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Created May 18, 2017 20:13
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Pagination with PHP
// sample MySQL database connection and query to get a dataset
$dbConnection = mysql_connect("localhost", "usename", "password");
mysql_select_db("foo", $dbConnection);
$dbQuery = "SELECT t.table_id, FROM table AS t ORDER BY t.table_id ASC";
// set how many items to show per page
$limit = 50;
// count the total number of items that the query returns
$dbCount = mysql_query($dbQuery, $dbConnection);
$totalRows = mysql_num_rows($dbCount);
// divide the total rows by the limit to get the page count
$numOfPages = ceil($totalRows / $limit);
// get the current page number
$currentPage = $_GET['page'];
// if $currentPage is undefined, not a number, or out of range, then we're on page one
if (empty($currentPage) || !is_numeric($currentPage) || ($currentPage > $numOfPages)) {
$page = 1;
else {
$page = $currentPage;
// figure out where to start on each page
$limitValue = ($page * $limit) - $limit;
// apply limits to the query
$dbQuery = $dbQuery . " LIMIT $limit_value, $limit";
$dbResult = mysql_query($dbQuery, $dbConnection);
// display pagination only if needed
if ($totalRows > $limit) {
print("<div class=\"pagination\">\n");
$existing_query = preg_replace("/[&]*page=[^&]+/i", "" , $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
if ($existing_query != "") $existing_query = preg_replace("/^&/i", "" , $existing_query) . "&";
else {
$existingQuery = "";
// display previous link if there is a previous page to go to
if ($page != 1) {
$pagePrev = " <div class=\"gotopage\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $existingQuery . "page=" . ($page - 1) . "\">Previous</a></div>\n";
// display next link if there is a next page to go to
if (($totalRows - ($limit * $page)) > 0) {
$pageNext = " <div class=\"gotopage\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $existingQuery . "page=" . ($page + 1) . "\">Next</a></div>\n";
// divide the total rows by the limit to get the page count
$numOfPages = ceil($totalRows / $limit);
if ($numOfPages > 10) {
// make the current page in the "center" of the list when possible
if ($page > 5) {
if (($page - 5) > ($numOfPages - 9)) {
$startNum = ($page - 5) - (($page - 5) - ($numOfPages - 9));
else {
$startNum = $page - 5;
if ($startNum > 1) {
$pageFirst = " <div class=\"gotopage\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $existingQuery . "page=" . 1 . "\">First</a></div>\n";
else {
$startNum = 1;
if ($page < ($numOfPages - 4)) {
if (($page + 4) < 10)
$endNum = ($page + 4) + (10 - ($page + 4));
else {
$endNum = $page + 4;
$pageLast = " <div class=\"gotopage\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $existingQuery . "page=" . $numOfPages . "\">Last</a></div>\n";
else {
$endNum = $numOfPages;
else {
$startNum = 1;
$endNum = $numOfPages;
// first page link
print(" <div class=\"pagefirst\">\n");
if ($pageFirst) print($pageFirst);
print(" </div>\n");
// previous page link
print(" <div class=\"pageprev\">\n");
if ($pagePrev) print($pagePrev);
print(" </div>\n");
// individual page links
print(" <div class=\"pages\">\n");
for ($i = $startNum; $i <= $endNum; $i++) {
if ($i == $page) {
print(" <div class=\"currentpage\">" . $i . "</div>\n");
else {
print(" <div class=\"gotopage\"><a href=\"" . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . "?" . $existingQuery . "page=" . $i . "\">" . $i . "</a></div>\n");
print(" </div>\n");
// next page link
print(" <div class=\"pagenext\">\n");
if ($pageNext) print($pageNext);
print(" </div>\n");
// last page link
print(" <div class=\"pagelast\">\n");
if ($pageLast) print($pageLast);
print(" </div>\n");
print("</div> <!-- .pagination -->\n");
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This code snippet was originally created on April 11, 2008, so the syntax is a few versions behind and some of the methods have been deprecated in PHP 7. However, the overall concept is still valid.

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