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Created November 13, 2014 04:32
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:00] <eazar001> i know it's vague
[20:00] <Anniepoo> ok
[20:00] <eazar001> Anniepoo: i don't mean to be rude
[20:00] <Anniepoo> vague is AI's middle name
[20:00] <eazar001> but i must run some errands
[20:00] <Anniepoo> ok
[20:00] <eazar001> please ask me questions
[20:00] <eazar001> or hit me with info while i'm gone
[20:00] <Anniepoo> sure
[20:00] <eazar001> if you will
[20:00] <eazar001> thanks, brb
[20:02] <Anniepoo> adaptive knowledge - ie continuing the Terry Winograd tradition - Learning Winograd's work, and some Ontology/Semantic Web stuff - dmiles is an expert on this stuff
[20:03] <Anniepoo> learning - Google Machine Learning - AIMA for direction pointers, google neural net, support vector machine, hidden markov model
[20:03] * RLa has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
[20:05] * gen_ale_drinker has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:05] <Anniepoo> somewhere between those two, and the fuzzy problems of dealing with a chaotic real world - Rodney Brooks ( Cynthia Breazeal, and dmiles and I keep finding interesting things from
[20:05] <Anniepoo> game AI
[20:05] * gen_ale_drinker (sid4310@gateway/web/ has joined ##prolog
[20:06] * samrat (~samrat@ has joined ##prolog
[20:06] <Anniepoo> pattern recognition is all divided by tasks - computer vision, speech recognition, etc. - but then those field's ad hoc methods often fall back into machine learning methods
[20:07] <Anniepoo> human interaction - Breazeal, and learning some information design, which isn't a 'technical' field at all, but the art of designing things like highway signs,
[20:08] <Anniepoo> and some psychology and kinesiology and cognitive science
[20:08] * rvirding__ (sid21115@gateway/web/ has joined ##prolog
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[20:11] * eazar001 has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
[20:11] * Riviera has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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[20:11] <Anniepoo> As a child I asked one of the AMSAT pioneers I had the good fortune to know what I should study if I wanted a career in electronics
[20:11] <Anniepoo> his response:
[20:12] * rvirding__ is now known as rvirding_
[20:12] <Anniepoo> math, and then physics, and then math, and then chemistry, and then math, and then electronics, and then math, and then English, and then math, and then math, and then math...
[20:13] * oleo__ ( has joined ##prolog
[20:13] * telex ( has joined ##prolog
[20:14] * eL_Bart0 ( has joined ##prolog
[20:26] * eazar001 ( has joined ##prolog
[20:26] <eazar001> Anniepoo: back
[20:26] <Anniepoo> read logs
[20:27] <eazar001> guess i got disconnected
[20:27] <Anniepoo> ok, on phone, 1 min, I'll post
[20:27] <eazar001> yea, i wanted to ask dmiles about this stuff too
[20:27] <eazar001> k, sounds good
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