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Last active April 10, 2024 03:51
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Save Anruin/01ea3605ce689da6420861857d1a8306 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
CPU code used to generate dynamic mipmaps for UE4 dynamic UTexture2D objects.
// Copyright 2021 Impossibility Labs Inc.
// Based on:
void FAsyncTaskDownloadTexture::GenerateMipmaps() const {
const int32 Width = Texture->GetSizeX();
const int32 Height = Texture->GetSizeY();
// Texture bytes.
TArray<uint8> TextureByteArray;
FMemory::Memcpy(TextureByteArray.GetData(), Texture->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.Lock(LOCK_READ_ONLY), Texture->PlatformData->Mips[0].BulkData.GetBulkDataSize());
int32 MipsToGenerate = MipmapCount; // Class property
const int32 BytesPerPixel = 4; // By default use 32 bit.
TArray<uint8> MipDataA;
TArray<uint8> MipDataB;
uint8* LastMipData = TextureByteArray.GetData();
int32 LastMipWidth = Width;
int32 LastMipHeight = Height;
while (MipsToGenerate > 0) {
const int32 MipWidth = LastMipWidth >> 1;
const int32 MipHeight = LastMipHeight >> 1;
TArray<uint8>* MipBytes = MipsToGenerate & 1 ? &MipDataA : &MipDataB;
if (MipWidth <= 0 || MipHeight <= 0) {
MipBytes->AddUninitialized(MipWidth * MipHeight * BytesPerPixel);
const int32 RowDataLen = LastMipWidth * BytesPerPixel;
uint8* OutData = MipBytes->GetData();
for (int32 Y = 0; Y < MipHeight; Y++) {
auto* CurrentRowData = LastMipData + RowDataLen * Y * 2;
auto* NextRowData = CurrentRowData + RowDataLen;
for (int32 X = 0; X < MipWidth; X++) {
int32 TotalB = *CurrentRowData++;
int32 TotalG = *CurrentRowData++;
int32 TotalR = *CurrentRowData++;
int32 TotalA = *CurrentRowData++;
TotalB += *CurrentRowData++;
TotalG += *CurrentRowData++;
TotalR += *CurrentRowData++;
TotalA += *CurrentRowData++;
TotalB += *NextRowData++;
TotalG += *NextRowData++;
TotalR += *NextRowData++;
TotalA += *NextRowData++;
TotalB += *NextRowData++;
TotalG += *NextRowData++;
TotalR += *NextRowData++;
TotalA += *NextRowData++;
TotalB >>= 2;
TotalG >>= 2;
TotalR >>= 2;
TotalA >>= 2;
*OutData++ = static_cast<uint8>(TotalB);
*OutData++ = static_cast<uint8>(TotalG);
*OutData++ = static_cast<uint8>(TotalR);
*OutData++ = static_cast<uint8>(TotalA);
CurrentRowData += LastMipWidth * 2;
NextRowData += LastMipWidth * 2;
FTexture2DMipMap* Mip = new FTexture2DMipMap();
Mip->SizeX = MipWidth;
Mip->SizeY = MipHeight;
void* MipData = Mip->BulkData.Realloc(MipBytes->Num());
FMemory::Memcpy(MipData, MipBytes->GetData(), MipBytes->Num());
LastMipData = MipBytes->GetData();
LastMipWidth = MipWidth;
LastMipHeight = MipHeight;
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Anruin commented Jun 13, 2021

Possibly can be optimised a bit by saving time on allocations, etc. But it is used as a temporary hack and runs in async thread, so does its job for us just fine.

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