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Created July 6, 2023 22:36
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import os
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
def tablebase_names(K=6):
letters = ['', 'Q', 'R', 'B', 'N', 'P']
# Generate many potential K[] v K[], including all valid ones
candidates = ['K%svK%s' % (''.join(lhs), ''.join(rhs))
for N in range(1, K - 1)
for lhs in combinations_with_replacement(letters, N)
for rhs in combinations_with_replacement(letters, K - N - 2)]
# Syzygy does LHS having more pieces first, stronger pieces second
def valid_filename(name):
for i, letter in enumerate(letters[1:]):
name = name.replace(letter, str(9 - i))
lhs, rhs = name.replace('K', '9').split('v')
return int(lhs) >= int(rhs) and name != 'KvK'
all_sizes = list(filter(valid_filename, set(candidates)))
return [f for f in all_sizes if len(f) == K + 1]
for tablebase in tablebase_names(K=6):
target = '' % (tablebase)
print ('Getting SRC=%s' % (target))
os.system('curl %s --output %s.rtbw' % (target, tablebase))
target = '' % (tablebase)
print ('Getting SRC=%s' % (target))
os.system('curl %s --output %s.rtbz' % (target, tablebase))
for K in [3, 4, 5]:
for tablebase in tablebase_names(K=K):
target = '' % (tablebase)
print ('Getting SRC=%s' % (target))
os.system('curl %s --output %s.rtbw' % (target, tablebase))
target = '' % (tablebase)
print ('Getting SRC=%s' % (target))
os.system('curl %s --output %s.rtbz' % (target, tablebase))
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