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Glimmer DSL for Web - Regular Sample - Todo MVC - Views - TodoListItem
# Source:
require_relative 'edit_todo_input'
class TodoListItem
include Glimmer::Web::Component
option :presenter
option :todo
markup {
li {
# It is possible to configure multiple data-bindings as done with class_name below
# Data-bind li class unidirectionally to `todo.completed` using `on_read` converter
# to convert `todo.completed` value and produce final value to update li class with
# using li_class_name method defined below.
class_name <= [ todo, :completed,
on_read: -> (completed) { li_class_name(todo) }
# Data-bind li class unidirectionally to `todo.editing` using `on_read` converter
# to convert `todo.editing` value and produce final value to update li class with
# using li_class_name method defined below.
class_name <= [ todo, :editing,
on_read: -> (editing) { li_class_name(todo) }
div(class: 'view') {
input(class: 'toggle', type: 'checkbox') {
# Data-bind `input` `checked` property bidirectionally to `todo` `completed` attribute
# meaning make any changes to the `todo` `completed` attribute value automatically update the `input` `checked` property
# and any changes to the `input` `checked` property by the user automatically update the `todo` `completed` attribute value.
# `after_write` hook is invoked after writing a new value to the model attribute (`todo` `completed` attribute)
checked <=> [ todo, :completed,
after_write: -> (_) { presenter.refresh_todos_with_filter if presenter.filter != :all }
label {
# Data-bind `label` inner HTML unidirectionally to `todo.task` (`String` value),
# meaning make changes to `todo` `task` attribute automatically update `label` inner HTML.
inner_html <= [todo, :task]
ondblclick do |event|
button(class: 'destroy') {
onclick do |event|
edit_todo_input(presenter:, todo:)
if todo == presenter.todos.first
style {
def li_class_name(todo)
classes = []
classes << 'completed' if todo.completed?
classes << 'editing' if todo.editing?
classes.join(' ')
def todo_list_item_styles
rule('.todo-list li.completed label') {
color '#949494'
text_decoration 'line-through'
rule('.todo-list li') {
border_bottom '1px solid #ededed'
font_size '24px'
position 'relative'
rule('.todo-list li .toggle') {
_webkit_appearance 'none'
appearance 'none'
border 'none'
bottom '0'
height 'auto'
margin 'auto 0'
opacity '0'
position 'absolute'
text_align 'center'
top '0'
width '40px'
rule('.todo-list li label') {
color '#484848'
display 'block'
font_weight '400'
line_height '1.2'
min_height '40px'
padding '15px 15px 15px 60px'
transition 'color .4s'
word_break 'break-all'
rule('.todo-list li .toggle+label') {
background_image 'url(data:image/svg+xml;utf8,%3Csvg%20xmlns%3D%22http%3A//'
background_position '0'
background_repeat 'no-repeat'
rule('.todo-list li.completed label') {
color '#949494'
text_decoration 'line-through'
rule('.todo-list li .toggle:checked+label') {
background_image 'url(data:image/svg+xml;utf8,'
rule('.todo-list li.editing') {
border_bottom 'none'
padding '0'
rule('.todo-list li.editing input[type=checkbox], .todo-list li.editing label') {
opacity '0'
rule('.todo-list li .destroy') {
bottom '0'
color '#949494'
display 'none'
font_size '30px'
height '40px'
margin 'auto 0'
position 'absolute'
right '10px'
top '0'
transition 'color .2s ease-out'
width '40px'
rule('.todo-list li:focus .destroy, .todo-list li:hover .destroy') {
display 'block'
rule('.todo-list li .destroy:focus, .todo-list li .destroy:hover') {
color '#c18585'
rule('.todo-list li .destroy:after') {
content '"×"'
display 'block'
height '100%'
line_height '1.1'
media ('screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0)') {
rule('.todo-list li .toggle, .toggle-all') {
background 'none'
rule('.todo-list li .toggle') {
height '40px'
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