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fatguytyson /
Created April 3, 2021 17:08
Screen watcher for Linux Mint Immersed (dis)connect.
#! /bin/bash
OUTPUT_LOCATION="--right-of DP-1-3"
agent_started() {
pgrep Immersed &> /dev/null 2>&1
return $?
keithcurtis1 / Lighting Macro
Last active March 11, 2023 17:18
DEPRECATED. THIS WAS FOR THE OLD LIGHTING SYSTEM. DO NOT USE. This requires the Token-Mod API script to be installed. This creates buttons for controlling common lighting and vision settings, and is intended to be inserted into a roll template for use as a chat menu..
[Snuff](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_radius|0 light_dimradius|0 light_angle|360) | [Sight](!token-mod --on showname light_hassight light_angle|360) | [Blind](!token-mod --off showname light_hassight light_angle|360) | [Spot](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|5 light_dimradius|0 light_hassight|on light_angle|360) | [GM](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|off light_hassight|off light_radius|5 light_dimradius|5 light_angle|360)
[Moonlight](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|15 light_dimradius|=-15 light_angle|360) | [Starlight](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|7 light_dimradius|=-15 light_angle|360) | [Touch](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|4 light_dimradius|=-5 light_angle|360)
[Candle](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|5 light_dimradius|0 light_angle|360) | [Lamp](!token-mod --set light_otherplayers|on light_radius|30 light_dimradius|15 light_angle|360) | [Torch](!token-mod --set light_other
bg {
background-image: url('');
padding: 30px;
eddieh /
Last active June 4, 2021 22:42
Org-mode example doc that tests GitHub support

Org-mode Test Document

Heading Level

This is either the heading or the title when interpreted by GitHub Gist. I don’t recall which. Donec sed odio operae, eu vulputate felis rhoncus. Nihilne te nocturnum praesidium Palati, nihil urbis vigiliae. Quae vero auctorem tractata ab fiducia dicuntur. Quisque placerat facilisis egestas cillum dolore. Paullum deliquit, ponderibus modulisque suis ratio utitur. Plura mihi bona sunt,

mrk-han /
Last active June 15, 2024 02:07
Installing and creating Emulators with AVDMANAGER (For Continuous Integration Server or Local Use)

Install and Create Emulators using AVDMANAGER and SDKMANAGER


For an emulator that mimics a Pixel 5 Device with Google APIs and ARM architecture (for an M1/M2 Macbook):

  1. List All System Images Available for Download: sdkmanager --list | grep system-images

  2. Download Image: sdkmanager --install "system-images;android-30;google_atd;arm64-v8a"

// Github:
// =Inspired by=
// MapChange by TheWhiteWolves (
// Teleporter Without Movement Tracker by DarokinB (
// =Author=
// FinalFrog
// =Contact=
kerrizor / gist:4165372
Created November 28, 2012 23:00
The Orc and the Pie

"The Orc and the Pie"

by Monte Cook

The World's Shortest (Yet Technically Complete) Adventure

Adventure Background: An orc has a pie.

Adventure Synopsis: The PCs kill the orc and take his pie.