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Created January 1, 2016 19:13
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from pprint import pprint
import itertools
from math import factorial
def fct(x):
if x > 20:
raise Exception()
return factorial(x)
def pwr(x, y):
if x > 1000 or y > 100:
raise Exception()
return x ** y
def allbtrees(s):
if len(s) == 1:
yield s
for i in range(1, len(s), 2):
for l in allbtrees(s[:i]):
for r in allbtrees(s[i+1:]):
lv = type(l) == str and l or l[0]
rv = type(r) == str and r or r[0]
if s[i] == '**':
fstring = "(pwr({}, {}))"
fstring = "({} %s {})" % s[i]
yield fstring.format(lv, rv)
# yield 'fct' + fstring.format(lv, rv)
# yield '~' + fstring.format(lv, rv)
yield '-' + fstring.format(lv, rv)
def alluops(nums, uops):
for perm in itertools.product(uops, repeat=len(nums)):
yield([k.format(v) for k, v in zip(perm, nums)])
def allbops(nums, bops):
for perm in itertools.product(bops, repeat=len(nums)-1):
yield([j for i in zip(nums, perm) for j in i] + [nums[len(nums)-1]])
def genlist(out, items, uops, bops):
for u in alluops(items, uops):
print("Apply bops for " + str(u))
for b in allbops(u, bops):
print("Gen trees for " + str(b))
for t in allbtrees(b):
# print(t)
res = eval(t)
ires = int(res)
# print(res)
if 0 <= res <= 100 and ires == res:
if out[res] is None or len(out[res]) > len(t):
out[res] = t
# print(res, t)
out = [None] * 101
uops = ["{}", "(-{})", "fct({})"]
bops = ["+", "*", "/", "**"]
# uops = ["{}", "(-{})", "(~{})", "fct({})"]
# bops = ["+", "*", "/", "**", "//", "%", "&", "|", "^"]
combs = [[2, 0, 1, 6], [20, 1, 6], [2, 1, 6], [20, 16], [2, 16], [201, 6]]
for comb in combs:
genlist(out, comb, uops, bops)
print("Outkeys: " + ", ".join(str(k) for k, v in enumerate(out) if v is not None))
print("\n".join("%d: %s" % (k, v) for k, v in enumerate(out) if v is not None))
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