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Last active March 10, 2021 00:03
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  • Save AnnieFuchsia/03c655d5cefc4a83c9e62f658f4f0350 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AnnieFuchsia/03c655d5cefc4a83c9e62f658f4f0350 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Useful macros that Annie uses.
[342938] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Unstable Affliction
[323673] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Mindgames
[206650] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Eye of Leotheras
[1715] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Hamstring
[122470] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Karma
[274837] = { type = CROWD_CONTROL }, -- Feral Frenzy
/run LoadAddOn("Blizzard_WeeklyRewards"); WeeklyRewardsFrame:Show()
/run PlayerFrame:ClearAllPoints() PlayerFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,-313,-226)PlayerFrame:SetUserPlaced(true)
/run TargetFrame:ClearAllPoints() TargetFrame:SetPoint("CENTER",UIParent,313,-226)TargetFrame:SetUserPlaced(true)
// Macro that helps you bind one key for all talent choices of a row
// This particular example is for Warlock row 5, options 2 and 3 (Mortal Coil vs Howl of Terror)
// You can edit the number according to what you need!
/cast [talent:5/2] Mortal Coil
/cast [talent:5/3] Howl of Terror
// Additional macro with @focus
/cast [@focus,harm,exists,nodead,talent:5/2][talent:5/2] Mortal Coil
/cast [talent:5/2] Mortal Coil
/cast [talent:5/3] Howl of Terror
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