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Last active June 17, 2018 11:58
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Save AndroPlus-org/f5638ce6e5a78178a3e7a37f0ab026a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Upload recorded files to Google Drive (use with Mirakurun + EPGStation + rclone)
#某所のチューニングです 各自地上波は再設定して下さい
- name: NHK総合・大阪
type: GR
channel: '11'
- name: NHKテレ・大阪
type: GR
channel: '0'
#- name: サンテレビ
# type: GR
# channel: '13'
- name: KBS京都
type: GR
channel: '10'
- name: MBS毎日放送
type: GR
channel: '3'
- name: ABCテレビ
type: GR
channel: '2'
- name: テレビ大阪
type: GR
channel: '5'
- name: 関西テレビ
type: GR
channel: '4'
- name: 読売テレビ
type: GR
channel: '1'
- name: NHK BS1
type: BS
channel: '017'
serviceId: 101
- name: NHK BS1 (サブ)
type: BS
channel: '017'
serviceId: 102
- name: NHK BSプレミアム
type: BS
channel: '018'
serviceId: 103
- name: NHK BSプレミアム (サブ)
type: BS
channel: '018'
serviceId: 104
- name: BS日テレ
type: BS
channel: '015'
serviceId: 141
- name: BS日テレ (サブ)
type: BS
channel: '015'
serviceId: 142
- name: BS朝日
type: BS
channel: '000'
serviceId: 151
- name: BS朝日 (サブ)
type: BS
channel: '000'
serviceId: 152
- name: BS-TBS
type: BS
channel: '001'
serviceId: 161
- name: BSジャパン
type: BS
channel: '003'
serviceId: 171
- name: BSフジ
type: BS
channel: '016'
serviceId: 181
- name: WOWOWプライム
type: BS
channel: '002'
serviceId: 191
isDisabled: true
- name: WOWOWライブ
type: BS
channel: '004'
serviceId: 192
isDisabled: true
- name: WOWOWシネマ
type: BS
channel: '005'
serviceId: 193
isDisabled: true
- name: スター・チャンネル1
type: BS
channel: '010'
serviceId: 200
isDisabled: true
- name: スター・チャンネル2
type: BS
channel: '006'
serviceId: 201
isDisabled: true
- name: スター・チャンネル3
type: BS
channel: '006'
serviceId: 202
isDisabled: true
- name: BS11
type: BS
channel: '009'
serviceId: 211
isDisabled: true
- name: TwellV
type: BS
channel: '011'
serviceId: 222
- name: 放送大学BS1
type: BS
channel: '014'
serviceId: 231
- name: 放送大学BS2
type: BS
channel: '014'
serviceId: 232
- name: 放送大学BS3
type: BS
channel: '014'
serviceId: 233
- name: グリーンチャンネル
type: BS
channel: '021'
serviceId: 234
isDisabled: true
- name: BSアニマックス
type: BS
channel: '007'
serviceId: 236
isDisabled: true
- name: FOXスポーツ&エンターテイメント
type: BS
channel: '012'
serviceId: 238
isDisabled: true
- name: BSスカパー!
type: BS
channel: '013'
serviceId: 241
isDisabled: true
- name: PX-W3U4-S0
- BS
command: D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PX_x3U4_S.dll --space <satelite> --channel <channel> --output -
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PX-W3U4-S1
- BS
command: D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PX_x3U4_S.dll --space <satelite> --channel <channel> --output -
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PX-W3U4-T0
- GR
command: D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PX_x3U4_T.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
- name: PX-W3U4-T1
- GR
command: D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonRecTest.exe --decoder D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\B25Decoder.dll --driver D:\DTV\bin\BonRecTest\BonDriver_PX_x3U4_T.dll --output - --channel <channel>
decoder: ~
isDisabled: false
#"recordedFormat": "%YEAR%年%MONTH%月%DAY%日%HOUR%時%MIN%分-
#"fileExtension": ".m2ts",
$program_id = "$env:PROGRAMID"
$this_month = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y年%m月"
#--------------------Google ドライブへアップロード--------------------
$gdrive_toggle = 1
$bas_folder_path = 'D:\DTV\upload'
$tmp_bas_folder_path = 'D:\DTV\uploadtmp\'
$rclone_path = 'D:\DTV\bin\rclone\rclone.exe'
#あらかじめrclone configで認証を済ませてください
$config_path = 'C:\Users\user\.config\rclone\rclone.conf'
#driveはrclone configで設定したremoteの名前です
$dest_folder_path = "drive:@録画/${this_month}"
$run_datetime = Get-Date -UFormat "%Y%m%d-%H%M%S"
$tmp_folder_path = "${tmp_bas_folder_path}${run_datetime}"
# ログのパスと名前
$log_path = "D:\DTV\logs"
$log_file = "${log_path}\uploadlog_${run_datetime}.txt"
Start-transcript -path "${log_file}"
#Get-ChildItem env:
Write-Output "プログラムID: $program_id"
#Thanks guitarrapc!
function Filelock {
# ファイルロック中のファイルを検査する
param (
position = 0,
try {
# initialise variables
$script:filelocked = $false
# attempt to open file and detect file lock
$script:fileInfo = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo $Path
$script:fileStream = $fileInfo.Open([System.IO.FileMode]::OpenOrCreate,
[System.IO.FileAccess]::ReadWrite, [System.IO.FileShare]::None)
# close stream if not lock
$f1 = $fileStream
Write-Host $f1
$f2 = $filelocked
if ($fileStream) {
$f3 = $fileStream
$f4 = $filelocked
catch {
# catch fileStream had falied
$filelocked = $true
finally {
# return result
path = $Path
filelocked = $filelocked
function Test-FileLock {
param (
position = 0,
try {
if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path) {
if ((Get-Item -path $path) -is [System.IO.FileInfo]) {
return (filelock -Path $Path).filelocked
elseif ((Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path) -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo]) {
Write-Verbose "[$Path] detect as $((Get-Item -LiteralPath -path $Path).GetType().FullName).
Skip cehck."
else {
Write-Error "[$Path] could not find.
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: ($Path), ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetItemCommand"
catch {
Write-Error $_
Function Get-ShortPath {
BEGIN { $fso = New-Object -ComObject Scripting.FileSystemObject }
try {
$fsi = (Get-Item -LiteralPath $name -ErrorAction Stop)
catch {
return $name
$fullname = $fsi.FullName
if ($fsi.psiscontainer) {
return $fso.GetFolder($fullname).ShortPath
else {
return $fso.GetFile($fullname).ShortPath
Function Send-Aleart {
$mail = @{
from = "";
to = "";
smtp_server = "";
smtp_port = 587;
user = "";
password = "XXXXXXXXXX";
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString $mail["password"] -AsPlainText -Force
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $mail["user"], $password
Send-MailMessage -To $mail["to"] `
-From $mail["from"] `
-SmtpServer $mail["smtp_server"] `
-Credential $credential `
-Port $mail["smtp_port"] `
-Subject "録画鯖 アップロード失敗" `
-Body "録画したファイルをアップロードできませんでした。" `
-Encoding UTF8 `
#mp4ファイルが存在する = エンコードした場合
Write-Output "Checking MP4 file..."
if ( Test-Path "${bas_folder_path}\*${program_id}.mp4" ) {
$mp4_file = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "${bas_folder_path}" | where { $_.Name -match "${program_id}.mp4"}
$mp4_file_83path = Get-ShortPath("${bas_folder_path}\${mp4_file}")
Write-Output "Wait for file to be freed by process..."
while (Test-FileLock -Path "${mp4_file_83path}") { Start-Sleep 10 }
Write-Output "MP4 file ready!"
Write-Output "Waiting..."
Start-Sleep 5
#m2tsファイルが存在する = エンコードしていないかTS削除しなかった場合
Write-Output "Checking TS file..."
if ( Test-Path "${bas_folder_path}\*${program_id}.m2ts" ) {
$ts_file = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "${bas_folder_path}" | where { $_.Name -match "${program_id}.m2ts"}
$ts_file_83path = Get-ShortPath("${bas_folder_path}\${ts_file}")
Write-Output "Wait for file to be freed by process..."
while (Test-FileLock -Path "${ts_file_83path}") { Start-Sleep 10 }
Write-Output "TS file ready!"
#====================Google ドライブへアップロードする====================
#Google ドライブの指定したフォルダへアップロード後、削除する
if ("${gdrive_toggle}" -eq "1") {
Write-Output "Creating temp folder..."
New-Item "${tmp_folder_path}" -itemType Directory -Force
Write-Output "Waiting..."
Start-Sleep 10
Write-Output "Moving files to temp folder..."
Get-ChildItem "${bas_folder_path}" | where { $_.Name -match "${program_id}"} | Move-Item -Destination "${tmp_folder_path}"
Write-Output "Uploading..."
$arg = "copy ${tmp_folder_path} ${dest_folder_path} -v --config ${config_path}"
$proc = Start-Process -FilePath "${rclone_path}" -ArgumentList ${arg} -PassThru -NoNewWindow
$timeouted = $null
#3時間 (10800秒) 経ってもアップロード完了していなければエラーで止まったと見なす
#Google ドライブは通常13GBのファイルを30分程度でアップロードできる
$proc | Wait-Process -Timeout 10800 -ea 0 -ev timeouted
if ( $timeouted ) {
Write-Output "Upload failed with timeout..."
$proc | kill
elseif ($proc.ExitCode -eq 0) {
#Google ドライブへのアップロードが完了したら一時フォルダを削除
Write-Output "Upload completed!"
Write-Output "Cleaning temp folder..."
Remove-Item "${tmp_folder_path}" -Recurse
Set-Location ${tmp_bas_folder_path}
Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.GetType().Name -eq "DirectoryInfo" -and $_.GetFiles().Count -eq 0 } | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem "${log_path}" |
Sort-Object LastWriteTime -Descending |
Select-Object -Skip 30 |
foreach {Remove-Item $_.FullName}
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