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Created March 13, 2022 21:54
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Scriban + HTMX F# extensions for Giraffer
namespace Extensions
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.IO
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Antiforgery
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
open Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives
open Scriban
open Scriban.Parsing
open Scriban.Runtime
open Giraffe
open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
type HttpContextExtensions =
static member inline getCsrfToken(ctx: HttpContext) =
let af = ctx.GetService<IAntiforgery>()
af.GetAndStoreTokens ctx
type HtmxExtensions =
static member inline XHTrigger(ctx: HttpContext) =
match ctx.Request.Headers.TryGetValue "HX-Trigger" with
| (true, value) ->
match value |> Seq.tryHead with
| Some value -> value |> ValueOption.ofObj
| None -> ValueNone
| (false, _) -> ValueNone
static member inline XHTriggerName(ctx: HttpContext) =
match ctx.Request.Headers.TryGetValue "HX-Trigger-Name" with
| (true, value) ->
match value |> Seq.tryHead with
| Some value -> value |> ValueOption.ofObj
| None -> ValueNone
| (false, _) -> ValueNone
static member inline XHTarget(ctx: HttpContext) =
match ctx.Request.Headers.TryGetValue "HX-Target" with
| (true, value) ->
match value |> Seq.tryHead with
| Some value -> value |> ValueOption.ofObj
| None -> ValueNone
| (false, _) -> ValueNone
static member inline XHPrompt(ctx: HttpContext) =
match ctx.Request.Headers.TryGetValue "HX-Prompt" with
| (true, value) ->
match value |> Seq.tryHead with
| Some value -> value |> ValueOption.ofObj
| None -> ValueNone
| (false, _) -> ValueNone
static member inline IsHtmx(ctx: HttpContext) =
match ctx.Request.Headers.TryGetValue "HX-Request" with
| (true, value) ->
match value |> Seq.tryHead |> bool.TryParse with
| Some (true, value) -> value
| Some (false, _) -> false
| None -> false
| (false, _) -> false
static member inline SetXHPush(ctx: HttpContext, url: string) =
ctx.Response.Headers.Add("HX-Push", StringValues(url))
static member inline SetXHRedirect(ctx: HttpContext, url: string) =
ctx.Response.Headers.Add("HX-Redirect", StringValues(url))
static member inline SetXHTrigger(ctx: HttpContext, trigger: string) =
ctx.Response.Headers.Add("HX-Trigger", StringValues(trigger))
static member inline SetXHTrigger<'T>(ctx: HttpContext, trigger: string, detail: 'T) =
let opts = Json.JsonOptions()
opts.SerializerOptions.WriteIndented <- false
let event = [ trigger, detail ] |> Map.ofList
let payload =
System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(event, opts.SerializerOptions)
ctx.Response.Headers.Add("HX-Trigger", StringValues(payload))
static member inline SetXHAfterSwap(ctx: HttpContext) =
ctx.Response.Headers.Add("HX-Trigger-After-Swap", StringValues("true"))
static member inline SetXHAfterSettle(ctx: HttpContext) =
ctx.Response.Headers.Add("HX-Trigger-After-Settle", StringValues("true"))
static member inline SetXHRefresh(ctx: HttpContext) =
ctx.Response.Headers.Add("HX-Refresh", StringValues("true"))
type ScribanViewPaths =
abstract member ViewPath: string
module Scriban =
let fromDiskLoaderWithPath (path: string option) =
let viewsPath = defaultArg path "Views"
{ new ITemplateLoader with
member _.GetPath(_, _, templateName) = Path.Combine(viewsPath, templateName)
member _.Load(_, _, templatePath) = File.ReadAllText templatePath
member _.LoadAsync(_, _, templatePath) =
File.ReadAllTextAsync templatePath
|> ValueTask<string> }
let fromDiskLoader () = fromDiskLoaderWithPath None
let defaultViewPaths (path) =
{ new ScribanViewPaths with
member _.ViewPath = path |> Option.defaultValue "Views" }
let viewPaths () = defaultViewPaths None
type ScribanExtensions =
/// <summary>
/// Renders an Scriban template from disk and includes support for the "include" directive
/// This can help you to include other HTML files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctx">ASP.NET's HttpContext</param>
/// <param name="templatePath">The scriban template's relative path to the views directory</param>
/// <param name="payload">An object to be exposed to the Scriban template's scripting engine</param>
static member RenderScribanTemplate(ctx: HttpContext, templatePath: string, ?payload: obj) =
task {
let loader = ctx.GetService<ITemplateLoader>()
let defaultViewPaths = ctx.GetService<ScribanViewPaths>()
let tplContext = TemplateContext()
let scriptingObj =
let scriptingObj = ScriptObject()
match payload with
| Some model -> scriptingObj.Import(model, filter = null, renamer = null)
| None -> ()
tplContext.PushGlobal scriptingObj
tplContext.TemplateLoader <- loader
let file =
(defaultViewPaths.ViewPath, templatePath)
|> Path.Combine
|> FileInfo
let! content = File.ReadAllTextAsync file.FullName
let tpl = Template.Parse(content, file.FullName)
return! tpl.RenderAsync(tplContext)
static member inline AddScriban(services: IServiceCollection) =
.AddSingleton<ScribanViewPaths>(fun _ -> Scriban.viewPaths ())
.AddSingleton<ITemplateLoader>(fun _ -> Scriban.fromDiskLoader ())
static member inline AddScriban(services: IServiceCollection, path: string) =
.AddSingleton<ScribanViewPaths>(fun _ -> Scriban.defaultViewPaths (Some path))
.AddSingleton<ITemplateLoader>(fun _ -> Scriban.fromDiskLoaderWithPath (Some path))
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