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Last active May 23, 2019 00:36
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  • Save AngelOfCA/d40506b5902e6eba6bfeb7c78f1371b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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* A Utility class to process Stock Item records from the Stock Item Handler
public with sharing class StockItemHandler {
* Class constructor.
public StockItemHandler() {
public static void checkDuplicateName(List<Stock_Item__c> newStockItem) {
// Need to store existing list of items in a set.
Set<String> listOfItems = new Set<String>();
for(Stock_Item__c listOfStock : [Select ID, Item_Name__c
From Stock_Item__c]){
// check if new item name already exists - if so, produce an error
for(Stock_Item__c listOfStock: newStockItem){
listOfStock.Item_Name__c.adderror('This item already exists.');
public static void deleteStockItems(List <Stock_Item__c> SID)
//create a list of new cases
list <Case> newCases = new List<Case>();
for(Stock_Item__c StockItemsDelete: SID)
// Before stock item is deleted - check if Stock on hand is not equal to 0
// and add a new case alert someone to check the stock.
If(StockItemsDelete.Stock_on_Hand__c != 0)
Case c = new Case ();
c.comments = +' '+ StockItemsDelete.Item_Name__c +' '+ StockItemsDelete.Stock_on_Hand__c;
c.status = 'New';
c.Origin = 'Not Zeroed Stock Item';
c.Subject = 'Please review '+ StockItemsDelete.Item_Name__c +' Inventory Level';
insert newCases;
public static list<Stock_Item__c> getLowStockItems() {
// Create list of stock items where Item Stock Is Low equals true.
List<Stock_Item__c> STIS = [Select ID, Item_Name__c, Item_Stock_is_Low__c, Minimum_Stock_Level__c, Stock_on_Hand__c
From Stock_Item__c
WHERE Item_Stock_Is_Low__c = true];
System.debug('Low stock items' + STIS);
// Return list of items that are low stock
return STIS;
//Create methods here to handle the before insert, before delete and utility processes described in the requirements
//They should accept lists of Stock_Item__c records from the trigger
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