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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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Storing State in Sessions
  1. What's the difference between a cookie and a session?
  • A cookie is a file stored on a user's computer that stores some information (including session information) - a session is something accessible in your app which can store information (albiet a ver small amount of it) - it's a hash
  1. What's serialization and how does it come into play with cookies?
  • Serialization is the encryption that turns your session into a (JSON, for rails) cookie that is sent back with the HTTP response. State in a STATELESS land.
  1. Can a cookie be shared by more than one user? How/why?
  • Nope. The cookie is some encrypted shit that is specific to one computer-server connection
  • I guess, maybe, if the users are on the same computer? That's a dumb idea.
  1. What would it mean to store a shopping cart in a cookie?
  • It would mean that you are storing a bunch of data in/as a hash and then "inflating" it as necessary into your objects
  1. What advantages/disadvantages are there between cookie-stored carts and database-stored carts?
  • Check mah blahg (once I get a minute to build it.
  • This is an interesteing question. Let's explore it in three paragraphs:

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