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Last active March 12, 2018 07:00
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from boa.interop.Neo.Runtime import CheckWitness, Notify
from boa.interop.Neo.Action import RegisterAction
from boa.interop.Neo.Storage import *
from boa.builtins import concat
from boa_test.example.demo.nex.token import *
PROPOSAL_LIST_KEY = 'proposalList'
TOTAL_PROPOSAL_AMOUNT = 'totalproposalAmount'
def handle_dao(ctx, operation, args):
# Add a new proposal
if operation == 'addProposal':
if len(args) == 3:
# args[0]: from address
# args[1]: ipfs hash
# args[2]: amount of NEO
# args[3]: voting threshold
return do_add_proposal(ctx, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])
# Vote for a propasal
elif operation == 'voteforProposal':
if len(args) == 1:
# args[0]: from address
# args[1]: proposal id
return do_vote_for_proposal(ctx, args[0], args[1])
# Claim the NEO if the proposal is approved
elif openration == 'finalizeProposal':
if len(args) == 0:
return do_finalize_proposal()
return False
def do_add_proposal(ctx, t_from, ipfs_hash, amount, threshold):
if amount <= 0:
return False
if CheckWitness(t_from):
from_val = Get(ctx, t_from)
# Only the token holder can add new proposal
if from_val == 0:
print("insufficient funds")
return False
# Add totalProposal
totalProposal = Get(ctx, TOTAL_PROPOSAL_AMOUNT)
Put(ctx, TOTAL_PROPOSAL_AMOUNT, totalProposal + 1)
proposal_id = totalProposal + 1
# Deserialize proposal list
serialized = Get(ctx, PROPOSAL_LIST_KEY)
proposal_list = deserialize_bytearray(serialized)
# Create new proposal
initialVotes = 0
# A proposal include:
# 1. Id: string
# 2. Ipfs_hash: string
# 3. Neo amount: int
# 4. Threshold: int
# 5. Vote counter: int
# 6. Approved: Boolean
# 7. Proposer address: string
new_proposal = [proposal_id, ipfs_hash, str(amount), str(threshold), str(initialVotes), "False", t_from]
# Serialize again and put it
to_save = serialize_array(proposal_list)
Put(ctx, PROPOSAL_LIST_KEY, to_save)
return True
print("from address is not the tx sender")
return False
def do_vote_for_proposal(ctx, t_from, proposal_id):
if CheckWitness(t_from):
from_val = Get(ctx, t_from)
# Only the token holder can vote for a proposal
if from_val == 0:
print("insufficient funds")
return False
# Deserialize proposal list
serialized = Get(ctx, PROPOSAL_LIST_KEY)
proposal_list = deserialize_bytearray(serialized)
# Find the proposal according to "proposal_id" and add the from_val to the proposal's current vote amount
# Serialize again and put it
to_save = serialize_array(proposal_list)
Put(ctx, PROPOSAL_LIST_KEY, to_save)
return True
print("from address is not the tx sender")
return False
def do_finalize_proposal(ctx, t_from):
# If proposal[threshold] >= proposal[totalVotes]
# If proposal["Approved"] == True
# return False
# else
# 1. Set "Approved" to True
# 2. claim the NEO. Question: Can I transfer the NEO in the contract to another one?
# return True
# else
return False
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