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Created March 6, 2021 22:53
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Quick contract implementing Matteo's idea
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity <=0.7.4;
// @name Rich
// @dev Contract to track richest owner and name and take ownership by paying cost
contract Rich {
string public richest = ""; // Name of richest
uint public cost = 0.001 ether; // Cost to take ownership
address payable public currentOwner; // Current richest owner
// Event to emit on owner change
event NewRichest(address indexed to, uint cost);
// On deployment
constructor() {
// Set initial richest to Anish
richest = "Anish Agnihotri";
currentOwner = msg.sender;
// @dev take ownership and become the richest
// @param _name to set as richest
function takeOwnership(string calldata _name) external payable {
require(msg.value == cost, "Rich: Insufficient paid value"); // Require payment
require(msg.sender != currentOwner, "Rich: Cannot be current owner"); // Ensure no duplicacy
currentOwner.transfer(msg.value); // Transfer fees to old owner
richest = _name; // Update name of richest
currentOwner = msg.sender; // Change current owner
cost = cost * 3 / 2; // Multiply cost of ownership by 1.5
// Emit new owner event
emit NewRichest(msg.sender, cost);
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Smart way to get some ETH 😄

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