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Last active February 7, 2022 05:07
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Roll20 Typescript Type Definition
/// <reference path="../node_modules/@types/underscore/index.d.ts" />
* Roll20 Typescript Type Declaration file
* @author Andrew Cousineau <>
* @license MIT-0
// API Objects
type ObjectTypeName = 'page' | 'campaign' | 'player' | 'deck' | 'card' | 'hand' | 'jukeboxtrack' | 'custfx' | CreatableObjectType
type CreatableObjectType = 'graphic' | 'text' | 'path' | 'character' | 'ability' | 'attribute' | 'handout' | 'rollabletable' | 'tableitem' | 'macro'
type ObjectEvent = 'change' | 'add' | 'destroy'
type Roll20EventName = `${ObjectEvent}:${ObjectTypeName}`
interface Roll20Object {
readonly id: string
get(prop: '_id'): string
get(prop: '_type'): string
get(prop: string): string | boolean | number
set(prop: string): void
remove(): void
type ObjectData = {
[key as string]: string | boolean | number
type FXType = 'bomb' | 'bubbling' | 'burn' | 'burst' | 'explode' | 'glow' | 'missile' | 'nova'
type FXColor = 'acid' | 'blood' | 'charm' | 'death' | 'fire' | 'frost' | 'holy' | 'magic' | 'slime' | 'smoke' | 'water'
type FX = `${FXType}-${FXColor}`
type RGBA = [number, number, number, number]
interface CustomFX {
maxParticles: number
size: number
sizeRandom: number
lifeSpan: number
lifeSpanRandom: number
speed: number
speedRandom: number
gravity: Point
angle: number
angleRandom: number
emissionRate: number
startColour: RGBA
startColourRandom: RGBA
endColour: RGBA
endColourRandom: RGBA
interface Point {
x: string
y: string
declare var _ = UnderscoreStatic;
declare var state: any;
declare function Campaign(): Roll20Object;
declare function createObj<T>(type: CreatableObjectType, data: T): T;
declare function filterObjs(callback: (obj: Roll20Object) => boolean): Roll20Object[];
declare function findObjs(data: { [property: string]: any }, options?: { caseInsensitive: boolean }): Roll20Object[];
declare function getAllObjs(): Roll20Object[];
declare function getAttrByName(id: string, attribute: string, type?: 'current' | 'max'): string;
declare function getObj(type: ObjectTypeName): Roll20Object | undefined;
declare function log(message: any): void;
* @param callback The function that will be called when the specified event fires. The parameters passed depend on the event type:
* - ready events have no callback parameters.
* - change events have an obj parameter, which is a reference to the Roll20 object as it exists after the change, and a prev parameter, which is a plain old JavaScript object with properties matching the Roll20 object prior to the change event.
* - add events have an obj parameter, which is a reference to the new Roll20 object.
* - destroy events have an obj parameter, which is a reference to the no-longer existing Roll20 object.
* - chat events have a msg parameter, which contains the details of the message that was sent to the chat.
declare function on(event: Roll20EventName, callback: (gameObject: Roll20Object) => void): void;
declare function on(event: "chat:message", callback: (message: unknown) => void): void;
declare function on(event: 'ready', callback: () => void): void;
declare function onSheetWorkerCompleted(callback: () => void): void;
declare function playerIsGM(playerId: string): boolean;
declare function playJukeboxPlaylist(playlistId: string): void;
* Rolls a die of size max
declare function randomInteger(max: number): number;
declare function sendChat(speakingAs: `character|${string}` | `player|${string}` | string, message: string, callback?: (messages: string[]) => void): unknown;
declare function sendChat(speakingAs: `character|${string}` | `player|${string}` | string, message: string, callback: null, options: SendChatOptions): void;
declare function sendPing(left: number, top: number, pageId: string, playerId?: string, moveGm?: boolean): void;
declare function spawnFx(left: number, top: number, type: FX, pageId?: string): void;
declare function spawnFxBetweenPoints(start: Point, end: Point, type: FX, pageId?: string): void;
declare function spawnFxWithDefinition(left: number, top: number, definition: CustomFX, pageId?: string): void;
declare function stopJukeboxPlaylist(): void;
declare function toBack(obj: Roll20Object): void;
declare function toFront(obj: Roll20Object): void;
interface SendChatOptions { use3d?: boolean, noarchive?: boolean }
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