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Created October 3, 2018 05:49
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Indents/PadLeft an InputString a specified amount (using specified char) and PadRight (with a specified char) if necessary to make output string the specified total length.
Indents/PadLeft an InputString a specified amount (using specified char) and PadRight (with a specified char) if necessary to make output string the specified total length.
-- All PadLeft/PadRight constraints are adhered to.
-- By default if "IndentCount + InputString.Length() > TotalLength", Indent/PadLeft will take precedence [return string will be longer than TotalLength].
This behavior can be overridden using "UseTotalLength".
-- Default padding character is a <space> which can be overridden.
.PARAMETER InputString
String to be indented and right-padded.
.PARAMETER IndentCount
How many characters to indent (PadLeft).
Anything but a whole number >= 0 will default to 0.
.PARAMETER TotalLength
Total length of output string; also considered maximum length.
Anything but a whole number >= 0 will default to 0.
If left-padded string is < TotalLength, the string will be right-padded with PadRightChar.
Character to use for indenting/left-padding.
Default is <space>.
Empty and $null values are replaced with <space>.
Character to use for right-padding.
Default is <space>.
Empty and $null values are replaced with <space>.
.PARAMETER UseTotalLength
When specified and "IndentCount + InputString.Length() > TotalLength", the LeftPad for the output string is "shortened" so the output string meets the TotalLength requirement (maximum length).
useful for when IndentCount and TotalLength aren't known, but want to control the output using TotalLength.
Note: If InputString.Length() > TotalLength, the string will be returned "as-is"; no leading characters are ever removed to meet TotalLength requirement.
# Snippet to demonstrate default behavior (indent takes priority over total/maximum length).
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 30
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen) + ": $Indent $MaxLen"
Level 0 : 0 30
Level 1 : 4 30
Level 2 : 8 30
Level 3 : 12 30
Level 4 : 16 30
Level 5 : 20 30
Level 6: 24 30
Level 7: 28 30
Level 8: 32 30
Level 9: 36 30
# Same as above, except specifying " " for LeftPadChar and "." for RightPadChar.
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 30
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen " " ".") + ": $Indent $MaxLen "" "" ""."""
Level 0.......................: 0 30 " " "."
Level 1...................: 4 30 " " "."
Level 2...............: 8 30 " " "."
Level 3...........: 12 30 " " "."
Level 4.......: 16 30 " " "."
Level 5...: 20 30 " " "."
Level 6: 24 30 " " "."
Level 7: 28 30 " " "."
Level 8: 32 30 " " "."
Level 9: 36 30 " " "."
# Same as above, except using "-UseTotalLength" to enforce total/maximum length restrictions.
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 30
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen " " "." -UseTotalLength) + ": $Indent $MaxLen "" "" ""."" -UseTotalLength"
Level 0.......................: 0 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 1...................: 4 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 2...............: 8 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 3...........: 12 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 4.......: 16 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 5...: 20 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 6: 24 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 7: 28 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 8: 32 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
Level 9: 36 30 " " "." -UseTotalLength
--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--== DISCLAIMER ==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--
This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not intended to be used in a production environment.
We grant you a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the sample code and to reproduce and distribute the object
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Please note: None of the conditions outlined in the disclaimer above will supercede the terms and conditions contained within
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Version History
20180927.0: Anthony 'AntGut' F. Gutierrez (Sr. PFE)
Initial write-up.
20181003.0: Anthony 'AntGut' F. Gutierrez (Sr. PFE)
Add ability to use non-whitespace char for PadLeft & PadRight.
function Indent-String () {
Param (
[switch]$UseTotalLength = $False
# Accomodate for bad input values. If not a positive integer, set to zero!
if ($IndentCount -notmatch '^\d+$') {$IndentCount = 0}
if ($TotalLength -notmatch '^\d+$') {$TotalLength = 0}
# Accomodate for bad input values. If pad chars are empty or $null, default to <space>.
# 2018-10-03, AntGut: Need to add better validation; like checking that these are printable!!!
if (-not($PadLeftChar)) {$PadLeftChar = " "}
if (-not($PadRightChar)) {$PadRightChar = " "}
# Check if inbond string is empty or $null.
# If IndentCount = 0 and TotalLength = 0, just return an empty string. Otherwise prep for returning an "all white space" string.
if (-not($InputString)) {
if ($IndentCount -eq 0 -and $TotalLength -eq 0) {
return ""
$InputString = " "
# Reduce Indent/PadLeft count if necessary
if ($UseTotalLength) {
if ($IndentCount + $InputString.Length -gt $TotalLength) {
$IndentCount = $TotalLength - $InputString.Length
# Build indentation; not a very good method, but it works!
$Indent = ""
if ($IndentCount -gt 0) {
foreach ($i in 1..$IndentCount) {
$Indent += $PadLeftChar
# Really, this could be in the above loop!
$IndentedString = $Indent + $InputString
return ($IndentedString).PadRight($TotalLength, $PadRightChar)
function Test-String ($TestString) {
(Indent-String $TestString 0 0) + ": 0 0"
(Indent-String $TestString 0 0 -UseTotalLength) + ": 0 0 -UseTotalLength"
(Indent-String $TestString 0 30 "" ".") + ": 0 30"
(Indent-String $TestString 0 30 -UseTotalLength "." ".") + ": 0 30 -UseTotalLength"
(Indent-String $TestString 30 30) + ": 30 30"
(Indent-String $TestString 30 30 -UseTotalLength) + ": 30 30 -UseTotalLength"
(Indent-String $TestString 30 40 "" ".") + ": 30 40"
(Indent-String $TestString 30 40 -UseTotalLength "" ".") + ": 30 40 -UseTotalLength"
(Indent-String $TestString 40 30) + ": 40 30"
(Indent-String $TestString 40 30 -UseTotalLength) + ": 40 30 -UseTotalLength"
(Indent-String $TestString 30 0) + ": 30 0"
(Indent-String $TestString 30 0 -UseTotalLength) + ": 30 0 -UseTotalLength"
function Test-Cases () {
$LongLine = '--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--==--=='
$columnCount = '123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789'
Write-Host "InputString is empty """""
Test-It ""
Write-Host "InputString is null"
Test-It $null
Write-Host "InputString is a single space"
Test-It " "
Write-Host "InputString is a single char (x)"
Test-It "X"
Just shows a couple of examples of using Indent-String.
function Show-Examples () {
Write-Host "Loop showing default behavior."
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen) + ": $Indent $MaxLen"
Write-Host "Same as above, except using ""-UseTotalLength"". Note that using ""0"" for TotalLength is not good."
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 0
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen -UseTotalLength) + ": $Indent $MaxLen -UseTotalLength"
Write-Host "Loop showing default behavior with a ""better"" value for ""TotalLength""."
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 30
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen) + ": $Indent $MaxLen"
Write-Host "Same as above, except specifying "" "" for LeftPadChar and ""."" for RightPadChar."
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 30
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen " " ".") + ": $Indent $MaxLen "" "" ""."""
Write-Host "Same as above, except using ""-UseTotalLength""."
$TabSize = 4
$MaxLen = 30
for ($i = 0; $i -le 9; $i++) {
$Indent = $TabSize*$i
(Indent-String "Level $i" $Indent $MaxLen " " "." -UseTotalLength) + ": $Indent $MaxLen "" "" ""."" -UseTotalLength"
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