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Created November 11, 2023 15:46
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Initial RLS test passing in pg and postgres.js
test.serial('transaction with RLS', async (t) => {
const { db } = t.context;
const users = pgTable('users_transactions', {
id: serial('id').primaryKey(),
name: text('name').notNull(),
lastName: text('lastname'),
await db.execute(sql`drop table if exists ${users}`);
await db.execute(
sql`create table ${users} (id serial not null primary key, name text not null, lastname text)`,
await db.execute(sql`CREATE ROLE admin_all`);
await db.insert(users).values([{ name: 'user', lastName: 'lastName' }, {
name: 'user2',
lastName: 'lastName2',
await db.execute(sql`ALTER TABLE ${users} ENABLE ROW LEVEL SECURITY`);
await db.execute(
sql`CREATE POLICY all_view ON ${users} for select USING (true)`,
await db.execute(sql`GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO admin_all`);
await db.execute(sql`GRANT all ON ${users} TO admin_all`);
await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
await tx.update(users).set({ lastName: 'another' }).where(eq(, 1));
}, {
rlsConfig: {
role: pgRole('admin_all'),
const badResult = await, 1));
t.deepEqual(badResult, [{ id: 1, name: 'user', lastName: 'lastName' }]);
await db.execute(sql`CREATE POLICY administrator_all ON ${users} TO admin_all USING (true) WITH CHECK (true)`);
await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
await tx.update(users).set({ lastName: 'another' }).where(eq(, 1));
}, {
rlsConfig: {
role: pgRole('admin_all'),
const result = await, 1));
t.deepEqual(result, [{ id: 1, name: 'user', lastName: 'another' }]);
await db.execute(sql`drop owned by admin_all`);
await db.execute(sql`drop policy if exists administrator_all on ${users}`);
await db.execute(sql`drop policy if exists all_view on ${users}`);
await db.execute(sql`drop role if exists admin_all`);
await db.execute(sql`drop table if exists ${users}`);
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