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Created May 21, 2023 13:04
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public async Task<CollectionResult<PackageDto>> GetPackages(PackageSearchQuery query)
if (!IsSearchServiceConfigured())
return CollectionResult<PackageDto>.Empty();
SearchClient searchClient = GetSearchClient();
string searchText = GetSearchText(query);
SearchOptions searchOptions = GetSearchOptions(query);
Response<SearchResults<PackageModel>> resultsResponse;
resultsResponse = await searchClient.SearchAsync<PackageModel>(searchText, searchOptions);
catch (RequestFailedException ex) when (ex.Message.StartsWith("If a query contains the search option the target index must contain one or more searchable string fields."))
// No fields defined on index (i.e. not yet populated).
return CollectionResult<PackageDto>.Empty();
SearchResults<PackageModel> results = resultsResponse.Value;
return CollectionResult<PackageDto>.FromResults(
.Select(x => x.Document.ToPackageDto(query)),
results.TotalCount ?? 0);
private bool IsSearchServiceConfigured() => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_searchSettings.ServiceEndPoint);
private SearchClient GetSearchClient()
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_searchSettings.QueryApiKey))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot create a search client operations as the query API key was not provided.");
return new SearchClient(new Uri(_searchSettings.ServiceEndPoint), _searchSettings.IndexName, new AzureKeyCredential(_searchSettings.QueryApiKey));
private static string GetSearchText(PackageSearchQuery query) => string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Text) ? "*" : query.Text;
private static SearchOptions GetSearchOptions(PackageSearchQuery query)
var options = new SearchOptions
IncludeTotalCount = true,
SelectFields(options, query);
ApplyFilter(options, query);
ApplyOrderBy(options, query);
ApplyPaging(query, options);
return options;
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