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Last active September 26, 2020 04:05
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Reevaluation of UN intervention efforts (logistic regression, p-score matching, genetic matching with propensity scores)
# ________________________________________QUESTION 2 ______________________________________________#
#load the data
foo<- read.csv("")
#extracting relevant columns
foo_s <- foo[, c(6:8, 11:16,99, 50, 114, 49, 52, 63, 136, 109, 126, 48, 160, 142, 10, 108)]
# removing 2 rows with missing data
foo <- foo[c(-19, -47), ]
# checking that all missing data is gone...
which( == TRUE)
#specifying logistic regression model from the original paper
glm_original <- glm(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap +
develop + exp + decade + treaty +untype4,
data=foo, family=binomial)
#specifying our model with two new interaction terms
glm_new <- glm(pbs2s3 ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap +
develop + exp + decade + treaty + untype4 + (exp*untype4) + (wardur*logcost),
data=foo, family=binomial)
#holding predictors at their means
mean.wartype <- mean(foo$wartype)
mean.logcost <- mean(foo$logcost)
mean.factnum <- mean(foo$factnum)
mean.factnum2 <- mean(foo$factnum2)
mean.trnsfcap <- mean(foo$trnsfcap)
mean.develop <- mean(foo$develop)
mean.exp <- mean(foo$exp)
mean.decade <- mean(foo$decade)
mean.treaty <- mean(foo$treaty)
#creating a logit function to obtain regression predictions using a for loop
get_logit <- function(X, coef) {
logit <- coef[1] + sum(coef[2:length(coef)]*X)
return(exp(logit) / (1 + exp(logit)))
#creating storage vectors for the original model
storage_original_treat <- rep(NA, 315)
storage_original_control <- rep(NA, 315)
#looping through values of wardur to obtain treatment effects at different levels
for (wardur in 1:315) {
X.treat <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logcost, wardur, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp, mean.decade, mean.treaty, 1)
X.control <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logcost, wardur, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp, mean.decade, mean.treaty, 0)
storage_original_treat[wardur] <- get_logit(X.treat, coef(glm_original))
storage_original_control[wardur] <- get_logit(X.control, coef(glm_original))
#calculating the treatment effect of untype4 (multidimensional peacekeeping) in original model
original_y <- storage_original_treat- storage_original_control
#repeating the process for our new model with two interaction terms
storage_new_treat <- rep(NA, 315)
storage_new_control <- rep(NA, 315)
for (wardur in 1:315) {
X.treat <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logcost, wardur, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp, mean.decade, mean.treaty, 1, mean.exp*1, wardur*mean.logcost)
X.control <- c(mean.wartype, mean.logcost, wardur, mean.factnum, mean.factnum2,
mean.trnsfcap, mean.develop, mean.exp,mean.decade, mean.treaty, 0,mean.exp*0, wardur*mean.logcost)
storage_new_treat[wardur] <- get_logit(X.treat, coef(glm_new))
storage_new_control[wardur] <- get_logit(X.control, coef(glm_new))
#calculating the treatment effect of untype4 (multidimensional peacekeeping) in new model
new_y <- storage_new_treat - storage_new_control
#plotting the causal effect obtained by two models against the war duration
plot(1:315, original_y, type = "l", lty=3,lwd=2, ylim = c(0, 0.8),
xlab = "Duration of war in months", ylab = "Treatment effect of UN peacekeeping operations",
cex.lab=1.35, cex.axis = 0.9, tck=0.018)
lines(1:315, new_y, col= 'black', lwd=2, ylim = c(0, 0.8))
# _____________________________________________QUESTION 3_____________________________________#
# checking what uncint is about;
# Levels:Enforcement None Observer PKO
Tr <- rep(0, length(foo$uncint))
# creates a vector filled with zeros, number of zeros = length(foo$uncint)
Tr[which(foo$uncint!= "None"] <- 1
# "!=" means "not equal to";
# corrects the value from 0 to 1 for elements in Tr vector that have value of uncint other than "None".
# _____________________________________________QUESTION 4_____________________________________#
#loading the data
data_4 <- read.csv("")
#removing rows with missing data
data_4 <- data_4[c(-19, -47), ]
#treatment assignment
Tr <- rep(0, length(data_4$uncint))
#Treatment is assigned to wars that had some sort of UN interventions(Enforcement,Observer,PKO)
#control - to these that had None
Tr[which(data_4$uncint!= "None")] <- 1
data_4$Tr <- Tr
#_______________Estimating the impact of treatment (UN interventions) on foo$pbs5l and foo$pbs2l_______________#
#checking the initial balance
mb1 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty, data = data_4, nboots=500)
#checking for NAs:
NAs <-$pbs5l)
#_________________________________________LOGISTIC REGRESSION___________________________________#
#specifying logistic regression model
regression_2 <- glm(pbs2l ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + untype4 + treaty +
develop + exp + decade+Tr, data=data_4, family="binomial")
#generating counterfactuals for the estimation of the tretament effect
counter_factual <- data_4
counter_factual$Tr <- 1 - data_4$Tr
counter_factuals_2 <- predict(regression_2, newdata=counter_factual, type="response")
#estimating treatment effect
treatment_effects_2 <- rep(NA, nrow(data_4))
t_e <- data_4$Tr == 1
treatment_effects_2[t_e] <- regression_2$fitted.values[t_e] - counter_factuals_2[t_e]
treatment_effects_2[!t_e] <- counter_factuals_2[!t_e] - regression_2$fitted.values[!t_e]
#Tmt effect estimate
#Tmt effect sd error
#repeating the same for pbs5l
regression_5 <-glm(pbs5l ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + untype4 + treaty +
develop + exp + decade+Tr, data=data_4[!NAs,], family="binomial")
counter_factual_5 <- data_4[!NAs,]
counter_factual_5$Tr <- 1 - data_4$Tr[!NAs]
counter.factuals_5 <- predict(regression_5, newdata=counter_factual_5, type="response")
treatment_effects_5 <- rep(NA, nrow(data_4[!NAs,]))
t_e_5 <- data_4[!NAs,]$Tr == 1
treatment_effects_5[t_e_5] <- regression_5$fitted.values[t_e_5] - counter.factuals_5[t_e_5]
treatment_effects_5[!t_e_5] <- counter.factuals_5[!t_e_5] - regression_5$fitted.values[!t_e_5]
#Tmt effect estimate
#Tmt effect sd error
# ___________________________________PROPENSITY-SCORE MATCHING___________________________________#
# Compute the propensity scores
propensity_score_model <- glm(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty +
develop + exp + decade, data=data_4, family="binomial")
#fitted.values are the propensity scores
F_V <- propensity_score_model$fitted.values
# Do the matching for peacebuilding success 2 yrs after the war
matching_propensity_pbs2l <- Match(Y = data_4$pbs2l, Tr=data_4$Tr, X=F_V)
#treatment effect estimate is 0.19444;
#treatment effect std error is 0.184
Y_5 <- data_4$pbs5l
mask <- which(!
matching_propensity_pbs5l <- Match(Y = Y_5[mask], Tr=Tr[mask], X=F_V[mask])
#treatment effect estimate is 0.18182
#treatment effect std error is 0.17003
# Check the balance
#also have Tr as a thing we're predicting because we're trying to compare the balance across the
balance_propensity_pbs2l <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty +
develop + exp + decade, data=data_4, match.out = matching_propensity_pbs2l, nboots=1000)
#lowest p-value: 0.096
balance_propensity_pbs5l <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty +
develop + exp + decade, data=data_4, match.out = matching_propensity_pbs5l, nboots=1000)
#lowest p-value: < 2.22e-16
# ___________________________________GENETIC MATCHING_________________________________________________#
#all the covariates to be balanced
X <- cbind(data_4$wartype, data_4$logcost, data_4$wardur, data_4$factnum, data_4$factnum2, data_4$trnsfcap,
data_4$treaty, data_4$develop, data_4$exp, data_4$decade, (data_4$wardur*data_4$decade))
genout <- GenMatch(X = X, Tr = Tr, pop.size=250, wait.generations=25)
matchout_pbs2l <- Match(X=X, Tr=Tr,Y = data_4$pbs2l, Weight.matrix = genout)
summary(matchout_pbs2l) # treatment estimate and treatment SD here
mb.out2 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty +
develop + exp + decade + wardur*decade, data=data_4, match.out = matchout_pbs2l, nboots=1000)
#lowest p-value from Match Balance: 0.27994
# repeating the same for 5 years
genout_5 <- GenMatch(Tr=Tr[mask], X=X[mask,], M=1,
pop.size=250, wait.generations=25)
m_5 <- Match(Y=Y_5[mask], Tr=Tr[mask], X=X[mask,], M=1, Weight.matrix = genout_5)
mb5 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty, data= data_4,
match.out = m_5, nboots=500)
#__________________________________GENETIC MATCHING WITH PROPENSITY SCORES________________________________#
#same as geentic matching but in cbind include "propensity_score_model$fitted.values"
X_p_s <- cbind(X, propensity_score_model$fitted.values)
genout_2 <- GenMatch(X = X_p_s, Tr = Tr, pop.size=350, wait.generations=25)
matchout_2l <- Match(X=X_p_s, Tr=Tr,Y = data_4$pbs2l, Weight.matrix = genout_2)
mb_out2 <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 + trnsfcap + treaty +
develop + exp + decade, data=data_4, match.out = matchout_2l, nboots=1000)
#lowest p-value from Match Balance: 0.27994
# repeating the same for 5 years
genout_5 <- GenMatch(Tr=Tr[mask], X=X_p_s[mask,], M=2,
pop.size=350, wait.generations=25)
m_5l <- Match(Y=Y_5[mask], Tr=Tr[mask], X=X_p_s[mask,], M=2, Weight.matrix = genout_5)
mb5l <- MatchBalance(Tr ~ wartype + logcost + wardur + factnum + factnum2 +
trnsfcap + develop + exp + decade + treaty, data= data_4,
match.out = m_5l, nboots=500)
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