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Created May 21, 2023 12:12
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public async Task<bool> AddOrUpdatePackage(PackageDto packageDto)
if (!IsSearchServiceConfigured())
_logger.LogWarning($"Package with Id {packageDto.PackageId} failed to index with Azure search as the search service is not configured.");
return false;
SearchIndexClient indexClient = GetIndexClient();
await CreateIndexIfNotExists(indexClient);
private SearchIndexClient GetIndexClient()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_searchSettings.AdminApiKey))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot create a search index client operations as the admin API key was not provided.");
return new SearchIndexClient(new Uri(_searchSettings.ServiceEndPoint), new AzureKeyCredential(_searchSettings.AdminApiKey));
private async Task CreateIndexIfNotExists(SearchIndexClient indexClient)
// Note that we can't update fields that already exist, so it's not feasible to use CreateOrUpdateIndexAsync() here.
// Rather, if fields are changed, we need to rebuild the index.
Response<SearchIndex> existingIndexResponse = await indexClient.GetIndexAsync(_searchSettings.IndexName);
catch (RequestFailedException e) when (e.Status == 404)
await CreateIndex(indexClient);
private async Task CreateIndex(SearchIndexClient indexClient)
var fieldBuilder = new FieldBuilder();
IList<SearchField> searchFields = fieldBuilder.Build(typeof(PackageModel));
var definition = new SearchIndex(_searchSettings.IndexName, searchFields);
await indexClient.CreateIndexAsync(definition);
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