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Last active April 24, 2022 16:27
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  • Save AnidemDex/1ab41a1203206ce30063fe72b274eb38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AnidemDex/1ab41a1203206ce30063fe72b274eb38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Node Container that wraps its childs nodes in its rect
extends Container
#class_name FlowContainer
## Modified version of
## to be used in versions previous 3.5
## by AnidemDex
## Use it as you want
extends Container
class _LineData:
var child_count:int = 0
var min_line_height:int = 0
var min_line_length:int = 0
var stretch_avail:int = 0
var stretch_ratio_total:float = 0
export(int) var hseparation = 1 setget set_h_separation
export(int) var vseparation = 1 setget set_v_separation
export(bool) var vertical:bool = false
var cached_size:int = 0
var cached_line_count:int = 0
func set_h_separation(value:int) -> void:
hseparation = value
add_constant_override("hseparation", value)
func set_v_separation(value:int) -> void:
vseparation = value
add_constant_override("vseparation", value)
func _resort() -> void:
var separation_horizontal:int = get_constant("hseparation")
var separation_vertical:int = get_constant("vseparation")
# Not implemented in 3.4
# var rtl = is_layout_rtl()
var rtl = false
var children_minsize_cache = {}
var lines_data = []
var ofs:Vector2;
var line_height:int = 0;
var line_length:int = 0;
var line_stretch_ratio_total:float = 0;
var current_container_size:int = get_rect().size.y if vertical else get_rect().size.x
var children_in_current_line:int = 0
# First pass for line wrapping and minimum size calculation.
for i in get_child_count():
var child:Control = get_child(i) as Control
if (!child or !child.is_visible_in_tree()):
if (child.is_set_as_toplevel()):
var child_msc:Vector2 = child.get_combined_minimum_size()
if (vertical): # /* Vertical */
if (children_in_current_line > 0):
ofs.y += separation_vertical;
if (ofs.y + child_msc.y > current_container_size):
line_length = ofs.y - separation_vertical;
var line_data =
line_data.child_count = children_in_current_line
line_data.min_line_height = line_height
line_data.min_line_length = line_length
line_data.stretch_avail = current_container_size - line_length
line_data.stretch_ratio_total = line_stretch_ratio_total
# Move in new column (vertical line).
ofs.x += line_height + separation_horizontal;
ofs.y = 0;
line_height = 0;
line_stretch_ratio_total = 0;
children_in_current_line = 0;
line_height = max(line_height, child_msc.x);
if (child.get_v_size_flags() & SIZE_EXPAND):
line_stretch_ratio_total += child.get_stretch_ratio()
ofs.y += child_msc.y;
else: # /* HORIZONTAL */
if (children_in_current_line > 0):
ofs.x += separation_horizontal
if (ofs.x + child_msc.x > current_container_size):
line_length = ofs.x - separation_horizontal;
var line_data =
line_data.child_count = children_in_current_line
line_data.min_line_height = line_height
line_data.min_line_length = line_length
line_data.stretch_avail = current_container_size - line_length
line_data.stretch_ratio_total = line_stretch_ratio_total
# Move in new line.
ofs.y += line_height + separation_vertical;
ofs.x = 0;
line_height = 0;
line_stretch_ratio_total = 0;
children_in_current_line = 0;
line_height = max(line_height, child_msc.y);
if (child.get_h_size_flags() & SIZE_EXPAND):
line_stretch_ratio_total += child.get_stretch_ratio()
ofs.x += child_msc.x
children_minsize_cache[child] = child_msc;
children_in_current_line += 1
line_length = (ofs.y) if vertical else (ofs.x)
var ld:_LineData =
ld.child_count = children_in_current_line
ld.min_line_length = line_height
ld.min_line_length = line_length
ld.stretch_avail = current_container_size - line_length
ld.stretch_ratio_total = line_stretch_ratio_total
# Second pass for in-line expansion and alignment.
var current_line_idx = 0
var child_idx_in_line = 0
ofs.x = 0
ofs.y = 0
for i in get_child_count():
var child:Control = get_child(i) as Control
if (!child or !child.is_visible_in_tree()):
if (child.is_set_as_toplevel()):
var child_size:Vector2 = children_minsize_cache[child];
var line_data:_LineData = lines_data[current_line_idx]
if (child_idx_in_line >= lines_data[current_line_idx].child_count):
current_line_idx += 1;
child_idx_in_line = 0;
if (vertical):
ofs.x += line_data.min_line_height + separation_horizontal
ofs.y = 0
ofs.x = 0
ofs.y += line_data.min_line_height + separation_vertical
line_data = lines_data[current_line_idx]
if (vertical): # /* VERTICAL */
if (child.get_h_size_flags() & (SIZE_FILL | SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER | SIZE_SHRINK_END)):
child_size.x = line_data.min_line_height;
if (child.get_v_size_flags() & SIZE_EXPAND):
var stretch:int = line_data.stretch_avail * child.get_stretch_ratio() / line_data.stretch_ratio_total
child_size.y += stretch;
else: # /* HORIZONTAL */
if (child.get_v_size_flags() & (SIZE_FILL | SIZE_SHRINK_CENTER | SIZE_SHRINK_END)):
child_size.y = line_data.min_line_height;
if (child.get_h_size_flags() & SIZE_EXPAND):
var stretch:int = line_data.stretch_avail * child.get_stretch_ratio() / line_data.stretch_ratio_total;
child_size.x += stretch
var child_rect:Rect2 = Rect2(ofs, child_size)
if (rtl):
child_rect.position.x = get_rect().size.x - child_rect.position.x - child_rect.size.x
fit_child_in_rect(child, child_rect);
if (vertical): # /* VERTICAL */
ofs.y += child_size.y + separation_vertical;
else: # /* HORIZONTAL */
ofs.x += child_size.x + separation_horizontal;
child_idx_in_line += 1
cached_size = (ofs.x if vertical else ofs.y) + line_height;
cached_line_count = lines_data.size();
func _get_minimum_size() -> Vector2:
var minimum:Vector2 = Vector2()
for i in get_child_count():
var child:Control = get_child(i) as Control
if (!child or !child.is_visible_in_tree()):
if (child.is_set_as_toplevel()):
var size:Vector2 = child.get_combined_minimum_size()
if (vertical): # /* VERTICAL */
minimum.y = max(minimum.y, size.y);
minimum.x = cached_size;
else: # /* HORIZONTAL */
minimum.x = max(minimum.x, size.x);
minimum.y = cached_size;
return minimum;
func _notification(p_what:int) -> void:
match (p_what):
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