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Created October 15, 2019 06:27
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Demos using a listener for a data source and also an editable field.
val <T> T.exhaustive: T
get() = this
mainActivityVm.currentFragment.observe(this, Observer(::setScreen))
private fun setScreen(screen: Screen) =
with(findNavController( {
when (screen) {
Screen.SPLASH -> { /*is default and never returns here*/
Screen.FROM_SPLASH_TO_LIST -> safeNavigate(SplashFragmentDirections.actionSplashFragmentToGoalFragment())
Screen.FROM_ADD_TO_LIST -> safeNavigate(AddGoalFragmentDirections.actionAddGoalFragmentToGoalFragment())
Screen.ADD -> safeNavigate(GoalsListFragmentDirections.actionGoalFragmentToAddGoalFragment())
private fun NavController.safeNavigate(d: NavDirections) =
currentDestination?.getAction(d.actionId)?.let { navigate(d) }
?: Timber.e("Invalid route for direction ${d} with id ${d.actionId}")
private val _currentFragment = MutableLiveData<Screen>(Screen.SPLASH)
* The current fragment is determined by two factors:
* 1. The move from the splash screen to the main fragment happens when authentication is complete
* 2. Any subsequent navigations are guided by code that modifies _currentFragment, the private
* mutable livedata.
val currentFragment: LiveData<Screen> = MediatorLiveData<Screen>().apply {
addSource(repository.isAuthenticated) { authenticated ->
if (authenticated) {
value = Screen.FROM_SPLASH_TO_LIST
addSource(_currentFragment) { value = it }
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