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Last active December 20, 2023 13:18
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PyGame Flying Animation in Python
Created on 16-Nov-2014
@author: Psycho_Coder
import random
import sys
import pygame
from pygame.locals import QUIT
def main():
size = width, height = 650, 450
DISPSURF = pygame.display.set_mode( size, 0 , 32 )
pygame.display.set_caption( "Simple Animation - 1" )
FPS = 30
fps_timer = pygame.time.Clock()
img = pygame.image.load( 'supertux.gif' )
startx, starty = 40, height / 2
while True:
DISPSURF.blit( pygame.image.load( 'city.png' ), ( 0, 0 ) )
ch = get_direction()
if ch == "R":
startx += 5
if startx == ( width - 20 ):
ch = get_direction()
elif ch == "L":
startx -= 5
if startx == 20:
ch = get_direction()
elif ch == "T":
starty -= 5
if starty == 20:
ch = get_direction()
elif ch == "B":
starty += 5
if starty == ( height - 20 ):
ch = get_direction()
DISPSURF.blit( img, ( startx, starty ) )
for evt in pygame.event.get():
if evt.type == QUIT:
fps_timer.tick( FPS )
def get_direction():
direction = ["R", "L", "T", "B" ]
return direction[ random.randint( 0, 3 ) ]
if __name__ == "__main__":
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