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Created October 9, 2020 17:04
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ReactJS Custom hook for swipe gesture on mobile browser using Hammer.js
* Swipe hook gives functionality to detect user swipe event on give container.
* Dependency: hammerjs (npm install hammerjs --save)
* e.g
* Component.js
* const swipeContainerRef = useRef();
* useSwipeHook(swipeContainerRef, leftSwipeCallback, rightSwipeCallback)
* <div ref={swipeContainerRef}>Swipe hook will catch events for this container</div>
* Functionality of hook can be extended by passing single callback for all events
* and pass type of hook to callback.
* Callback functions are stored using ref to avoid rerunning of useEffect.
* This avoid extra work of consumer component
import { useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
import Hammer from 'hammerjs';
export default function useSwipe(elRef, leftSwipe, rightSwipe) {
const leftSwipeRef = useRef();
leftSwipeRef.current = leftSwipe;
const rightSwipeRef = useRef();
rightSwipeRef.current = rightSwipe;
useEffect(() => {
if (!elRef || !elRef.current) {
console.error('UseSwipe hook need reference of swipe container');
const container = elRef.current;
const HammerScroll = new Hammer.Manager(container);
const Swipe = new Hammer.Swipe();
HammerScroll.on('swipeleft', () => leftSwipeRef.current());
HammerScroll.on('swiperight', () => rightSwipeRef.current());
return () => {'swipeleft');'swiperight');
}, [leftSwipeRef, rightSwipeRef]);
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