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Last active July 23, 2020 18:27
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Umbraco Table Descriptions

Information pertaining to the tables created when UmbracoCMS is installed


Stores information relating to Member properties.

Name Type Description
pk int Primary Key
NodeId int The Id of the property group for Members
propertyTypeId int The Id of the cmsPropertyType
memberCanEdit bit If set to 'true', allows members to edit their own property value
viewOnProfile bit If set to 'true', allows members to see the property on their profile
isSensitive bit If set to 'true', requires Umbraco users to have the 'View Sensitive Information' permission set in order to view.


Stores the information relating to the CMS properties, such as properties assigned to Members and CMS page properties.

Name Type Description
id int Primary Key
dataTypeId int ??
contentTypeId int ??
propertyTypeGroupId int The Id of the Property Type Group, that this property belongs to
Alias nvarchar(255) Alias of the property
Name nvarchar(255) Name of the property
sortOrder int Sort order of the property when displayed in the CMS
mandatory bit If set to 'true', the property must have a value when saved in the CMS
validationRegExp nvarchar(255) The regular expression to validate the property value against. (Value is null if not specified)
Description nvarchar(2000) The description of the property
variations int ??
UniqueID uniqueidentifier ??
mandatoryMessage nvarchar(500) The message to display to a user if mandatory is set to 'true' and a value is not supplied. (Value is null if not specified)
validateRegExpMessage nvarchar(500) The message to display to a user if validationRegExp is set to 'true' and the value does not meet the regular expression pattern.


Stores the relationship between Members and MemberGroups

Name Type Description
Member int The Member Id
MemberGroup int The Id of the cmsPropertyTypeGroup (MemberGroup)
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