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Last active January 20, 2016 21:26
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Computational geometry + geo-computations: polyline simplification, convex hulls
Created on Mon Jan 17 2016
Anna M. Kedzierska
Python3 implementation of the Douglas-Peucker algorithm for polyline simplification
from functools import singledispatch
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
from numpy import dot
import math
import json
import geojson
# define a Point
class PointLoc:
def __init__(self, p):
self.x, self.y = p[0], p[1]
# define a Line (LineString)
class Line:
def __init__(self, start, end):
self.start, self.end = start, end
# class with implementations of various distances: point-point, point-segment
class CalculateDistance(object):
def get_dist(shape, point):
def _(arg, point):
"""distance between two points"""
dx = arg.x - point.x
dy = arg.y - point.y
return math.hypot(dx, dy)
def _(arg, point):
"""distance between a point and a segment"""
point = PointLoc(point)
dvx = arg.end[0] - arg.start[0]
dvy = arg.end[1] - arg.start[1]
#distance to the first point
dwx = point.x - arg.start[0]
dwy = point.y - arg.start[1]
v = [dvx, dvy]
w = [dwx, dwy]
# c1/2 is an area of the triangle
c1 = dot_product(w,v)
# check if the 1st end of the segment is the closest of all (the sign of the dot products checks the side of the points)
if c1 <= 0:
return math.hypot(dwx,dwy)
c2 = dot_product(v,v)
#distance of the point to the second end of the segment, which is closer then the 1st
if c2 <= c1:
dzx = point.x - arg.end[0]
dzy = point.y - arg.end[1]
return math.hypot(dzx, dzy)
# none of the endpoints is closest to he point, so calculate the projection onto the segment
b = c1 / c2
proj1 = arg.start[0] + b * v[0]
proj2 = arg.start[1] + b * v[1]
out = math.hypot(point.x - proj1, point.y - proj2)
return out
def check(v1,v2):
if len(v1)!=len(v2):
raise ValueError("the length of both vectors/arrays must be the same")
def cross_product(v1, v2):
check(v1, v2)
return np.cross(v1, v2)
def dot_product(v1, v2):
check(v1, v2)
return, v2)
# impementation of Radial Distance alg= remove points 'too close' to each other
# on the line
def estimate_radial_distance(inLine, tolerance):
def radial_dist_myReduce(resultsList, elem):
if len(resultsList)==0:
resultsList = [elem]
lastElem = resultsList[-1]
if CalculateDistance.get_dist(PointLoc(lastElem), PointLoc(elem)) > tolerance:
return resultsList + [elem]
return resultsList
return reduce(radial_dist_myReduce, inLine, [])
#recursive implementation of the DP algorithm for polyline simplification
def get_dpeucker_rec(points, threshold):
Recursive version of the DP algorithm
xmax = 0.0 # we want floats
xindex = 0
L =len(points)
TabLines = np.empty(L,dtype=Line)
TabLines.fill(Line(points[0], points[-1]))
# alternative recommended for python3: list comprehensions
x = list(map(CalculateDistance.get_dist, TabLines, points))
xmax = max(x)
xindex = np.argmax(x)
if xmax >= threshold:
# [:-1] index is set no to add the same element, which appears in the set from the same split
results = get_dpeucker_rec(points[:xindex+1], threshold)[:-1] + get_dpeucker_rec(points[xindex:], threshold) # adding sets (left and right split)
results = [points[0], points[-1]] # collect the segments with no points above the threshold (no more splits)
return results
def simplify_lineDP(points, tolerance, RadialPass):
# if Radial Distance == True, it is run before DP
if RadialPass:
points = estimate_radial_distance(points, tolerance)
points = get_dpeucker_rec(points, tolerance)
return points
# printing simplified points as a geojson
def create_map(points, type_obj, out_file_name):
Input: list of points as tuples, type_obj= 0: points, else: line
Returns a GeoJSON file.
Note: GitHub can automatically render the GeoJSON
file as a map.
# Define the GeoJSON type
geo_map = {"type": "FeatureCollection"}
# Define empty list to collect each point
item_list = []
index = 0
# Iterate over our data to create GeoJSOn document.
for point in points:
index = index + 1
# beware of 0's
if point[0] == "0" or point[1] == "0":
data = {}
data['type'] = 'Feature'
data['id'] = 'Stop: '+ str(index)
data['geometry'] = {'type': 'Point',
'coordinates': (point[0], point[1])}
for point in item_list:
geo_map.setdefault('features', []).append(point)
with open(out_file_name + '.geojson', 'w') as f:
# the following area calculation will be used for alg improvement + Visvalingam Whyatt implementation
def get_triangle_area(p0, p1, p2):
# Note to self: the area of a planar parallelogram or triangle can be expressed
# by the magnitude of the cross-product of two edge vectors: 0.5|v x w|, v = w,
vx = p1.x - p0.x
vy = p1.y - p0.y
wx = p2.x - p0.x
wy = p2.y - p0.y
v = [vx, vy]
w = [wx, wy]
area = 0.5 * np.cross(v,w)
# explicit formulae: vx*wy-wx*vy
# Important: the sign gives additional info about the placement of the point wrt to a segment/line,
# which corresponds to the directionality of the polygon created by the points or the associated convex hull
# e.g. >0 counterclockwise direction (point is to the left of p0p1); <0 is cw, point to the right of p0p1
return area
if __name__ == "__main__":
# read in or process the input data in a geojson format
data = []
# the json core:
with open('route_input.geojson') as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
#for geojson specifically:
for feature in json_data['features']:
# simplify the polyline using the DP algorithm.
# call with 'True' if Radial Distance should be a pre-step
tolerance = 0.003
data_simplified = simplify_lineDP(data, tolerance, False)
# print to a geojson under pre-specified name (e.g. simplified_route_out.geojson)
create_map(data_simplified, 1, 'simplified_route_out')
# - Improve implementation to avoid intersections.
# Step1: compute a convex hull
# The problem with traditional formulation of the DP algorithm is that
# the simplified polyline might not be homeomorphic to the oryginal one
# if self-intersections occur (no topological consistency).
# Improved algorithm design has at its basis the computation of convex hulls of the polyline(s).
# 1) speeding up the DP algorithm implemented here
# ( and
# 2) adding conditions that avoid creating self-intersections
# (
# Best Choice: Melkman's algorithm
# - Visvalingam-Wyatt simplification
Created on Mon Jan 17 2016
Anna M. Kedzierska
Process metro data from the LA transport API:
used to create: route_input.geojson
import requests
import json
import geojson
def process_bus_data():
Extract and parse the data
res_request = requests.get("")
res_request.raise_for_status() # check the response object for errors
data_req = res_request.json()
i = 0
loc_data =[]
while i<len(data_req['items']):
stops_lon = data_req['items'][i]['longitude']
stops_lat = data_req['items'][i]['latitude']
loc_data.append((stops_lon, stops_lat))
return loc_data
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