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Last active August 1, 2023 06:10
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  • Save AndyGrant/b3a70ea5f5ff4285aa60076381ee30c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AndyGrant/b3a70ea5f5ff4285aa60076381ee30c4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <argp.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
const char *format = "tmp.byteshuf.partial.%d";
typedef struct Data {
uint64_t occupied; // 8-byte occupancy bitboard ( No Kings )
int16_t eval; // 2-byte int for the target evaluation
uint8_t result; // 1-byte int for result. { L=0, D=1, W=2 }
uint8_t turn; // 1-byte int for the side-to-move flag
uint8_t wking; // 1-byte int for the White King Square
uint8_t bking; // 1-byte int for the Black King Square
uint8_t packed[15]; // 1-byte int per two non-King pieces
} Data;
struct arguments {
bool verbose;
size_t per_file, chunk_size;
char *input, *output, *directory;
static struct argp_option options[] = {
{ "verbose", 'v', 0, 0, "Produce verbose output", 0 },
{ "directory", 'd', "", 0, "Directory of files unshuffled bytes", 1 },
{ "input", 'i', "", 0, "Source file of unshuffled bytes", 1 },
{ "output", 'o', "", 0, "Output file for shuffled bytes", 1 },
{ "per-file", 'n', "", 0, "Samples per output file (33554432)", 2 },
{ "chunk-size", 's', "", 0, "Samples per interim file (33554432)", 2 },
{ 0 },
static error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) {
struct arguments *arguments = state->input;
switch (key) {
case 'v': arguments->verbose = true; break;
case 'd': arguments->directory = strdup(arg); break;
case 'i': arguments->input = strdup(arg); break;
case 'o': arguments->output = strdup(arg); break;
case 'n': arguments->per_file = atoll(arg); break;
case 's': arguments->chunk_size = atoll(arg); break;
case ARGP_KEY_ARG: return 0;
default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN;
return 0;
static bool is_directory(const char *fname) {
struct stat path_stat;
stat(fname, &path_stat);
return S_ISDIR(path_stat.st_mode);
static FILE* open_file_in_directory(struct arguments *args, const char *fname) {
char tempfile[512];
sprintf(tempfile, "%s%s", args->directory, fname);
return fopen(tempfile, "rb");
static uint64_t rand64() {
static uint64_t seed = 1070372ull;
seed ^= seed >> 12; seed ^= seed << 25; seed ^= seed >> 27;
return seed * 2685821657736338717ull;
static void swap_data(Data *data, int x, int y) {
Data temp = data[x]; data[x] = data[y]; data[y] = temp;
static void shuffle_and_save(struct arguments *args, size_t count, Data *data, int *nfiles) {
char tempfile[512];
sprintf(tempfile, format, (*nfiles)++);
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
swap_data(data, i, rand64() % count);
if (count) {
FILE *fout = fopen(tempfile, "wb");
fwrite(data, sizeof(Data), count, fout);
if (args->verbose)
printf("Read %zd entries and saved to %s\n", count, tempfile);
static size_t process_input_file(struct arguments *args, FILE *fin, Data *data, size_t leftovers, int *nfiles) {
size_t entries_read;
do {
const size_t read_size = args->chunk_size - leftovers;
entries_read = fread(&data[leftovers], sizeof(Data), read_size, fin);
if (entries_read == read_size)
shuffle_and_save(args, args->chunk_size, data, nfiles);
leftovers = (entries_read == read_size) ? 0 : entries_read + leftovers;
} while (!leftovers && entries_read);
return entries_read ? leftovers : 0;
static size_t read_all_input_files(struct arguments *args, int *nfiles) {
size_t leftovers = 0;
Data *data = malloc(sizeof(Data) * args->chunk_size);
if (args->directory != NULL) {
struct dirent *dirent;
DIR *directory = opendir(args->directory);
if (!directory) {
printf("Unable to read directory: %s\n", args->directory);
while ((dirent = readdir(directory)) != NULL) {
if (dirent->d_name[0] == '.')
FILE *fin = open_file_in_directory(args, dirent->d_name);
leftovers = process_input_file(args, fin, data, leftovers, nfiles);
if (args->input != NULL) {
FILE *fin = fopen(args->input, "rb");
leftovers = process_input_file(args, fin, data, leftovers, nfiles);
if (leftovers)
shuffle_and_save(args, leftovers, data, nfiles);
return leftovers;
static FILE *open_output_file(struct arguments *args, int out_idx) {
/// When using a single output file, simply open the output filename
/// that was provided. Otherwise, open files appending .%d for the out_idx
if (!args->per_file)
return fopen(args->output, "wb");
char fname[512];
sprintf(fname, "%s.%d", args->output, out_idx);
return fopen(fname, "wb");
static void pop_and_save(FILE *fout, FILE **partials, size_t *remaining, size_t total_remaining) {
/// Randomly select a partial file, weighted based on the remaining entries in each
/// partial file, and then pop off the top entry from that file and save it. Close
/// partial files once all of the entries in the file have been popped off
Data data;
int input_idx = 0;
uint64_t pop = rand64() % total_remaining;
while (pop >= remaining[input_idx])
pop -= remaining[input_idx++];
if (fread(&data, sizeof(Data), 1, partials[input_idx]) != (size_t) 1)
printf("Error trying to read files...\n");
fwrite(&data, sizeof(Data), 1, fout);
if (!--remaining[input_idx])
static void close_output_file(struct arguments *args, int out_idx, FILE *fout, size_t total, size_t saved) {
/// Close file and report progress on total outputs when in verbose mode
if (args->verbose && !args->per_file)
printf("Finished writing to %s (%zd of %zd)\n", args->output, saved, total);
else if (args->verbose)
printf("Finished writing to %s.%d (%zd of %zd)\n", args->output, out_idx, saved, total);
static void output_from_partials(struct arguments *args, FILE **partials, size_t *remaining, int nfiles) {
/// While there are still entries in the data files, grab one at a time
/// randomly and save it to the output file. Use multiple, fixed length,
/// output files unless told otherwise. Randomization is a function of the
/// number of remaining entries in a given partial file at the current time
const size_t total_entries = remaining[nfiles - 1] + args->chunk_size * (nfiles - 1);
const size_t entries_per = !args->per_file ? total_entries : args->per_file;
const int cnt_output_files = !args->per_file ? 1 : 1 + (total_entries - 1) / args->per_file;
size_t total_saved = 0;
for (int out_idx = 0; out_idx < cnt_output_files; out_idx++) {
FILE *fout = open_output_file(args, out_idx);
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries_per && total_entries != total_saved; i++, total_saved++)
pop_and_save(fout, partials, remaining, total_entries - total_saved);
close_output_file(args, out_idx, fout, total_entries, total_saved);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, "", "" };
struct arguments arguments = { false, 33554432, 33554432, NULL, NULL, NULL };
argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &arguments);
if (arguments.verbose) {
const int file_size = sizeof(Data) * arguments.chunk_size / (1024 * 1024);
printf("Using tempfiles of size %dMB\n", file_size);
printf("Saving %zd entries per output file\n", arguments.per_file);
printf("Storing %zd entries per interim file\n", arguments.chunk_size);
int nfiles = 0;
FILE **partials;
size_t *remaining;
size_t leftovers = read_all_input_files(&arguments, &nfiles);
partials = malloc(nfiles * sizeof(FILE* ));
remaining = malloc(nfiles * sizeof(size_t));
for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
char tempfile[512];
sprintf(tempfile, format, i);
partials[i] = fopen(tempfile, "rb");
remaining[i] = arguments.chunk_size;
if (leftovers) remaining[nfiles-1] = leftovers;
output_from_partials(&arguments, partials, remaining, nfiles);
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