 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 2, x = 112.0, y = 109.0, inside = true/true
04-09 21:20:30.646 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Got action 1, x = 112.0, y = 109.0, inside = true/false
04-09 21:20:30.649 984 1035 E ANDR-PERF-MPCTL: Invalid profile no. 0, total profiles 0 only
04-09 21:20:30.655 1477 1477 D PHH-Enroll: Drawing at 455, 1920, 173, 173
04-09 21:20:30.655 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]receive MIUI cmd=10, param=0
04-09 21:20:30.655 1312 1549 I [GF_HAL]: [goodix_extCmd]HBM or Green Spot vanished
04-09 21:20:30.656 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][XiaoMiFingerprintCore]: [notifyAcquiredInfo] acquired_info=1003 convert_info=1023
04-09 21:20:30.656 1312 1497 W android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1-service: onAcquired(6) (23)
04-09 21:20:30.656 1312 1497 D [GF_HAL][EventCenter]: [threadLoop] Wait get event
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