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Last active May 29, 2020 02:17
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"name": "181st Imperial Pilot",
"avatar id": "ie16.jpg",
"set": "Imperial Entanglements",
"id": 16,
"faction": "Imperial",
"rarity": "uncommon",
"cost": 12,
"size": "medium",
"hit points": 20,
"defense": 16,
"attack": 7,
"damage": 10,
"abilities": [
"name": "Evade",
"desc": "Whenever this character is hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, it can avoid the damage with a save of 11."
"name": "Gunner 10",
"desc": "This character can combine fire with an adjacent ally who has the Mounted Weapon special ability (see that entry). The ally gains a +10 bonus to Damage in addition to the Attack bonus for combined fire."
"name": "Rapport",
"desc": "This special ability specifies a character and a condition. The specified character costs 1 less to add to your squad when the specified condition is met. If that character is defeated, it scores victory points equal to the reduced cost. If you add a character eligible for Rapport through Reinforcements or Reserves, use the discounted price for the newly added character. Multiples of the same Rapport ability do not stack. However, different versions of Rapport from different characters could grant multiple reductions to the cost of a given unit. For example,Clone Commander Cody reduces the cost of Clone Troopers in his squad, while Queen Amidala reduces the cost of non‐Unique Republic followers. If both these characters are in the samesquad, Clone Trooper characters in their squad would all receive a total discount of 2 points. (Should a situation ever arise in which different characters’ Rapport abilities could reduce a character’s cost below 1, its minimum cost is 1.)"
"name": "Squad Assault",
"desc": "This character gets a +4 bonus to Attack if at least 3 allies with the same name as this character are within 6 squares of it."
"name": "Twin Attack",
"desc": "This character makes a single extra attack whenever it makes an attack. This extra attack must be made against the same target as the original attack; if the original target was defeated by the first attack, this character cannot attack it again. Twin Attack even affects multiple attacks granted by special abilities and Force powers; for example, if Lord Vader uses his LightsaberSweep power, he can attack every adjacent target twice! However, the extra attack from TwinAttack does not stack with itself; that is, a character doesn’t get another attack after making the extra attack from Twin Attack."
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