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Created December 13, 2016 22:33
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Kotlin - Breadth First Search
import java.util.*
fun Pair<Int,Int>.isWall(offset: Int) = isWall(this.first, this.second, offset)
fun isWall(x: Int, y: Int, offset:Int) = Integer.bitCount(x*x + 2*x*y + y*y + 3*x + y + offset) % 2 == 1
data class Move(val pos: Pair<Int,Int>, val visited: List<Pair<Int,Int>>, val depth: Int)
fun Move.adjacentCells(offset: Int): List<Pair<Int,Int>>{
return listOf(Pair(pos.first-1, pos.second),
Pair(pos.first + 1, pos.second),
Pair(pos.first, pos.second+1),
Pair(pos.first, pos.second -1))
.filter { it.first >= 0 && it.second >= 0 }
.filterNot { it in visited }
.filterNot{ it.isWall(offset)}
fun walkMaze(start : Pair<Int,Int>, target: Pair<Int,Int>, offset: Int): Pair<Int,Int> {
var queue: Queue<Move> = ArrayDeque<Move>()
queue.add(Move(Pair(start.first, start.second), listOf(start), 0))
val visited = mutableSetOf<Pair<Int,Int>>()
while (queue.isNotEmpty()){
val move = queue.remove()!!
if (move.depth <= 50){
if (move.pos == target) {
return Pair(move.depth, visited.size)
move.adjacentCells(offset).map { Move(it, move.visited + it, move.depth + 1) }.forEach { queue.add(it!!) }
return Pair(-1,0)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println( walkMaze(Pair(1,1), Pair(31,39), 1358))
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