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Peter de Jong Attractor Visualization using PyGame in Python.
Created on 17-Jan-2015
@author: Psycho_Coder
from math import sin, cos
from PIL import Image
import pygame, sys, os
from pygame.locals import QUIT, KEYDOWN, K_ESCAPE
class Attractor():
Class for Attractor functions and methods
def __init__( self, constants = {"a":-0.89, "b": 1.59, "c":1.85, "d": 2.19} ):
# Useful Constants
os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED'] = '1' # Center Screen the Window
self.size = self.width, self.height = ( 1024, 640 )
self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode( self.size, 0, 32 )
pygame.display.set_caption( "Peter D. Jong Attractor" )
# Colors = ( 248, 248, 248 )
self.textshade = ( 48, 48, 48 )
self.grayshade = ( 144, 144, 144 )
self.constants = constants
self.no_of_ite = 50000;
self.xn, self.yn = 1, 1
self.coords = []
self.screen.fill( )
self.count = 0
self.str_values = "a =" + str( self.constants["a"] ) + ", b = " + str( self.constants["b"] ) + ", c = " \
+ str( self.constants["c"] ) + ", d = " + str( self.constants["d"] )
# Different Font Objects
self.font_obj = pygame.font.Font( "lunchds.ttf", 22 )
self.font_obj2 = pygame.font.Font( "retganon.ttf", 24 )
self.text_surf_obj1 = self.font_obj.render( "Peter D. Jong Attractor", True, self.textshade, None )
self.text_rect_obj1 = self.text_surf_obj1.get_rect() = 200, 40
self.text_surf_obj2 = self.font_obj2.render( self.str_values , True, self.textshade, None )
self.text_rect_obj2 = self.text_surf_obj2.get_rect() = self.width // 2 + 60, self.height - 25
self.screen.blit( self.text_surf_obj1, self.text_rect_obj1 )
self.screen.blit( self.text_surf_obj2, self.text_rect_obj2 )
def game_loop( self ):
while True:
for evt in pygame.event.get():
if evt.type == QUIT or ( evt.type == KEYDOWN and evt.key == K_ESCAPE ):
if self.count > self.no_of_ite:
self.save_surface( "pdf1.png" )
for i in range( 10000 ):
self.xn, self.yn = ( sin( self.constants["a"] * self.yn ) - cos ( self.constants["b"] \
* self.xn ) ), ( sin( self.constants["c"] * self.xn ) - cos( self.constants["d"] * self.yn ) )
# xn, yn = ( d * sin( a * xn ) - sin ( b * yn ) ), ( c * cos( a * xn ) + cos( b * yn ) )
self.coords.append( ( self.xn, self.yn ) ) self.screen, self.grayshade , ( self.width // 2 + \
int( 120 * self.xn ), self.height // 2 + int( 120 * self.yn ) ), 1, 1 )
self.count += 1
def save_surface( self, filename ):
if filename != None:
data = pygame.image.tostring( self.screen, 'RGBA' )
img = Image.fromstring( 'RGBA', self.size, data ) self.screen, filename )
raise ValueError( "The filename is not given." )
if __name__ == "__main__":
ins = Attractor()
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