I hereby claim:
- I am AnneTheAgile on github.
- I am annetheagile (https://keybase.io/annetheagile) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is B29F D370 500E 63F9 937B 2B9B 6FB0 7974 4741 54C7
To claim this, I am signing this object:
--- | |
# FILE: talk-battle-ansi-config | |
# README: Prepare a mac 10.9 machine for running battleschool by ensuring a config file/folder exists. | |
# USAGE: $ ansible-playbook -i ansinv ansiboot.yml # Where ansinv= Your inventory file; ansiboot.yml= This script. | |
# PREREQ: | |
# $ curl -L THIS-URL > ~/.battleschool/config.yml # TIP-Bash-Curl: L: If location redirects, go there instead. | |
# $ ansible all -m ping # Test that the inventory file exists and ansible works with local host. | |
# $ ansible workstation -m ping -i ansinv # Test that the given inventory file contains 'workstation'. | |
# NEXT: $ battle --ask-sudo-pass --config-file=/Users/YOURUSER/.battleschool/config.yml # Config is created by this script. | |
# []TODO- Ansible-Battle; IDK why Tilde is not accepted to find path for config file - especially given it defaults ok. |
# Mac/64 version ansible 1.6.2 | |
# https://binstar.org/annetheagile/ansible | |
# 2014-06-04Wed15:18:02 | |
# 2014-07-08Tue12:18:42 Add- create new env info | |
# What is there now? | |
$ conda info -e | |
aws-boto-ansible ~/anaconda/envs/aws-boto-ansible | |
root * ~/anaconda |
git |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# HERE-NOW type of long long String with embedded CR's; | |
# REF: https://github.com/wikimedia/pywikibot-core/blob/master/generate_user_files.py | |
from textwrap import wrap | |
msg = wrap("""WARNING: Your user files will be created in the directory | |
'%(new_base)s' you have chosen. To access these files, you will either have | |
to use the argument "-dir:%(new_base)s" every time....""" % locals(), width=76) | |
for line in msg: | |
print line |
# It is very easy to read a clean CSV with pandas. | |
In [2]: import pandas | |
In [3]: db = pandas.read_csv("/path/fn.csv") | |
In [7]: db | |
Out[7]: | |
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> | |
Int64Index: 528 entries, 0 to 527 |
The usual easy way of LibreOffice aka Excel translating a column by editing its contents. | |
Formulae; | |
=SUBSTITUTE(D2,"HDR ","",1) # Necessary | |
=FIND("HDR ",D1) # FYI | |
EX.: | |
# Format row; Label row, Data row | |
# Used 3 tabs here on gist to delimit | |
[out-as-str] [out-as-calc] [other-field] [input] | |
CategoryCalc CategoryCalc Concept Category0 |
--- | |
# Empty Battleschool config.yml. | |
sources: | |
local: | |
#- playbook.yml | |
url: | |
#- name: playbook.yml | |
# url: https://db.tt/VcyI9dvr |
[workstation] | |
localhost ansible_connection=local | |
# no ssh needed with local ansi connection, aka -c local, but couldn't get cli to work. |
--- | |
- hosts: workstation | |
# https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/622216/battleschool/playbooks/playbook.yml | |
# via | |
# https://github.com/spencergibb/battleschool | |
tasks: | |
- name: print from playbook | |
debug: msg="in Examples ! playbooks/playbook.yml" |