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Created September 9, 2018 14:23
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JavaScript calculation with all steps of the ggt/gdc (größter gemeinsamer Teiler/greatest common divisor) with the (extended) euclidean algorithm. Quick script to double check hand calculations for 'simultane Kongruenzen', RSA, ...
#!/usr/bin/env node
'use strict'
* This file contains:
* Methods to run the euclidean algorithm and the extended euclidean algorithm
* and methods to print the calculation steps visually to the console
* RUN:
* - node: enter in the console 'node extendedEuclideanAlgorithm.js'
* - browser: Open console and insert the whole document from line 16 to finish and press enter
const {performance} = require('perf_hooks')
* Calculate the ggt with the euclidean algorithm
* @param {number} numberOne the first number
* @param {number} numberTwo the second number
* @param {number[][]} steps calculation steps of the euclidean algorithm
* @returns {{ggt: number, calculation: number[][]}}
function euclideanAlgorithm (numberOne, numberTwo, steps = []) {
// If the numbers are the same terminate with this number
if (numberOne === numberTwo) {
steps.push([numberOne, 1, numberTwo, 0])
return {ggt: numberOne, calculation: steps}
// If the second number is bigger than the first swap them
if (numberTwo > numberOne) {
steps.push([numberOne, numberTwo])
return euclideanAlgorithm(numberTwo, numberOne, steps)
// Otherwise execute the algorithm
const rest = numberOne % numberTwo
steps.push([numberOne, (numberOne - rest) / numberTwo, numberTwo, rest])
// If the rest is zero terminate else continue recursively
return rest === 0 ? {ggt: numberTwo, calculation: steps} : euclideanAlgorithm(numberTwo, rest, steps)
* Calculate the ggt with the extended euclidean algorithm
* @param {number} numberOne the first number
* @param {number} numberTwo the second number
* @param {number} ggt greatest common divisor
* @param {number[][]} ggtSteps calculation steps of the euclidean algorithm
* @param {number[][]} backwardsSteps calculation steps of the extended euclidean algorithm
* @returns {{ggt: number, x: number, y: number, calculationEuclidean: number[][], calculationExtendedEuclidean: number[][]}}
function extendedEuclideanAlgorithm (numberOne, numberTwo, ggt = -1, ggtSteps = [], backwardsSteps = []) {
// Check if the ggt needs to be calculated with the euclidean algorithm
if (ggt === -1) {
const result = euclideanAlgorithm(numberOne, numberTwo)
return extendedEuclideanAlgorithm(numberOne, numberTwo, result.ggt, result.calculation)
// Otherwise execute the algorithm
for (let i = ggtSteps.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
const element = ggtSteps[i]
// If index is the second last line start with the following values initialize algorithm
if (i === ggtSteps.length - 2) {
backwardsSteps.push([element[3], 1, element[0], (-element[1]), element[2]])
} else {
// Otherwise substitute from the last line the last number with the current line
const lastElement = backwardsSteps[backwardsSteps.length - 1]
backwardsSteps.push([lastElement[0], lastElement[3], element[0], (lastElement[3] * -element[1]) + lastElement[1], element[2]])
const lastBackwardsStep = backwardsSteps[backwardsSteps.length - 1]
return {ggt: ggt, x: lastBackwardsStep[1], y: lastBackwardsStep[3], calculationEuclidean: ggtSteps, calculationExtendedEuclidean: backwardsSteps}
* Add leading/trailing whitespaces to the string representation of an object
* @param {*} x the object that should get leading/trailing whitespaces
* @param {number} length how long should the string at least be
* @param {boolean} front add leading whitespaces (or trailing if false)
* @returns {string} string in the correct length (or longer if length was smaller than x)
function formatLength (x, length, front = true) {
// Check if the string representation of the object is already long enough / longer
const missingLength = length - ('' + x).length
if (missingLength <= 0) {
return '' + x
} else {
// If not add the missing length in front of the number
return front ? ' '.repeat(missingLength) + x : x + ' '.repeat(missingLength)
* Get which object has a longer string representation
* @param {*} x object one
* @param {*} y object two
* @returns {*} the object with the longer string representation
function getLongerStringRepresentation (x, y) {
// Check if the string representation length of object x is greater or the same as the object y
return ('' + x).length >= ('' + y).length ? x : y
* Graphical output of the euclidean algorithm between two numbers
* @param {number} numberOne
* @param {number} numberTwo
function outputCalculationEuclideanAlgorithm (numberOne, numberTwo) {
// Do the calculation
const t0 =
const result = euclideanAlgorithm(numberOne, numberTwo)
const t1 =
console.log('Calculation [euclidean algorithm] took ' + (t1 - t0) + ' milliseconds.')
// Output calculation [euclidean algorithm]
console.log('CALCULATION: [euclidean algorithm]')
// Get the longest parameter for each output for visual alignment
let maximums = new Array(result.calculation[result.calculation.length - 1].length + 1).fill(0)
let prevCounter = 0
for (let i = 0; i < result.calculation.length; i++) {
const element = result.calculation[i]
if (element.length !== 2) {
maximums[element.length] = ('' + (++prevCounter)).length
for (let j = 0; j < element.length; j++) {
maximums[j] = getLongerStringRepresentation(maximums[j], element[j])
for (let i = 0; i < maximums.length; i++) {
maximums[i] = ('' + maximums[i]).length
// Output each calculation step
let steps = 0
for (let index = 0; index < result.calculation.length; index++) {
const element = result.calculation[index]
if (index === 0 && element.length === 2) {
// Indicate that the values were swapped
console.log(element[0] + ' < ' + element[1] + ' -> Swap them')
} else {
// When this is not the last step display a number for each step
const stepString = index === result.calculation.length - 1
? ' '.repeat(('' + formatLength(++steps, maximums[maximums.length - 1] + 2)).length)
: '(' + formatLength(++steps, maximums[maximums.length - 1]) + ')'
// Display calculation step
console.log(stepString + ' ' + formatLength(element[0], maximums[0]) + ' = ' + formatLength(element[1], maximums[1]) + ' * ' + formatLength(element[2], maximums[2]) + ' + ' + formatLength(element[3], maximums[3]))
// Output all results
console.log('>> ggT(' + numberOne + ',' + numberTwo + ') = ' + result.ggt)
* Graphical output of the extended euclidean algorithm between two numbers
* @param {number} numberOne
* @param {number} numberTwo
function outputCalculationoutputCalculationExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm (numberOne, numberTwo) {
// Do the calculation
const t0 =
const result = extendedEuclideanAlgorithm(numberOne, numberTwo)
const t1 =
console.log('Calculation [extended euclidean algorithm] took ' + (t1 - t0) + ' milliseconds.')
// Output calculation [euclidean algorithm]
outputCalculationEuclideanAlgorithm(numberOne, numberTwo)
// Output calculation [extended euclidean algorithm]
console.log('CALCULATION: [extended euclidean algorithm]')
let maximums = new Array(result.calculationExtendedEuclidean[result.calculationExtendedEuclidean.length - 1].length + 1).fill(0)
let counter = result.calculationExtendedEuclidean[0].length === 2 ? result.calculationExtendedEuclidean.length - 1 : result.calculationExtendedEuclidean.length
for (let i = 0; i < result.calculationExtendedEuclidean.length; i++) {
const element = result.calculationExtendedEuclidean[i]
for (let j = 0; j < element.length; j++) {
maximums[j] = getLongerStringRepresentation(maximums[j], element[j])
maximums[result.calculationExtendedEuclidean[result.calculationExtendedEuclidean.length - 1].length] = ('' + counter).length
for (let i = 0; i < maximums.length; i++) {
maximums[i] = ('' + maximums[i]).length
for (let i = 0; i < result.calculationExtendedEuclidean.length; i++) {
const element = result.calculationExtendedEuclidean[i]
if (i === 0) {
// Initial step
console.log('Initial Step: ' + formatLength(element[0], maximums[3], false) + ' = ' + formatLength(element[1], maximums[1]) + 'x' + formatLength(element[2], maximums[2]) + ' + ' + formatLength(element[3], maximums[3]) + 'x' + formatLength(element[4], maximums[4]) + ' ' + formatLength('(' + counter + ')', maximums[5] + 2))
} else {
// substitute step
const lastElement = result.calculationExtendedEuclidean[i - 1]
console.log(formatLength('Substitute ' + lastElement[4] + ': ', ('Initial Step: ' + formatLength(element[0], maximums[3], false)).length, false) + ' = ' + formatLength(element[1], maximums[1]) + 'x' + formatLength(element[2], maximums[2]) + ' + ' + formatLength(element[3], maximums[3]) + 'x' + formatLength(element[4], maximums[4]) + ' ' + formatLength('(' + counter + ')', maximums[5] + 2))
// Output all results
const biggerNumber = numberOne > numberTwo ? numberOne : numberTwo
const smallerNumber = numberOne <= numberTwo ? numberOne : numberTwo
console.log('>> ' + result.x + 'x' + biggerNumber + ' + ' + result.y + 'x' + smallerNumber + ' = ' + result.ggt)
// test
const t0 =
outputCalculationoutputCalculationExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(6950619, 405769)
const t1 =
console.log('Printing + Calculation took ' + (t1 - t0) + ' milliseconds.')
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