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phase 0 unit 2 week 1 boggle class challenge
------ Overview ------
Create a class BoggleBoard that includes the functionality of your methods
from the previous challenge.
To do this, take a look at the methods you've created. How can they be
integrated into your BoggleBoard class? What needs to change?
1) Instantiate a new board object
Transform your driver code so that it creates a new board object. You'll need
to pass the original 2D array as an argument (let's call that dice_grid
because boggle_board is going to be an object ow.)
class BoggleBoard
#your code here
dice_grid = [["b", "r", "a", "e"],
["i", "o", "d", "t"],
["e", "c", "l", "r"],
["t", "a", "k", "e"]]
boggle_board =
How does the boggle_board object hold the dice_grid?
2) Implement your methods
One method at a time, create a test to access your new boggle_board object.
The first method should be #create_word. (Don't get thrown off with the
#method_name syntax, using # before a method name is a ruby convention.)
Write out a test with it's expectation in a comment, and then create the
method in the BoggleBoard class.
Try these coordinates: (1,2), (1,1), (2,1), (3,2).
Then, write methods for #get_row and #get_col. Can you interact with the
boggle_board object and get the values you expect? Now print out all the
rows and columns of the board as strings. You should end up with 8 four
letter words. Are there any real words shown? Add your total output as a
comment in your gist.
3) Access a coordinate
Now write some driver code to access an individual coordinate in your
boggle_board object. Make this as simple as possible.
Can you access the "k" character at row 3 column 2?
4) Bonus: Create a #get_diagonal method
Just like the #get_col or #get_row method, the #get_diagonal method should
return an array of values, but it will need 2 coordinates entered to define
the diagonal. Error checking to make sure the coordinates are actually a
diagonal would probably be a good idea.
5) Review and Reflect
class BoggleBoard
attr_reader :nested_array
def initialize(nested_array)
@nested_array = nested_array
def create_word(*coords) { |coord| @nested_array[coord.first][coord.last]}.join("")
def get_row(row)
def get_row_string(row)
def get_col(col)
def get_col_string(col)
def print_rows
@nested_array.each {|row| p row.join("") }
def get_diagonal
(0...@nested_array[0].size).collect {|i| @nested_array[i][i]} # [ [0,0], [1,1], [2,2], [3,3] ]
# (0...@nested_array[0].size) = [0, 1, 2, 3]
dice_grid = [["b", "r", "a", "e"],
["i", "o", "d", "t"],
["e", "c", "l", "r"],
["t", "a", "k", "e"]]
# implement tests for each of the methods here:
# create driver test code to retrieve a value at a coordinate here:
boggle_board =
p boggle_board
p boggle_board.nested_array
puts "\n"
puts boggle_board.create_word([1,2], [1,1], [2,1], [3,2])
puts "\n"
p boggle_board.get_row(0) == ["b", "r", "a", "e"]
p boggle_board.get_row(1) == ["i", "o", "d", "t"]
p boggle_board.get_row(2) == ["e", "c", "l", "r"]
p boggle_board.get_row(3) == ["t", "a", "k", "e"]
puts "\n"
p boggle_board.get_row_string(0) == "brae"
p boggle_board.get_row_string(1) == "iodt"
p boggle_board.get_row_string(2) == "eclr"
p boggle_board.get_row_string(3) == "take"
puts "\n"
p boggle_board.get_col(0) == ["b", "i", "e", "t"]
p boggle_board.get_col(1) == ["r", "o", "c", "a"]
p boggle_board.get_col(2) == ["a", "d", "l", "k"]
p boggle_board.get_col(3) == ["e", "t", "r", "e"]
puts "\n"
p boggle_board.get_col_string(0) == "biet"
p boggle_board.get_col_string(1) == "roca"
p boggle_board.get_col_string(2) == "adlk"
p boggle_board.get_col_string(3) == "etre"
# Total ouputs are 4 rows and 4 columns. The 4th row, boggle_board[3], creates the word 'take'.
puts "\n"
puts "Can you access the 'k' character at row 3 column 2?"
p boggle_board.nested_array[3][2] == 'k'
puts "\n"
puts "BONUS: "
p boggle_board.print_rows #== "brae\niodt\neclr\ntake"
puts "\n"
# Bonus: Create a #get_diagonal method
p boggle_board.get_diagonal == ["b", "o", "l", "e"]
puts "\n"
- .transpose method
- accessing elements in nested array with indexes: nested_array[x][y]
- better understanding of attr_reader
- difference between puts and p
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