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Last active April 7, 2021 16:46
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Dynamic MOTD
#!/usr/bin/env python
Awesome dynmaic motd script. Displays a bunch of useful information such as
your public IP, uptime, and CPU/RAM/Disk usages
install these with `pip install <requirement>`, may need to install
python-pip from system package manage
* colorama (ASNI terminal color support)
* psutil (CPU/RAM/Disk usage)
* uptime (system update)
# wget this file to `/usr/local/bin/dynmotd` or wherever else you like
# `chmod +x <file>` to make it executable
# Add `<file>` to `/etc/profile`
# Remove `` from `/etc/pam.d/sshd` or `/etc/pam.d/system-login`, which ever it is in
import math
import platform
import psutil
import socket
import uptime
from colorama import init
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
from datetime import timedelta
MAX = 80
def print_header(header_text=None):
if header_text is not None:
num_plus = (MAX - (len(header_text) + 4)) / 2
print('{}{}: {}{} {}:{}'.format(
Fore.MAGENTA, '+' * math.floor(num_plus),
Fore.WHITE, header_text,
Fore.MAGENTA, '+' * math.ceil(num_plus)))
print('{}{}'.format(Fore.MAGENTA, '+' * MAX))
def print_line(line):
num_space = MAX - len(line) - 3
print('{}+ {}{}{}{}+'.format(
Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.RED, line,
' ' * num_space, Fore.MAGENTA))
def print_kvline(key, value):
num_space = MAX - len(key) - len(value) - 5
print('{}+ {}{}: {}{}{}{}+'.format(
Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.WHITE, key,
Fore.CYAN, value,
' ' * num_space, Fore.MAGENTA))
def total_string(used, total):
mb = math.pow(10, 6)
return '{}MB / {}MB | {:.1f}% free'.format(
(1-used/total) * 100)
cpu = psutil.cpu_percent(interval=0.5, percpu=True)
memory = psutil.virtual_memory()
disk = []
for d in psutil.disk_partitions():
if d.fstype.lower().startswith('ext'):
'disk': d.mountpoint,
'usage': psutil.disk_usage(d.mountpoint)})
print_header('System Information')
ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
distro = platform.linux_distribution()[0].replace('arch', 'ArchLinux')
kernel = platform.release()
uptime = timedelta(seconds=math.floor(uptime.uptime()))
disk_used = 0
disk_total = 0
for d in disk:
disk_used = disk_used + d['usage'].used
disk_total = disk_total + d['usage'].total
print_kvline('Address', ip)
print_kvline('OS', '{} running {}'.format(distro, kernel))
print_kvline('Uptime', str(uptime))
print_kvline('CPU', '% '.join(['{:.1f}'.format(x) for x in cpu]) + '%')
print_kvline('Memory', total_string( - memory.available,
print_kvline('Disk', total_string(disk_used, disk_total))
[print_kvline('{0:10}'.format(x['disk']), total_string(x['usage'].used, x['usage'].total)) for x in disk]
print_header('Extra Information')
motd = []
with open('/etc/motd') as f:
motd = f.readlines()
[print_line(x.replace('\n', '')) for x in motd]
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