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A guide on how to use Lindroid

Guide of Lindroid

What is Lindroid?

Lindroid is an Android app that lets you run Linux in a container, with support for hardware-acceleration. Official group:

How to Compile Lindroid?

  1. Ensure your device has the necessary configurations:

    • Obtain a usable device configuration, kernel source, and ROM source code for your device.
  2. Clone the necessary repositories Linux-on-droid repository:

  3. Modify device configurations:

    • Add $(call inherit-product, vendor/lindroid/ to your device's mk file.
    • Add BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE += androidboot.selinux=permissive or BOARD_BOOTCONFIG += androidboot.selinux=permissive for GKI devices to
    • Ensure SELinux is set to permissive mode for Lindroid.
  4. Kernel configuration:

    • For non-GKI devices, refer to kernel configurations for enabling LXC/Docker support.

      Search keywords 'lxc docker android' in GitHub

    • Make sure to add CONFIG_VT=y.
    • Example kernel configurations provided by Lindroid developers include:
    • For GKI 5.10, refer to this source and ensure CONFIG_VT=y. For 5.15 and 6.1, explore the configurations accordingly.
    • I recommend that compile KernelSU simultaneously for root access (use v0.9.5 tag for non-GKI). Or use magisk etc.
  5. Build your ROM using the userdebug variant:

    • Avoid using user variant for now.
    • If FCM (Framework Compatibility Matrix) errors occur, leading to OTA package build failure, manually modify configurations in the $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP/kernel/configs/[ANDROID VERSION]/[KERNEL VERSION]/ directory of the ROM source.

How to Use Lindroid?

  1. Download and prepare the root filesystem

    • Download the pre-packaged Debian image from lindroid-rootfs releases or Lindroid website. Ensure that the folders (e.g., etc/, bin/, usr/...) in the archive are at the root level, not within an inner directory like rootfs/. If not, repack it.
    • Push it to /data/data/org.lindroid.ui/files/rootfs.tar.gz (rename to rootfs).
    • Open Lindroid and follow the prompts to create the container.
  2. Configure your device

    • Ensure network connection, disable auto-rotate, set screen timeout to 30 minutes, and grant root access to shell in developer options.
    • Use adb shell or terminal to enter:
      lxc_attach default
      /bin/bash -c "source /etc/profile && exec su - root"
    • Optionally, change Debian source mirrors for CN users:
      sed -i 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list
    • Then upgrade all packages (Especially Kwin etc. from lindroid)
      apt update && apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" full-upgrade
    • If there is a network error, try setting DNS server:
      echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
  3. Test and configure the graphical interface:

    • Test graphics with test_hwcomposer.
    • Start or restart SDDM service:
      systemctl restart sddm
    • If touch doesn't work, try:
      sudo setcap cap_dac_read_search+ep /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland
      sudo setcap cap_dac_read_search+ep /usr/bin/kwin_wayland
      sudo setcap cap_dac_read_search+ep /usr/bin/sddm
    • Use evtest to check for Lindroid virtual input devices. Adjust /dev/uinput permissions if needed and restart Lindroid in adb shell.
      su -c chmod 777 /dev/uinput
      am force-stop org.lindroid.ui

Some supplements:

  • The most important thing is patience and waiting. SDDM usually starts one or two minutes after starting Lindroid. Please do not do anything during this period of black screen.
  • XDG hack to run kwin manually:
    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp/runtime-lindroid
    mkdir -p $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
    chmod 700 $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
  • Execute this command to get input:
    groupadd --gid 1004 android_input
    usermod -aG android_input lindroid
    usermod -aG android_input sddm
    Modify /etc/logind.conf to fix power button
    Restart systemd-logind on every login to run sddm
  • Try:
    loginctl kill-user lindroid
    systemctl restart systemd-logind
    as root if sddm doesn't work
  • If you have issues with starting kde (but sddm is fine) on new rootfs, for now do
    sudo apt install xwayland=2:24.1.0-1
  • Download this trusted.gpg extracted from the earlier rootfs and put it in /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ to resolve the warning of apt update
  • A self-packed rootfs:


  • Default username and password are both lindroid.
  • Subsequent usage may encounter touch issues; restart Lindroid, sddm and systemd-logind as needed.
  • External keyboard/mouse is recommended. KDE Connect can help with remote control.
  • There are also apps that can turn your other phone into a keyboard via Bluetooth.
  • Strongly suggest SSH for better terminal experience.

This guide is a compilation of my personal exploration and guidance from Lindroid developers [Erfan Abdi, Luka, Nick].

Expect some initial issues, but it’s a promising start. Explore further on your own.

If you need more support, please join the official Lindroid group


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