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Created October 18, 2018 06:59
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[collector] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Utils\Collector#1
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2
[*:collector] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Utils\Collector#1(...)
[*:pool] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\Pool#3
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:futureTickQueue] => React\EventLoop\Tick\FutureTickQueue#5
[React\EventLoop\Tick\FutureTickQueue:queue] => SplQueue#6
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:timers] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timers#7
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timers:time] => 1539845749.0458
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timers:timers] => array
[00000000447b67950000000049dea19c] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#8
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:interval] => 600
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:callback] => Closure#9
[0] => Closure#9(...)
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:periodic] => true
[00000000447b67b40000000049dea19c] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#10
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:interval] => 0.1
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:callback] => array
[0] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\Pool#3(...)
[1] => 'timerTick'
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:periodic] => true
[00000000447b66d00000000049dea19c] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#11
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:interval] => 60
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:callback] => Closure#12
[0] => Closure#12(...)
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:periodic] => true
[00000000447b668e0000000049dea19c] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#13
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:interval] => 41.25
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:callback] => Closure#14
[0] => Closure#14(...)
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:periodic] => true
[00000000447b66fa0000000049dea19c] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#15
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:interval] => 3
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:callback] => Closure#16
[0] => Closure#16(...)
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer:periodic] => false
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timers:schedule] => array
[00000000447b66fa0000000049dea19c] => 1539845749.0454
[00000000447b67b40000000049dea19c] => 1539845749.1265
[00000000447b668e0000000049dea19c] => 1539845786.9129
[00000000447b66d00000000049dea19c] => 1539845805.661
[00000000447b67950000000049dea19c] => 1539846343.5852
[React\EventLoop\Timer\Timers:sorted] => true
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:readStreams] => array
[264] => {resource}
[371] => {resource}
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:readListeners] => array
[264] => array
[0] => React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream#17
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:stream] => {resource}
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:bufferSize] => 65536
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:buffer] => React\Stream\WritableResourceStream#18
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:stream] => {resource}
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:softLimit] => 65536
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:writeChunkSize] => -1
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:listening] => false
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:writable] => true
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:closed] => false
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:data] => ''
[*:listeners] => array
[error] => array(...)
[close] => array(...)
[drain] => array(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:readable] => true
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:writable] => true
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:closing] => false
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:listening] => true
[*:listeners] => array
[data] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[end] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[error] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[close] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[1] => array(...)
[pipe] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[drain] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[1] => 'handleData'
[371] => array
[0] => React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream#19
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:stream] => {resource}
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:bufferSize] => 65536
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:buffer] => React\Stream\WritableResourceStream#20
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:stream] => {resource}
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:softLimit] => 65536
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:writeChunkSize] => -1
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:listening] => false
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:writable] => true
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:closed] => false
[React\Stream\WritableResourceStream:data] => ''
[*:listeners] => array
[error] => array(...)
[close] => array(...)
[drain] => array(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:readable] => true
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:writable] => true
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:closing] => false
[React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream:listening] => true
[*:listeners] => array
[data] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[end] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[error] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[close] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[1] => array(...)
[pipe] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[drain] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[1] => 'handleData'
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:writeStreams] => array()
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:writeListeners] => array()
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:running] => true
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:pcntl] => true
[React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop:signals] => React\EventLoop\SignalsHandler#21
[React\EventLoop\SignalsHandler:signals] => array()
[*:messenger] => CharlotteDunois\Phoebe\Messenger#22
[*:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[*:pool] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\Pool#3(...)
[*:timer] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#10(...)
[*:timerInterval] => 0.1
[*:sockets] => false
[*:streams] => CharlotteDunois\Collect\Collection#23
[*:data] => array()
[*:options] => array
[size] => 7
[worker] => '\Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\Worker'
[*:size] => 7
[*:worker] => '\Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\Worker'
[*:ctor] => array
[0] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:workers] => array()
[*:busyWorkers] => CharlotteDunois\Collect\Set#24
[*:data] => array()
[*:freeWorkers] => SplQueue#25
[*:timer] => null
[*:lastTime] => 1539845744
[*:tasks] => CharlotteDunois\Collect\Collection#26
[*:data] => array()
[*:tasksLastTime] => 1539845744
[*:tasksTimeout] => 600
[*:listeners] => array
[debug] => array
[0] => Closure#27
[0] => Closure#27(...)
[message] => array
[0] => Closure#28
[0] => Closure#28(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[*:dispatcher] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\CommandDispatcher#29
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:inhibitors] => array()
[*:awaiting] => array()
[*:commandPatterns] => array()
[*:results] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#30
[*:data] => array()
[*:registry] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\CommandRegistry#31
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:basepath] => '/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands'
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#32
[*:data] => array
[disable] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/disable.php0x7f76b07e592f#33
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'disable'
[*:aliases] => array
[0] => 'disable-command'
[*:groupID] => 'commands'
[*:description] => 'Disables a command or command group.'
[*:details] => 'The argument must be the name/ID (partial or whole) of a command or command group. Only administrators may use this command.'
[*:format] => '<command/group>'
[*:examples] => array
[0] => 'disable utils'
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => array
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array
[usages] => 2
[duration] => 3
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'commandOrGroup'
[label] => 'command/group'
[prompt] => 'Which command or group would you like to disable?'
[type] => 'command-or-group'
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#34
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#35
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'commandOrGroup'
[*:label] => 'command/group'
[*:prompt] => 'Which command or group would you like to disable?'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\CommandOrGroupArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#36
[*:data] => array()
[enable] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/enable.php0x7f76b07e585d#37
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'enable'
[*:aliases] => array
[0] => 'enable-command'
[*:groupID] => 'commands'
[*:description] => 'Enables a command or command group.'
[*:details] => 'The argument must be the name/ID (partial or whole) of a command or command group. Only administrators may use this command.'
[*:format] => '<command/group>'
[*:examples] => array
[0] => 'enable utils'
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => array
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array
[usages] => 2
[duration] => 3
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'commandOrGroup'
[label] => 'command/group'
[prompt] => 'Which command or group would you like to enable?'
[type] => 'command-or-group'
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#38
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#39
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'commandOrGroup'
[*:label] => 'command/group'
[*:prompt] => 'Which command or group would you like to enable?'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\CommandOrGroupArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#40
[*:data] => array()
[load] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/load.php0x7f76b07e5985#41
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'load'
[*:aliases] => array
[0] => 'load-command'
[*:groupID] => 'commands'
[*:description] => 'Loads a new command.'
[*:details] => 'The argument must be full name of the command in the format of `group:name`. Only the bot owner may use this command.'
[*:format] => '<command>'
[*:examples] => array
[0] => 'enable utils'
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => true
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'command'
[prompt] => 'Which command would you like to load?'
[validate] => Closure#42
[0] => Closure#42(...)
[parse] => Closure#43
[0] => Closure#43(...)
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#44
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#45
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'command'
[*:label] => 'command'
[*:prompt] => 'Which command would you like to load?'
[*:type] => null
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => Closure#42(...)
[*:parse] => Closure#43(...)
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#46
[*:data] => array()
[reload] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/reload.php0x7f76b07e579b#47
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'reload'
[*:aliases] => array
[0] => 'reload-command'
[*:groupID] => 'commands'
[*:description] => 'Reloads a command or command group.'
[*:details] => 'The argument must be the name/ID (partial or whole) of a command or command group. Providing a command group will reload all of the commands in that group. Only the bot owner may use this command.'
[*:format] => '<command/group>'
[*:examples] => array
[0] => 'enable utils'
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => true
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'commandOrGroup'
[label] => 'command/group'
[prompt] => 'Which command or command group would you like to reload?'
[type] => 'command-or-group'
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#48
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#49
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'commandOrGroup'
[*:label] => 'command/group'
[*:prompt] => 'Which command or command group would you like to reload?'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\CommandOrGroupArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#50
[*:data] => array()
[unload] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/unload.php0x7f76b07e55ba#51
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'unload'
[*:aliases] => array
[0] => 'unload-command'
[*:groupID] => 'commands'
[*:description] => 'Unloads a command.'
[*:details] => 'The argument must be the name/ID (partial or whole) of a command. Only the bot owner may use this command.'
[*:format] => '<command>'
[*:examples] => array
[0] => 'enable utils'
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => true
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'command'
[prompt] => 'Which command would you like to unload?'
[type] => 'command'
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#52
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#53
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'command'
[*:label] => 'command'
[*:prompt] => 'Which command would you like to unload?'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\CommandArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#54
[*:data] => array()
[eval] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/eval.php0x7f76b07e5811#55
[*:timeformats] => array
[0] => 'ns'
[1] => 'µs'
[2] => 'ms'
[*:lastResult] => null
[*:cloner] => Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\VarCloner#56
[*:maxItems] => 2500
[*:maxString] => -1
[*:minDepth] => 1
[Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\AbstractCloner:casters] => array
[__php_incomplete_class] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\vardumper\caster\cutstub] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\vardumper\caster\cutarraystub] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\vardumper\caster\conststub] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\vardumper\caster\enumstub] => array
[0] => array(...)
[closure] => array
[0] => array(...)
[generator] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectiontype] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectiongenerator] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectionclass] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectionfunctionabstract] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectionmethod] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectionparameter] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectionproperty] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectionextension] => array
[0] => array(...)
[reflectionzendextension] => array
[0] => array(...)
[doctrine\common\persistence\objectmanager] => array
[0] => array(...)
[doctrine\common\proxy\proxy] => array
[0] => array(...)
[doctrine\orm\proxy\proxy] => array
[0] => array(...)
[doctrine\orm\persistentcollection] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domexception] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domstringlist] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domnamelist] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domimplementation] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domimplementationlist] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domnode] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domnamespacenode] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domdocument] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domnodelist] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domnamednodemap] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domcharacterdata] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domattr] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domelement] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domtext] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domtypeinfo] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domdomerror] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domlocator] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domdocumenttype] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domnotation] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domentity] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domprocessinginstruction] => array
[0] => array(...)
[domxpath] => array
[0] => array(...)
[xmlreader] => array
[0] => array(...)
[errorexception] => array
[0] => array(...)
[exception] => array
[0] => array(...)
[error] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\dependencyinjection\containerinterface] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\httpfoundation\request] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\vardumper\exception\throwingcasterexception] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\vardumper\caster\tracestub] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\vardumper\caster\framestub] => array
[0] => array(...)
[symfony\component\debug\exception\silencederrorcontext] => array
[0] => array(...)
[phpunit_framework_mockobject_mockobject] => array
[0] => array(...)
[prophecy\prophecy\prophecysubjectinterface] => array
[0] => array(...)
[mockery\mockinterface] => array
[0] => array(...)
[pdo] => array
[0] => array(...)
[pdostatement] => array
[0] => array(...)
[amqpconnection] => array
[0] => array(...)
[amqpchannel] => array
[0] => array(...)
[amqpqueue] => array
[0] => array(...)
[amqpexchange] => array
[0] => array(...)
[amqpenvelope] => array
[0] => array(...)
[arrayobject] => array
[0] => array(...)
[arrayiterator] => array
[0] => array(...)
[spldoublylinkedlist] => array
[0] => array(...)
[splfileinfo] => array
[0] => array(...)
[splfileobject] => array
[0] => array(...)
[splfixedarray] => array
[0] => array(...)
[splheap] => array
[0] => array(...)
[splobjectstorage] => array
[0] => array(...)
[splpriorityqueue] => array
[0] => array(...)
[outeriterator] => array
[0] => array(...)
[redis] => array
[0] => array(...)
[redisarray] => array
[0] => array(...)
[datetimeinterface] => array
[0] => array(...)
[dateinterval] => array
[0] => array(...)
[datetimezone] => array
[0] => array(...)
[dateperiod] => array
[0] => array(...)
[gmp] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:curl] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:dba] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:dba persistent] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:gd] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:mysql link] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:pgsql large object] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:pgsql link] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:pgsql link persistent] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:pgsql result] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:process] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:stream] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:persistent stream] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:stream-context] => array
[0] => array(...)
[:xml] => array
[0] => array(...)
[Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\AbstractCloner:prevErrorHandler] => null
[Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\AbstractCloner:classInfo] => array()
[Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\AbstractCloner:filter] => 0
[*:dumper] => Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\CliDumper#57
[*:colors] => false
[*:maxStringWidth] => 0
[*:styles] => array
[default] => '38;5;208'
[num] => '1;38;5;38'
[const] => '1;38;5;208'
[str] => '1;38;5;113'
[note] => '38;5;38'
[ref] => '38;5;247'
[public] => ''
[protected] => ''
[private] => ''
[meta] => '38;5;170'
[key] => '38;5;113'
[index] => '38;5;38'
[*:collapseNextHash] => false
[*:expandNextHash] => false
[*:line] => ''
[*:lineDumper] => array
[0] => Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\CliDumper#57(...)
[1] => 'echoLine'
[*:outputStream] => {resource}
[*:decimalPoint] => '.'
[*:indentPad] => ' '
[*:flags] => 0
[Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\AbstractDumper:charset] => 'CP1252'
[*:xdebug] => false
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'eval'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'utils'
[*:description] => 'Executes PHP code.'
[*:details] => null
[*:format] => '<script>'
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => true
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'script'
[prompt] => 'What is the fancy code you wanna run?'
[type] => 'string'
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => false
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#58
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#59
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'script'
[*:label] => 'script'
[*:prompt] => 'What is the fancy code you wanna run?'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\StringArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#60
[*:data] => array()
[help] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/help.php0x7f76b07e50c3#61
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'help'
[*:aliases] => array
[0] => 'commands'
[*:groupID] => 'utils'
[*:description] => 'Displays a list of available commands, or detailed information for a specified command.'
[*:details] => 'The command may be part of a command name or a whole command name.
If it isn't specified, all available commands will be listed.'
[*:format] => '[command]'
[*:examples] => array
[0] => 'help'
[1] => 'help prefix'
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array
[usages] => 2
[duration] => 3
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'command'
[prompt] => 'Which command would you like to view the help for?'
[type] => 'string'
[default] => ''
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#62
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#63
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'command'
[*:label] => 'command'
[*:prompt] => 'Which command would you like to view the help for?'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\StringArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => ''
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#64
[*:data] => array()
[ping] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/ping.php0x7f76b07e5672#65
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'ping'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'utils'
[*:description] => 'Sends a ping and measures the latency between command message and ping message. It will also display websocket ping.'
[*:details] => null
[*:format] => ''
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array
[usages] => 5
[duration] => 10
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array()
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => null
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#66
[*:data] => array()
[prefix] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/prefix.php0x7f76b07e5f67#67
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'prefix'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'utils'
[*:description] => 'Shows or sets the command prefix.'
[*:details] => 'If no prefix is provided, the current prefix will be shown. If the prefix is "default", the prefix will be reset to the bot's default prefix. If the prefix is "none", the prefix will be removed entirely, only allowing mentions to run commands. Only administrators may change the prefix.'
[*:format] => '[prefix/"default"/"none"]'
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => false
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array
[usages] => 2
[duration] => 3
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'prefix'
[prompt] => 'What would you like to set the bot's prefix to?'
[type] => 'string'
[max] => 15
[default] => ''
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => true
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#68
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#69
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'prefix'
[*:label] => 'prefix'
[*:prompt] => 'What would you like to set the bot's prefix to?'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\StringArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => 15
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => ''
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#70
[*:data] => array()
[form-create] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/forms/form-create.php0x7f76b07e5c94#71
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'form-create'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'forms'
[*:description] => 'Creates a form, apply command canbe used to fill it'
[*:details] => null
[*:format] => ''
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => true
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array()
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => false
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => null
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#72
[*:data] => array()
[attach-module] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/attach-module.php0x7f76b07e5b02#73
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'attach-module'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'meta'
[*:description] => 'Attaches a module to any timer or command'
[*:details] => null
[*:format] => '[module]'
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => true
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'module'
[prompt] => 'Name of your module you want to attach to'
[type] => 'string'
[default] => ''
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => false
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#74
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#75
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'module'
[*:label] => 'module'
[*:prompt] => 'Name of your module you want to attach to'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\StringArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => ''
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#76
[*:data] => array()
[avatar] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/avatar.php0x7f76b07e548c#77
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'avatar'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'meta'
[*:description] => 'Shows the avatar of the user if not found nothing is sent'
[*:details] => null
[*:format] => '[user]'
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => true
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'user'
[prompt] => 'user'
[type] => 'user'
[default] => ''
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => false
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#78
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#79
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'user'
[*:label] => 'user'
[*:prompt] => 'user'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\UserArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => ''
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#80
[*:data] => array()
[create-command] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/create-command.php0x7f76b07e5b4c#81
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'create-command'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'meta'
[*:description] => 'Creates a command'
[*:details] => null
[*:format] => '<name> <description...>'
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => true
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array
[0] => array
[key] => 'name'
[prompt] => 'Name of your command'
[type] => 'string'
[validate] => Closure#82
[0] => Closure#82(...)
[1] => array
[key] => 'description'
[prompt] => 'Name of your command'
[type] => 'string'
[infinite] => true
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => false
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\ArgumentCollector#83
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:args] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#84
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'name'
[*:label] => 'name'
[*:prompt] => 'Name of your command'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\StringArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => false
[*:validate] => Closure#82(...)
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[1] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Arguments\Argument#85
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:key] => 'description'
[*:label] => 'description'
[*:prompt] => 'Name of your command'
[*:type] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\StringArgumentType(...)
[*:max] => null
[*:min] => null
[*:default] => null
[*:infinite] => true
[*:validate] => null
[*:parse] => null
[*:emptyChecker] => null
[*:wait] => 30
[*:promptLimit] => INF
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#86
[*:data] => array()
[create-module] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/create-module.php0x7f76b07e5970#87
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:name] => 'create-module'
[*:aliases] => array()
[*:groupID] => 'meta'
[*:description] => 'Creates a module'
[*:details] => null
[*:format] => ''
[*:examples] => array()
[*:guildOnly] => true
[*:ownerOnly] => false
[*:clientPermissions] => null
[*:userPermissions] => null
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:throttling] => array()
[*:defaultHandling] => true
[*:args] => array()
[*:argsPromptLimit] => INF
[*:argsSingleQuotes] => true
[*:argsType] => 'single'
[*:argsCount] => 0
[*:patterns] => array()
[*:guarded] => false
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:argsCollector] => null
[*:throttles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#88
[*:data] => array()
[*:commandsDirectories] => array
[0] => '/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands'
[*:groups] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#89
[*:data] => array
[commands] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Commands\CommandGroup#90
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'commands'
[*:name] => 'Commands'
[*:guarded] => true
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#91
[*:data] => array
[disable] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/disable.php0x7f76b07e592f#33(...)
[enable] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/enable.php0x7f76b07e585d#37(...)
[load] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/load.php0x7f76b07e5985#41(...)
[reload] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/reload.php0x7f76b07e579b#47(...)
[unload] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/commands/unload.php0x7f76b07e55ba#51(...)
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[utils] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Commands\CommandGroup#92
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'utils'
[*:name] => 'Utilities'
[*:guarded] => true
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#93
[*:data] => array
[eval] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/eval.php0x7f76b07e5811#55(...)
[help] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/help.php0x7f76b07e50c3#61(...)
[ping] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/ping.php0x7f76b07e5672#65(...)
[prefix] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/vendor/charlottedunois/livia/src/Commands/utils/prefix.php0x7f76b07e5f67#67(...)
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[moderation] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Commands\CommandGroup#94
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'moderation'
[*:name] => 'Cluster Plus Moderation'
[*:guarded] => true
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#95
[*:data] => array()
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[polls] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Commands\CommandGroup#96
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'polls'
[*:name] => 'Cluster Plus Polls'
[*:guarded] => false
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#97
[*:data] => array()
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[forms] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Commands\CommandGroup#98
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'forms'
[*:name] => 'Cluster Plus Forms'
[*:guarded] => false
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#99
[*:data] => array
[form-create] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/forms/form-create.php0x7f76b07e5c94#71(...)
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[meta] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Commands\CommandGroup#100
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'meta'
[*:name] => 'Cluster Plus Meta'
[*:guarded] => false
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#101
[*:data] => array
[attach-module] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/attach-module.php0x7f76b07e5b02#73(...)
[avatar] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/avatar.php0x7f76b07e548c#77(...)
[create-command] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/create-command.php0x7f76b07e5b4c#81(...)
[create-module] => class@anonymous/home/animesh/Sites/ClusterPlus/src/Commands/commands/meta/create-module.php0x7f76b07e5970#87(...)
[*:globalEnabled] => true
[*:guildEnabled] => array()
[*:types] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#102
[*:data] => array
[boolean] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\BooleanArgumentType#103
[*:truthy] => array
[0] => 'true'
[1] => 't'
[2] => 'yes'
[3] => 'y'
[4] => 'on'
[5] => 'enable'
[6] => 'enabled'
[7] => '1'
[8] => '+'
[*:falsey] => array
[0] => 'false'
[1] => 'f'
[2] => 'no'
[3] => 'n'
[4] => 'off'
[5] => 'disable'
[6] => 'disabled'
[7] => '0'
[8] => '-'
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'boolean'
[channel] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\ChannelArgumentType#104
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'channel'
[command] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\CommandArgumentType#105
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'command'
[command-or-group] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\CommandOrGroupArgumentType#106
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'command-or-group'
[float] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\FloatArgumentType#107
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'float'
[group] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\GroupArgumentType#108
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'group'
[integer] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\IntegerArgumentType#109
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'integer'
[member] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\MemberArgumentType#110
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'member'
[role] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\RoleArgumentType#111
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'role'
[string] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\StringArgumentType#112
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'string'
[user] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Types\UserArgumentType#113
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => 'user'
[*:internalSerializedCommands] => array()
[*:provider] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Providers\MySQLProvider#114
[*:db] => React\MySQL\Io\Connection#115
[React\MySQL\Io\Connection:executor] => React\MySQL\Io\Executor#116
[queue] => SplQueue#117
[*:listeners] => array
[new] => array
[0] => Closure#118
[0] => Closure#118(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[React\MySQL\Io\Connection:state] => 5
[React\MySQL\Io\Connection:stream] => React\Socket\Connection#119
[unix] => false
[encryptionEnabled] => false
[stream] => {resource}
[React\Socket\Connection:input] => React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream#17(...)
[*:listeners] => array
[error] => array
[0] => array
[0] => React\MySQL\Io\Connection#115(...)
[1] => 'handleConnectionError'
[close] => array
[0] => array
[0] => React\MySQL\Io\Connection#115(...)
[1] => 'handleConnectionClosed'
[1] => array
[0] => React\MySQL\Io\Parser#120
[*:currCommand] => null
[*:debug] => false
[*:state] => 0
[*:phase] => 4
[seq] => 3
[warningCount] => 0
[message] => ''
[*:serverVersion] => null
[*:threadId] => null
[*:scramble] => 'H9%L->0u{.m\eeK)*8vm'
[*:serverCaps] => null
[*:serverLang] => null
[*:serverStatus] => 16386
[*:rsState] => 0
[*:pctSize] => 7
[*:resultFields] => array(...)
[*:insertId] => 0
[*:affectedRows] => 0
[protocalVersion] => 10
[*:errno] => 0
[*:errmsg] => ''
[React\MySQL\Io\Parser:buffer] => React\MySQL\Io\Buffer(...)
[*:connectOptions] => array(...)
[*:stream] => React\Socket\Connection#119(...)
[*:executor] => React\MySQL\Io\Executor#116(...)
[*:listeners] => array(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array(...)
[1] => 'onClose'
[data] => array
[0] => array
[0] => React\MySQL\Io\Parser#120(...)
[1] => 'parse'
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[*:listeners] => array()
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[*:listeners] => array()
[*:settings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#121
[*:data] => array()
[*:client] => null
[*:setup] => array()
[*:channels] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ChannelStorage#122
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[441277334855745537] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#123
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124
[*:channels] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ChannelStorage#125
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[441277334855745537] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#123(...)
[442967749489328129] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#126
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '442967749489328129'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'information'
[*:topic] => ''
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:position] => 0
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525682141
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '487269152738770955'
[442967794804457472] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#127
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '442967794804457472'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'support'
[*:topic] => ''
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:position] => 2
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525682152
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => null
[442968053744140288] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#128
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '442968053744140288'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'alpha-testings'
[*:topic] => ''
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:position] => 5
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525682213
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '502361885451223050'
[448157900301402112] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\VoiceChannel#129
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '448157900301402112'
[*:type] => 'voice'
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1526919569
[*:name] => 'General'
[*:bitrate] => 64000
[*:members] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:parentID] => null
[*:position] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:userLimit] => 0
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[463945398747136002] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#130
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '463945398747136002'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'beta-testing'
[*:topic] => ''
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:position] => 6
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530683602
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '499547494691110937'
[465111162007322626] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#131
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '465111162007322626'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'bug-reports'
[*:topic] => ''
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:position] => 3
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530961542
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '465129901108756481'
[484416131394830339] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#132
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '484416131394830339'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'github'
[*:topic] => ''
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:position] => 4
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1535564205
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '502144226872786945'
[484739139770515478] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#133
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '484739139770515478'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'feature'
[*:topic] => ''
[*:nsfw] => false
[*:position] => 7
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1535641216
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '498878316770623508'
[*:emojis] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\EmojiStorage#134
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[464453975144529923] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#135
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453975144529923'
[*:name] => 'CPlaugh'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804856
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453975282941952] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#136
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453975282941952'
[*:name] => 'CPfight'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804856
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453975903698944] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#137
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453975903698944'
[*:name] => 'CPhappy'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804856
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453976289706006] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#138
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453976289706006'
[*:name] => 'CPclap'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804857
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453976436506627] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#139
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453976436506627'
[*:name] => 'CPoncall'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804857
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453976826576920] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#140
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453976826576920'
[*:name] => 'CPcool'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804857
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453976918851594] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#141
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453976918851594'
[*:name] => 'CPno'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804857
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453977220579328] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#142
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453977220579328'
[*:name] => 'CPnerd'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804857
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[464453977228967937] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#143
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464453977228967937'
[*:name] => 'CPreally'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804857
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[486098620530032640] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#144
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '486098620530032640'
[*:name] => 'php'
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:user] => null
[*:requireColons] => true
[*:managed] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1535965342
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[animated] => false
[*:members] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMemberStorage#145
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[329643205182095360] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#146
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '329643205182095360'
[*:nickname] => 'Animeshz'
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1525279115
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[333135898625572875] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#147
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '333135898625572875'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1538232461
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[348998350026309633] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#148
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '348998350026309633'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1536166202
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[383011987375915019] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#149
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '383011987375915019'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1534428726
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[397419456793542657] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#150
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '397419456793542657'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1535983696
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[401187528545140749] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#151
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '401187528545140749'
[*:nickname] => 'swok™'
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1528908846
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[425100698498367488] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#152
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '425100698498367488'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1532273374
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[433911966931615754] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#153
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '433911966931615754'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1528968662
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[441233665230503981] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#154
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '441233665230503981'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1530629791
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[480016415030640641] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#155
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '480016415030640641'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1537544460
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:presences] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\PresenceStorage#156
[*:enabled] => true
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[441233665230503981] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#157
[*:userID] => '441233665230503981'
[*:activity] => null
[*:status] => 'online'
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[329643205182095360] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#158
[*:userID] => '329643205182095360'
[*:activity] => null
[*:status] => 'online'
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\RoleStorage#159
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[441277334356754433] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#160
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '441277334356754433'
[*:name] => '@everyone'
[*:color] => 0
[*:hoist] => false
[*:position] => 0
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525279115
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[442964734468292608] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#161
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '442964734468292608'
[*:name] => 'Proficient'
[*:color] => 2474073
[*:hoist] => true
[*:position] => 7
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => true
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525681422
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[442965487266168832] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#162
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '442965487266168832'
[*:name] => 'The Real One'
[*:color] => 0
[*:hoist] => true
[*:position] => 8
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => true
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525681602
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[442966072493342720] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#163
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '442966072493342720'
[*:name] => 'Healers'
[*:color] => 14988288
[*:hoist] => true
[*:position] => 6
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => true
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525681741
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[442966432657965066] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#164
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '442966432657965066'
[*:name] => 'Guest of Honour'
[*:color] => 14286926
[*:hoist] => true
[*:position] => 4
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => true
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525681827
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[455673945606193172] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#165
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '455673945606193172'
[*:name] => 'BOTS'
[*:color] => 3447003
[*:hoist] => true
[*:position] => 3
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => true
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1528711534
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[463719697674928139] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#166
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '463719697674928139'
[*:name] => 'Cluster+'
[*:color] => 0
[*:hoist] => false
[*:position] => 2
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => true
[*:mentionable] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530629791
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[464452663774281740] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#167
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[*:id] => '464452663774281740'
[*:name] => 'Supporter'
[*:color] => 3447003
[*:hoist] => false
[*:position] => 5
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530804544
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:id] => '441277334356754433'
[*:shardID] => 0
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[*:name] => 'ClusterPlus'
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[*:embedChannelID] => null
[*:widgetEnabled] => false
[*:widgetChannelID] => null
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525279115
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage#168
[*:channel] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#123(...)
[*:timer] => null
[*:enabled] => true
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array()
[*:id] => '441277334855745537'
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[*:data] => array
[441277334356754433] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\PermissionOverwrite#170
[*:channel] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#123(...)
[*:id] => '441277334356754433'
[*:type] => 'role'
[*:target] => null
[*:allow] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions#171
[*:bitfield] => 0
[*:deny] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions#172
[*:bitfield] => 131072
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1525279115
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#173
[*:data] => array()
[*:typingTriggered] => array
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[timer] => null
[*:lastMessageID] => '495607605608185856'
[442967749489328129] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#126(...)
[442967794804457472] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#127(...)
[442968053744140288] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#128(...)
[448157900301402112] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\VoiceChannel#129(...)
[463945398747136002] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#130(...)
[465111162007322626] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#131(...)
[484416131394830339] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#132(...)
[484739139770515478] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#133(...)
[457130715197472770] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\CategoryChannel#174
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175
[*:channels] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ChannelStorage#176
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[457130715197472770] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\CategoryChannel#174(...)
[457130715197472772] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#177
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '457130715197472772'
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[*:parentID] => '457130715197472770'
[*:name] => 'general'
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[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1529058855
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '497086192936812576'
[457130715197472774] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\CategoryChannel#178
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '457130715197472774'
[*:type] => 'category'
[*:name] => 'Voice Channels'
[*:position] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1529058855
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[457130715197472776] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\VoiceChannel#179
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '457130715197472776'
[*:type] => 'voice'
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[*:members] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:parentID] => '457130715197472774'
[*:position] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:userLimit] => 0
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[463701708275449867] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#180
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '463701708275449867'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => '457130715197472770'
[*:name] => 'testing'
[*:topic] => ''
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[*:position] => 1
[*:slowmode] => 0
[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530625502
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '497090266390593536'
[463701912441716747] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#181
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:messages] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage(...)
[*:id] => '463701912441716747'
[*:type] => 'text'
[*:parentID] => null
[*:name] => 'application-log'
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[*:permissionOverwrites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530625551
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:typings] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:typingTriggered] => array(...)
[*:lastMessageID] => '464957435275116551'
[*:emojis] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\EmojiStorage#182
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array()
[*:members] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMemberStorage#183
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[235088799074484224] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#184
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '235088799074484224'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
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[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
[*:suppress] => false
[*:voiceChannelID] => null
[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1538584983
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[329643205182095360] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#185
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '329643205182095360'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
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[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1529058855
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[418842777720193037] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#186
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '418842777720193037'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
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[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1530625273
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[441233665230503981] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMember#187
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '441233665230503981'
[*:nickname] => null
[*:deaf] => false
[*:mute] => false
[*:selfDeaf] => false
[*:selfMute] => false
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[*:voiceSessionID] => null
[*:joinedTimestamp] => 1529061105
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:presences] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\PresenceStorage#188
[*:enabled] => true
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
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[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[418842777720193037] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#190
[*:userID] => '418842777720193037'
[*:activity] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Activity(...)
[*:status] => 'online'
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[441233665230503981] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#191
[*:userID] => '441233665230503981'
[*:activity] => null
[*:status] => 'online'
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[329643205182095360] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#192
[*:userID] => '329643205182095360'
[*:activity] => null
[*:status] => 'online'
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:roles] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\RoleStorage#193
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[457130715197472768] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#194
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '457130715197472768'
[*:name] => '@everyone'
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[*:hoist] => false
[*:position] => 0
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => false
[*:mentionable] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1529058855
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[457140153358483456] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#195
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
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[*:name] => 'Cluster+'
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[*:hoist] => false
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[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => true
[*:mentionable] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1529061105
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[463700748857770005] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Role#196
[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '463700748857770005'
[*:name] => 'Application Bot'
[*:color] => 0
[*:hoist] => false
[*:position] => 1
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => true
[*:mentionable] => false
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1530625273
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
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[*:guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
[*:id] => '497086192903389198'
[*:name] => 'Rythm'
[*:color] => 0
[*:hoist] => false
[*:position] => 1
[*:permissions] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Permissions(...)
[*:managed] => true
[*:mentionable] => false
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[*:data] => array()
[*:createdTimestamp] => 1529058855
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[457130715197472774] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\CategoryChannel#178(...)
[457130715197472776] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\VoiceChannel#179(...)
[463701708275449867] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#180(...)
[463701912441716747] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\TextChannel#181(...)
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[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
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[464453975282941952] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#136(...)
[464453975903698944] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#137(...)
[464453976289706006] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#138(...)
[464453976436506627] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#139(...)
[464453976826576920] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#140(...)
[464453976918851594] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#141(...)
[464453977220579328] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#142(...)
[464453977228967937] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#143(...)
[486098620530032640] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Emoji#144(...)
[*:guilds] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildStorage#200
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:data] => array
[441277334356754433] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#124(...)
[457130715197472768] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Guild#175(...)
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[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
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[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
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[*:userFetched] => false
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:shards] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#215
[*:data] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Shard#216
[*:id] => 0
[*:ws] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\WSConnection#217
[*:wsmanager] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\WSManager#218
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:connector] => Ratchet\Client\Connector#219
[*:_loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[*:_connector] => React\Socket\Connector#220
[React\Socket\Connector:connectors] => array(...)
[*:_secureConnector] => null
[*:_negotiator] => Ratchet\RFC6455\Handshake\ClientNegotiator#221
[Ratchet\RFC6455\Handshake\ClientNegotiator:verifier] => Ratchet\RFC6455\Handshake\ResponseVerifier(...)
[Ratchet\RFC6455\Handshake\ClientNegotiator:defaultHeader] => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request(...)
[*:wshandler] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\WSHandler#222
[*:wsmanager] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\WSManager#218(...)
[*:handlers] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Handlers\Dispatch(...)
[1] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Handlers\Heartbeat(...)
[7] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Handlers\Reconnect(...)
[9] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Handlers\InvalidSession(...)
[10] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Handlers\Hello(...)
[11] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Handlers\HeartbeatAck(...)
[*:connections] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\WSConnection#217(...)
[*:readyConns] => 1
[*:compression] => '\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Compression\ZlibStream'
[*:encoding] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Encoding\Json#223
[*:jsonOptions] => 0
[*:gateway] => 'wss://'
[*:lastIdentify] => 1539845745
[*:listeners] => array
[] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[ready] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[guildCreate] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array
[ready] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[1] => Closure(...)
[*:shardID] => 0
[*:ws] => Ratchet\Client\WebSocket#224
[request] => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request#225
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request:method] => 'GET'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request:requestTarget] => null
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request:uri] => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri#226
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri:scheme] => 'http'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri:userInfo] => ''
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri:host] => ''
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri:port] => 443
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri:path] => '/'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri:query] => 'v=6&encoding=json&compress=zlib-stream'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Uri:fragment] => ''
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request:headers] => array
[Host] => array(...)
[Connection] => array(...)
[Upgrade] => array(...)
[Sec-WebSocket-Version] => array(...)
[Sec-WebSocket-Key] => array(...)
[User-Agent] => array(...)
[Origin] => array(...)
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request:headerNames] => array
[connection] => 'Connection'
[upgrade] => 'Upgrade'
[sec-websocket-version] => 'Sec-WebSocket-Version'
[user-agent] => 'User-Agent'
[host] => 'Host'
[sec-websocket-key] => 'Sec-WebSocket-Key'
[origin] => 'Origin'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request:protocol] => '1.1'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request:stream] => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream#227
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:stream] => {resource}
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:size] => null
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:seekable] => true
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:readable] => true
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:writable] => true
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:uri] => 'php://temp'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:customMetadata] => array(...)
[response] => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response#228
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response:reasonPhrase] => 'Switching Protocols'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response:statusCode] => 101
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response:headers] => array
[Date] => array(...)
[Connection] => array(...)
[Set-Cookie] => array(...)
[sec-websocket-accept] => array(...)
[upgrade] => array(...)
[Expect-CT] => array(...)
[Server] => array(...)
[CF-RAY] => array(...)
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response:headerNames] => array
[date] => 'Date'
[connection] => 'Connection'
[set-cookie] => 'Set-Cookie'
[sec-websocket-accept] => 'sec-websocket-accept'
[upgrade] => 'upgrade'
[expect-ct] => 'Expect-CT'
[server] => 'Server'
[cf-ray] => 'CF-RAY'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response:protocol] => '1.1'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Response:stream] => GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream#229
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:stream] => {resource}
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:size] => null
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:seekable] => true
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:readable] => true
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:writable] => true
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:uri] => 'php://temp'
[GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream:customMetadata] => array(...)
[*:_stream] => React\Socket\Connection#230
[unix] => false
[encryptionEnabled] => true
[stream] => {resource}
[React\Socket\Connection:input] => React\Stream\DuplexResourceStream#19(...)
[*:listeners] => array
[close] => array(...)
[data] => array(...)
[error] => array(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[*:_close] => Closure#231
[0] => Closure#231(...)
[*:listeners] => array
[message] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[error] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[close] => array
[0] => Closure(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[*:compressContext] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\Compression\ZlibStream#232
[*:context] => {resource}
[ratelimits] => array
[total] => 120
[time] => 60
[remaining] => 120
[timer] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#11(...)
[dateline] => 0
[heartbeatRoom] => 3
[heartbeat] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#13(...)
[wsHeartbeat] => array
[ack] => true
[dateline] => 0
[*:authenticated] => true
[*:queue] => array()
[*:running] => false
[*:expectedClose] => false
[*:previous] => false
[*:ready] => true
[*:lastPacketTime] => 1539845747.1407
[*:previousSequence] => 4
[*:sequence] => 5
[*:pings] => array()
[*:wsCloseCodes] => array
[end] => array
[0] => 4004
[1] => 4010
[2] => 4011
[3] => 4012
[resumable] => array
[0] => 4001
[1] => 4002
[2] => 4003
[3] => 4005
[4] => 4008
[*:status] => 4
[*:wsSessionID] => 'b17cd00949ee0f52d66f675cb6ba2b24'
[*:listeners] => array
[self.ready] => array
[0] => Closure#233
[0] => Closure#233(...)
[close] => array
[0] => Closure#234
[0] => Closure#234(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array
[self.error] => array
[0] => Closure#235
[0] => Closure#235(...)
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[readyTimestamp] => 1539845749
[token] => 'NDQxMjMzNjY1MjMwNTAzOTgx.Dmq3Jw.bNYRHG3RpbBX2hf6uNDx_ozEXvo'
[*:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[*:options] => array
[commandPrefix] => '$'
[owners] => array
[0] => '329643205182095360'
[unknownCommandResponse] => false
[invite] => ''
[database] => array
[server] => 'localhost'
[user] => 'root'
[pass] => ''
[db] => 'discord-bot'
[pool.options] => array
[size] => 7
[commandEditableDuration] => 30
[nonCommandEditable] => true
[internal.storages.channels] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ChannelStorage'
[internal.storages.emojis] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\EmojiStorage'
[internal.storages.guilds] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildStorage'
[internal.storages.messages] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage'
[internal.storages.members] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMemberStorage'
[internal.storages.presences] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\PresenceStorage'
[internal.storages.roles] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\RoleStorage'
[internal.storages.users] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\UserStorage'
[shardCount] => 1
[numShards] => 1
[*:user] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ClientUser#203(...)
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:endpoints] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIEndpoints#237
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[channel] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\Endpoints\Channel#238
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[emoji] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\Endpoints\Emoji#239
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[guild] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\Endpoints\Guild#240
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[invite] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\Endpoints\Invite#241
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[user] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\Endpoints\User#242
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[voice] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\Endpoints\Voice#243
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[webhook] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\Endpoints\Webhook#244
[*:api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[*:loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[*:ratelimits] => array()
[*:limited] => false
[*:limit] => 0
[*:remaining] => INF
[*:resetTime] => 0
[*:queue] => array()
[*:bucketName] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\RatelimitBucket'
[*:bucketRatelimitPromises] => array()
[*:ws] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\WSManager#218(...)
[*:gateway] => array
[url] => 'wss://'
[shards] => 1
[session_start_limit] => array
[total] => 1000
[remaining] => 985
[reset_after] => 30978951
[*:timers] => array
[0] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#8(...)
[1] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#15(...)
[*:utils] => array
[0] => '\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collector'
[1] => '\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\DataHelpers'
[2] => '\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\URLHelpers'
[*:eventsQueue] => array
[0] => array
[0] => 'presenceUpdate'
[1] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#158(...)
[1] => null
[1] => array
[0] => 'presenceUpdate'
[1] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#192(...)
[1] => null
[*:listeners] => array
[message] => array
[0] => Closure#245
[0] => Closure#245(...)
[1] => Closure#246
[0] => Closure#246(...)
[messageUpdate] => array
[0] => Closure#247
[0] => Closure#247(...)
[ready] => array
[0] => Closure#248
[0] => Closure#248(...)
[guildMemberAdd] => array
[0] => Closure#249
[0] => Closure#249(...)
[*:onceListeners] => array()
[eventHandler] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\EventHandler#250
[*:client] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Client#2(...)
[*:events] => array
[0] => array
[0] => 'ready'
[1] => Closure#248(...)
[1] => array
[0] => 'guildMemberAdd'
[1] => Closure#249(...)
[*:commands] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#251
[*:data] => array()
[*:modules] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#252
[*:data] => array()
[*:invites] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#253
[*:data] => array()
[*:inviteCache] => null
[pool] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\Pool#3(...)
[dispatcher] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\CommandDispatcher#29(...)
[registry] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\CommandRegistry#31(...)
[provider] => CharlotteDunois\Livia\Providers\MySQLProvider#114(...)
[channels] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ChannelStorage#122(...)
[emojis] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\EmojiStorage#199(...)
[guilds] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildStorage#200(...)
[presences] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\PresenceStorage#201(...)
[users] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\UserStorage#202(...)
[shards] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collection#215(...)
[readyTimestamp] => 1539845749
[token] => 'NDQxMjMzNjY1MjMwNTAzOTgx.Dmq3Jw.bNYRHG3RpbBX2hf6uNDx_ozEXvo'
[loop] => React\EventLoop\StreamSelectLoop#4(...)
[options] => array
[commandPrefix] => '$'
[owners] => array
[0] => '329643205182095360'
[unknownCommandResponse] => false
[invite] => ''
[database] => array
[server] => 'localhost'
[user] => 'root'
[pass] => ''
[db] => 'discord-bot'
[pool.options] => array
[size] => 7
[commandEditableDuration] => 30
[nonCommandEditable] => true
[internal.storages.channels] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ChannelStorage'
[internal.storages.emojis] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\EmojiStorage'
[internal.storages.guilds] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildStorage'
[internal.storages.messages] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\MessageStorage'
[internal.storages.members] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\GuildMemberStorage'
[internal.storages.presences] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\PresenceStorage'
[internal.storages.roles] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\RoleStorage'
[internal.storages.users] => 'CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\UserStorage'
[shardCount] => 1
[numShards] => 1
[user] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\ClientUser#203(...)
[api] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\HTTP\APIManager#236(...)
[ws] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\WebSocket\WSManager#218(...)
[gateway] => array
[url] => 'wss://'
[shards] => 1
[session_start_limit] => array
[total] => 1000
[remaining] => 985
[reset_after] => 30978951
[timers] => array
[0] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#8(...)
[1] => React\EventLoop\Timer\Timer#15(...)
[utils] => array
[0] => '\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\Collector'
[1] => '\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\DataHelpers'
[2] => '\CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Utils\URLHelpers'
[eventsQueue] => array
[0] => array
[0] => 'presenceUpdate'
[1] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#158(...)
[1] => null
[1] => array
[0] => 'presenceUpdate'
[1] => array
[0] => CharlotteDunois\Yasmin\Models\Presence#192(...)
[1] => null
[listeners] => array
[message] => array
[0] => Closure#245(...)
[1] => Closure#246(...)
[messageUpdate] => array
[0] => Closure#247(...)
[ready] => array
[0] => Closure#248(...)
[guildMemberAdd] => array
[0] => Closure#249(...)
[onceListeners] => array()
[eventHandler] => Animeshz\ClusterPlus\Dependent\EventHandler#250(...)
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