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Created August 13, 2015 20:28
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Code Formatting for OTE and RBDOOM 3
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition
Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain
additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms
immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License
which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a
copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional
terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite
120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include <cstring>
#include "../framework/Common.h"
#include "../framework/DeclEntityDef.h"
#include "../framework/DeclManager.h"
#include "../framework/File.h"
#include "../framework/FileSystem.h"
#include "../idlib/Dict.h"
#include "../idlib/Heap.h"
#include "../idlib/Lexer.h"
#include "../idlib/Str.h"
#include "../idlib/Token.h"
#include "../idlib/bv/Bounds.h"
#include "../idlib/containers/List.h"
#include "../idlib/containers/PlaneSet.h"
#include "../idlib/math/Plane.h"
#include "../idlib/math/Vector.h"
#include "AASFile.h"
#include "AASFile_local.h"
namespace BFG
bool Reachability_Write( idFile* fp, idReachability* reach )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t%d %d (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f) %d %d",
( int ) reach->travelType, ( int ) reach->toAreaNum,
reach->start.x, reach->start.y, reach->start.z,
reach->end.x, reach->end.y, reach->end.z,
reach->edgeNum, ( int ) reach->travelTime
return true;
bool Reachability_Read( idLexer& src, idReachability* reach )
reach->travelType = src.ParseInt();
reach->toAreaNum = src.ParseInt();
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, reach->start.ToFloatPtr() );
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, reach->end.ToFloatPtr() );
reach->edgeNum = src.ParseInt();
reach->travelTime = src.ParseInt();
return true;
void idReachability::CopyBase( idReachability& reach )
travelType = reach.travelType;
toAreaNum = reach.toAreaNum;
start = reach.start;
end = reach.end;
edgeNum = reach.edgeNum;
travelTime = reach.travelTime;
bool Reachability_Special_Write( idFile* fp, idReachability_Special* reach )
int i;
const idKeyValue *keyValue;
fp->WriteFloatString( "\n\t\t{\n" );
for( i = 0; i < reach->dict.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
keyValue = reach->dict.GetKeyVal( i );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t}\n" );
return true;
bool Reachability_Special_Read( idLexer& src, idReachability_Special* reach )
idToken key;
idToken value;
src.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
while( src.ReadToken( &key ) )
if( key == "}" )
return true;
src.ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &value );
reach->dict.Set( key, value );
return false;
numBoundingBoxes = 1;
boundingBoxes[0] = idBounds( idVec3( -16, -16, 0 ),
idVec3( 16, 16, 72 )
usePatches = false;
writeBrushMap = false;
playerFlood = false;
noOptimize = false;
allowSwimReachabilities = false;
allowFlyReachabilities = false;
fileExtension = "aas48";
// physics settings
gravity = idVec3( 0, 0, -1066 );
gravityDir = gravity;
gravityValue = gravityDir.Normalize();
invGravityDir = -gravityDir;
maxStepHeight = 14.0f;
maxBarrierHeight = 32.0f;
maxWaterJumpHeight = 20.0f;
maxFallHeight = 64.0f;
minFloorCos = 0.7f;
// fixed travel times
tt_barrierJump = 100;
tt_startCrouching = 100;
tt_waterJump = 100;
tt_startWalkOffLedge = 100;
bool idAASSettings::ParseBool( idLexer& src, bool& b )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
b = src.ParseBool();
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ParseInt( idLexer& src, int& i )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
i = src.ParseInt();
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ParseFloat( idLexer& src, float& f )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
f = src.ParseFloat();
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ParseVector( idLexer& src, idVec3& vec )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
return ( src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, vec.ToFloatPtr() ) != 0 );
bool idAASSettings::ParseBBoxes( idLexer& src )
idToken token;
idBounds bounds;
numBoundingBoxes = 0;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "}" )
return true;
src.UnreadToken( &token );
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, bounds[0].ToFloatPtr() );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "-" ) )
return false;
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, bounds[1].ToFloatPtr() );
boundingBoxes[numBoundingBoxes++] = bounds;
return false;
bool idAASSettings::FromParser( idLexer& src )
idToken token;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
// parse the file
while( 1 )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "}" )
if( token == "bboxes" )
if( !ParseBBoxes( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "usePatches" )
if( !ParseBool( src, usePatches ) )
return false;
else if( token == "writeBrushMap" )
if( !ParseBool( src, writeBrushMap ) )
return false;
else if( token == "playerFlood" )
if( !ParseBool( src, playerFlood ) )
return false;
else if( token == "allowSwimReachabilities" )
if( !ParseBool( src, allowSwimReachabilities ) )
return false;
else if( token == "allowFlyReachabilities" )
if( !ParseBool( src, allowFlyReachabilities ) )
return false;
else if( token == "fileExtension" )
src.ExpectTokenString( "=" );
src.ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &token );
fileExtension = token;
else if( token == "gravity" )
ParseVector( src, gravity );
gravityDir = gravity;
gravityValue = gravityDir.Normalize();
invGravityDir = -gravityDir;
else if( token == "maxStepHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxStepHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "maxBarrierHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxBarrierHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "maxWaterJumpHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxWaterJumpHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "maxFallHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxFallHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "minFloorCos" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, minFloorCos ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_barrierJump" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_barrierJump ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_startCrouching" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_startCrouching ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_waterJump" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_waterJump ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_startWalkOffLedge" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_startWalkOffLedge ) )
return false;
src.Error( "invalid token '%s'", token.c_str() );
if( numBoundingBoxes <= 0 )
src.Error( "no valid bounding box" );
return true;
bool idAASSettings::FromFile( const idStr& fileName )
idStr name;
name = fileName;
common->Printf( "loading %s\n", name.c_str() );
if( !src.LoadFile( name ) )
common->Error( "WARNING: couldn't load %s\n", name.c_str() );
return false;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "settings" ) )
common->Error( "%s is not a settings file", name.c_str() );
return false;
if( !FromParser( src ) )
common->Error( "failed to parse %s", name.c_str() );
return false;
return true;
bool idAASSettings::FromDict( const char* name, const idDict* dict )
idBounds bounds;
if( !dict->GetVector( "mins", "0 0 0", bounds[ 0 ] ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'mins' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetVector( "maxs", "0 0 0", bounds[ 1 ] ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxs' in entityDef '%s'", name );
numBoundingBoxes = 1;
boundingBoxes[0] = bounds;
if( !dict->GetBool( "usePatches", "0", usePatches ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'usePatches' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetBool( "writeBrushMap", "0", writeBrushMap ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'writeBrushMap' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetBool( "playerFlood", "0", playerFlood ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'playerFlood' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetBool( "allowSwimReachabilities", "0", allowSwimReachabilities ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'allowSwimReachabilities' in entityDef '%s'",
if( !dict->GetBool( "allowFlyReachabilities", "0", allowFlyReachabilities ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'allowFlyReachabilities' in entityDef '%s'",
if( !dict->GetString( "fileExtension", "", fileExtension ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'fileExtension' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetVector( "gravity", "0 0 -1066", gravity ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'gravity' in entityDef '%s'", name );
gravityDir = gravity;
gravityValue = gravityDir.Normalize();
invGravityDir = -gravityDir;
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxStepHeight", "0", maxStepHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxStepHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxBarrierHeight", "0", maxBarrierHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxBarrierHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxWaterJumpHeight", "0", maxWaterJumpHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxWaterJumpHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxFallHeight", "0", maxFallHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxFallHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "minFloorCos", "0", minFloorCos ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'minFloorCos' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_barrierJump", "0", tt_barrierJump ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_barrierJump' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_startCrouching", "0", tt_startCrouching ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_startCrouching' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_waterJump", "0", tt_waterJump ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_waterJump' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_startWalkOffLedge", "0", tt_startWalkOffLedge ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_startWalkOffLedge' in entityDef '%s'",
return true;
bool idAASSettings::WriteToFile( idFile* fp ) const
int i;
fp->WriteFloatString( "{\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tbboxes\n\t{\n" );
for( i = 0; i < numBoundingBoxes; i++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t(%f %f %f)-(%f %f %f)\n",
boundingBoxes[i][0].x, boundingBoxes[i][0].y,
boundingBoxes[i][0].z, boundingBoxes[i][1].x,
boundingBoxes[i][1].y, boundingBoxes[i][1].z
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tusePatches = %d\n", usePatches );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\twriteBrushMap = %d\n", writeBrushMap );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tplayerFlood = %d\n", playerFlood );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tallowSwimReachabilities = %d\n", allowSwimReachabilities );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tallowFlyReachabilities = %d\n", allowFlyReachabilities );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tfileExtension = \"%s\"\n", fileExtension.c_str() );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tgravity = (%f %f %f)\n", gravity.x, gravity.y, gravity.z );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxStepHeight = %f\n", maxStepHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxBarrierHeight = %f\n", maxBarrierHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxWaterJumpHeight = %f\n", maxWaterJumpHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxFallHeight = %f\n", maxFallHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tminFloorCos = %f\n", minFloorCos );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_barrierJump = %d\n", tt_barrierJump );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_startCrouching = %d\n", tt_startCrouching );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_waterJump = %d\n", tt_waterJump );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_startWalkOffLedge = %d\n", tt_startWalkOffLedge );
fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ValidForBounds( const idBounds& bounds ) const
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( bounds[0][i] < boundingBoxes[0][0][i] )
return false;
if( bounds[1][i] > boundingBoxes[0][1][i] )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ValidEntity( const char* classname ) const
idStr use_aas;
idVec3 size;
idBounds bounds;
if( playerFlood )
if( !idStr::Cmp( classname, "info_player_start" ) || !idStr::Cmp( classname , "info_player_deathmatch" ) || !idStr::Cmp( classname, "func_teleporter" ) )
return true;
const idDeclEntityDef* decl = static_cast<const idDeclEntityDef*>( declManager->FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, classname, false ) );
if( ( decl != NULL ) && decl->dict.GetString( "use_aas", NULL, use_aas ) && !fileExtension.Icmp( use_aas ) )
if( decl->dict.GetVector( "mins", NULL, bounds[0] ) )
decl->dict.GetVector( "maxs", NULL, bounds[1] );
else if( decl->dict.GetVector( "size", NULL, size ) )
bounds[ 0 ].Set( size.x * -0.5f, size.y * -0.5f, 0.0f );
bounds[ 1 ].Set( size.x * 0.5f, size.y * 0.5f, size.z );
if( !ValidForBounds( bounds ) )
common->Error( "%s cannot use %s\n",
classname, fileExtension.c_str()
return true;
return false;
planeList.SetGranularity( AAS_PLANE_GRANULARITY );
vertices.SetGranularity( AAS_VERTEX_GRANULARITY );
edges.SetGranularity( AAS_EDGE_GRANULARITY );
edgeIndex.SetGranularity( AAS_INDEX_GRANULARITY );
faces.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
faceIndex.SetGranularity( AAS_INDEX_GRANULARITY );
areas.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
nodes.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
portals.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
portalIndex.SetGranularity( AAS_INDEX_GRANULARITY );
clusters.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
int i;
idReachability *reach;
idReachability *next;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = next )
next = reach->next;
delete reach;
void idAASFileLocal::Clear()
bool idAASFileLocal::Write( const idStr& fileName, unsigned int mapFileCRC )
int i;
int num;
idFile *aasFile;
idReachability *reach;
common->Printf( "[Write AAS]\n" );
common->Printf( "writing %s\n", fileName.c_str() );
name = fileName;
crc = mapFileCRC;
aasFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( fileName, "fs_basepath" );
if( !aasFile )
common->Error( "Error opening %s", fileName.c_str() );
return false;
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "%s \"%s\"\n\n", AAS_FILEID, AAS_FILEVERSION );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "%u\n\n", mapFileCRC );
// write out the settings
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "settings\n" );
settings.WriteToFile( aasFile );
// write out planes
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "planes %d {\n", planeList.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < planeList.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %f %f %f %f )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out planes
// write out vertices
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "vertices %d {\n", vertices.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < vertices.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %f %f %f )\n", i, vertices[i].x,
vertices[i].y, vertices[i].z
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out vertices
// write out edges
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "edges %d {\n", edges.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < edges.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d )\n", i, edges[i].vertexNum[0],
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out edges
// write out edgeIndex
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "edgeIndex %d {\n", edgeIndex.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < edgeIndex.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d )\n", i, edgeIndex[i] );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out edgeIndex
// write out faces
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "faces %d {\n", faces.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < faces.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d %d %d )\n", i,
faces[i].planeNum, faces[i].flags,
faces[i].areas[0], faces[i].areas[1],
faces[i].firstEdge, faces[i].numEdges
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out faces
// write out faceIndex
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "faceIndex %d {\n", faceIndex.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < faceIndex.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d )\n", i, faceIndex[i] );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out faceIndex
// write out areas
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "areas %d {\n", areas.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( num = 0, reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d %d %d ) %d {\n", i,
areas[i].flags, areas[i].contents,
areas[i].firstFace, areas[i].numFaces,
areas[i].clusterAreaNum, num
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
Reachability_Write( aasFile, reach );
switch( reach->travelType )
Reachability_Special_Write( aasFile, static_cast<idReachability_Special*>( reach ) );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out areas
// write out nodes
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "nodes %d {\n", nodes.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < nodes.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out nodes
// write out portals
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "portals %d {\n", portals.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < portals.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d %d )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out portals
// write out portalIndex
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "portalIndex %d {\n", portalIndex.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < portalIndex.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d )\n", i, portalIndex[i] );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out portalIndex
// write out clusters
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "clusters %d {\n", clusters.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < clusters.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out clusters
// close file
fileSystem->CloseFile( aasFile );
common->Printf( "done.\n" );
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseIndex( idLexer& src, idList<aasIndex_t>& indexes )
int numIndexes;
int i;
aasIndex_t index;
numIndexes = src.ParseInt();
indexes.Resize( numIndexes );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
index = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
indexes.Append( index );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParsePlanes( idLexer& src )
int numPlanes;
int i;
idPlane plane;
idVec4 vec;
numPlanes = src.ParseInt();
planeList.Resize( numPlanes );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numPlanes; i++ )
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 4, vec.ToFloatPtr() ) )
return false;
plane.SetNormal( vec.ToVec3() );
plane.SetDist( vec[3] );
planeList.Append( plane );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseVertices( idLexer& src )
int numVertices;
int i;
idVec3 vec;
numVertices = src.ParseInt();
vertices.Resize( numVertices );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ )
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, vec.ToFloatPtr() ) )
return false;
vertices.Append( vec );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseEdges( idLexer& src )
int numEdges;
int i;
aasEdge_t edge;
numEdges = src.ParseInt();
edges.Resize( numEdges );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numEdges; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
edge.vertexNum[0] = src.ParseInt();
edge.vertexNum[1] = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
edges.Append( edge );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseFaces( idLexer& src )
int numFaces;
int i;
aasFace_t face;
numFaces = src.ParseInt();
faces.Resize( numFaces );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numFaces; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
face.planeNum = src.ParseInt();
face.flags = src.ParseInt();
face.areas[0] = src.ParseInt();
face.areas[1] = src.ParseInt();
face.firstEdge = src.ParseInt();
face.numEdges = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
faces.Append( face );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseReachabilities( idLexer& src, int areaNum )
int num;
int j;
aasArea_t *area;
idReachability reach;
idReachability *newReach;
idReachability_Special *special;
area = &areas[areaNum];
num = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
area->reach = NULL;
area->rev_reach = NULL;
area->travelFlags = AreaContentsTravelFlags( areaNum );
for( j = 0; j < num; j++ )
Reachability_Read( src, &reach );
switch( reach.travelType )
newReach = special = new( TAG_AAS ) idReachability_Special();
Reachability_Special_Read( src, special );
newReach = new( TAG_AAS ) idReachability();
newReach->CopyBase( reach );
newReach->fromAreaNum = areaNum;
newReach->next = area->reach;
area->reach = newReach;
src.ExpectTokenString( "}" );
return true;
void idAASFileLocal::LinkReversedReachability()
int i;
idReachability *reach;
// link reversed reachabilities
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
reach->rev_next = areas[reach->toAreaNum].rev_reach;
areas[reach->toAreaNum].rev_reach = reach;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseAreas( idLexer& src )
int numAreas;
int i;
aasArea_t area;
numAreas = src.ParseInt();
areas.Resize( numAreas );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numAreas; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
area.flags = src.ParseInt();
area.contents = src.ParseInt();
area.firstFace = src.ParseInt();
area.numFaces = src.ParseInt();
area.cluster = src.ParseInt();
area.clusterAreaNum = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
areas.Append( area );
ParseReachabilities( src, i );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseNodes( idLexer& src )
int numNodes;
int i;
aasNode_t node;
numNodes = src.ParseInt();
nodes.Resize( numNodes );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
node.planeNum = src.ParseInt();
node.children[0] = src.ParseInt();
node.children[1] = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
nodes.Append( node );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParsePortals( idLexer& src )
int numPortals;
int i;
aasPortal_t portal;
numPortals = src.ParseInt();
portals.Resize( numPortals );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numPortals; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
portal.areaNum = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusters[0] = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusters[1] = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusterAreaNum[0] = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusterAreaNum[1] = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
portals.Append( portal );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseClusters( idLexer& src )
int numClusters;
int i;
aasCluster_t cluster;
numClusters = src.ParseInt();
clusters.Resize( numClusters );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numClusters; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
cluster.numAreas = src.ParseInt();
cluster.numReachableAreas = src.ParseInt();
cluster.firstPortal = src.ParseInt();
cluster.numPortals = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
clusters.Append( cluster );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
void idAASFileLocal::FinishAreas()
int i;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
areas[i].center = AreaReachableGoal( i );
areas[i].bounds = AreaBounds( i );
bool idAASFileLocal::Load( const idStr& fileName, unsigned int mapFileCRC )
idToken token;
int depth;
unsigned int c;
name = fileName;
crc = mapFileCRC;
common->Printf( "[Load AAS]\n" );
common->Printf( "loading %s\n", name.c_str() );
if( !src.LoadFile( name ) )
return false;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( AAS_FILEID ) )
common->Warning( "Not an AAS file: '%s'", name.c_str() );
return false;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) || token != AAS_FILEVERSION )
common->Warning( "AAS file '%s' has version %s instead of %s",
name.c_str(), token.c_str(), AAS_FILEVERSION
return false;
if( !src.ExpectTokenType( TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token ) )
common->Warning( "AAS file '%s' has no map file CRC", name.c_str() );
return false;
c = token.GetUnsignedLongValue();
if( mapFileCRC && c != mapFileCRC )
common->Warning( "AAS file '%s' is out of date", name.c_str() );
return false;
// clear the file in memory
// parse the file
while( 1 )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "settings" )
if( !settings.FromParser( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "planes" )
if( !ParsePlanes( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "vertices" )
if( !ParseVertices( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "edges" )
if( !ParseEdges( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "edgeIndex" )
if( !ParseIndex( src, edgeIndex ) )
return false;
else if( token == "faces" )
if( !ParseFaces( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "faceIndex" )
if( !ParseIndex( src, faceIndex ) )
return false;
else if( token == "areas" )
if( !ParseAreas( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "nodes" )
if( !ParseNodes( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "portals" )
if( !ParsePortals( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "portalIndex" )
if( !ParseIndex( src, portalIndex ) )
return false;
else if( token == "clusters" )
if( !ParseClusters( src ) )
return false;
src.Error( "idAASFileLocal::Load: bad token \"%s\"",
return false;
depth = MaxTreeDepth();
if( depth > MAX_AAS_TREE_DEPTH )
src.Error( "idAASFileLocal::Load: tree depth = %d", depth );
common->Printf( "done.\n" );
return true;
int idAASFileLocal::MemorySize() const
int size;
size = planeList.Size();
size += vertices.Size();
size += edges.Size();
size += edgeIndex.Size();
size += faces.Size();
size += faceIndex.Size();
size += areas.Size();
size += nodes.Size();
size += portals.Size();
size += portalIndex.Size();
size += clusters.Size();
size += sizeof( idReachability_Walk ) * NumReachabilities();
return size;
void idAASFileLocal::PrintInfo() const
common->Printf( "%6d KB file size\n", MemorySize() >> 10 );
common->Printf( "%6d areas\n", areas.Num() );
common->Printf( "%6d max tree depth\n", MaxTreeDepth() );
int idAASFileLocal::NumReachabilities() const
int i;
int num;
idReachability *reach;
num = 0;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
return num;
void idAASFileLocal::ReportRoutingEfficiency() const
int numReachableAreas;
int total;
int i;
int n;
numReachableAreas = 0;
total = 0;
for( i = 0; i < clusters.Num(); i++ )
n = clusters[i].numReachableAreas;
numReachableAreas += n;
total += n * n;
total += numReachableAreas * portals.Num();
common->Printf( "%6d reachable areas\n", numReachableAreas );
common->Printf( "%6d reachabilities\n", NumReachabilities() );
common->Printf( "%6d KB max routing cache\n", ( total * 3 ) >> 10 );
void idAASFileLocal::DeleteReachabilities()
int i;
idReachability *reach;
idReachability *nextReach;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = nextReach )
nextReach = reach->next;
delete reach;
areas[i].reach = NULL;
areas[i].rev_reach = NULL;
void idAASFileLocal::DeleteClusters()
aasPortal_t portal;
aasCluster_t cluster;
// first portal is a dummy
memset( &portal, 0, sizeof( portal ) );
portals.Append( portal );
// first cluster is a dummy
memset( &cluster, 0, sizeof( cluster ) );
clusters.Append( cluster );
} // namespace BFG
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition
Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain
additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms
immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License
which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a
copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional
terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite
120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __AASFILE_H__
#define __AASFILE_H__
#include <cstddef>
#include "../idlib/Dict.h"
#include "../idlib/Heap.h"
#include "../idlib/Str.h"
#include "../idlib/bv/Bounds.h"
#include "../idlib/containers/List.h"
#include "../idlib/containers/PlaneSet.h" // for idPlaneSet
#include "../idlib/math/Angles.h"
#include "../idlib/math/Matrix.h"
#include "../idlib/math/Vector.h"
#include "sys/sys_types.h"
namespace BFG
class idFile;
class idLexer;
class idPlane;
AAS File
#define AAS_FILEID "DewmAAS"
#define AAS_FILEVERSION "1.07"
// travel flags
#define TFL_INVALID BIT(0) // not valid
#define TFL_WALK BIT(1) // walking
#define TFL_CROUCH BIT(2) // crouching
#define TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE BIT(3) // walking of a ledge
#define TFL_BARRIERJUMP BIT(4) // jumping onto a barrier
#define TFL_JUMP BIT(5) // jumping
#define TFL_LADDER BIT(6) // climbing a ladder
#define TFL_SWIM BIT(7) // swimming
#define TFL_WATERJUMP BIT(8) // jump out of the water
#define TFL_TELEPORT BIT(9) // teleportation
#define TFL_ELEVATOR BIT(10) // travel by elevator
#define TFL_FLY BIT(11) // fly
#define TFL_SPECIAL BIT(12) // special
#define TFL_WATER BIT(21) // travel through water
#define TFL_AIR BIT(22) // travel through air
// face flags
#define FACE_SOLID BIT(0) // solid at the other side
#define FACE_LADDER BIT(1) // ladder surface
#define FACE_FLOOR BIT(2) // standing on floor when on this face
#define FACE_LIQUID BIT(3) // face seperating two areas with liquid
#define FACE_LIQUIDSURFACE BIT(4) // face seperating liquid and air
// area flags
#define AREA_FLOOR BIT(0) // AI can stand on the floor in this area
#define AREA_GAP BIT(1) // area has a gap
#define AREA_LEDGE BIT(2) // if entered the AI bbox partly floats above a ledge
#define AREA_LADDER BIT(3) // area contains one or more ladder faces
#define AREA_LIQUID BIT(4) // area contains a liquid
#define AREA_CROUCH BIT(5) // AI cannot walk but can only crouch in this area
#define AREA_REACHABLE_WALK BIT(6) // area is reachable by walking or swimming
#define AREA_REACHABLE_FLY BIT(7) // area is reachable by flying
// area contents flags
#define AREACONTENTS_SOLID BIT(0) // solid, not a valid area
#define AREACONTENTS_WATER BIT(1) // area contains water
#define AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL BIT(2) // area is a cluster portal
#define AREACONTENTS_OBSTACLE BIT(3) // area contains (part of) a dynamic obstacle
#define AREACONTENTS_TELEPORTER BIT(4) // area contains (part of) a teleporter trigger
// bits for different bboxes
#define MAX_REACH_PER_AREA 256
#define MAX_AAS_TREE_DEPTH 128
// reachability to another area
class idReachability
int travelType; // type of travel required to get to the area
short toAreaNum; // number of the reachable area
short fromAreaNum; // number of area the reachability starts
idVec3 start; // start point of inter area movement
idVec3 end; // end point of inter area movement
int edgeNum; // edge crossed by this reachability
unsigned short travelTime; // travel time of the inter area movement
byte number; // reachability number within the fromAreaNum (must be < 256)
byte disableCount; // number of times this reachability has been disabled
idReachability *next; // next reachability in list
idReachability *rev_next; // next reachability in reversed list
unsigned short *areaTravelTimes; // travel times within the fromAreaNum from reachabilities that lead towards this area
void CopyBase( idReachability& reach );
class idReachability_Walk : public idReachability
class idReachability_BarrierJump : public idReachability
class idReachability_WaterJump : public idReachability
class idReachability_WalkOffLedge : public idReachability
class idReachability_Swim : public idReachability
class idReachability_Fly : public idReachability
class idReachability_Special : public idReachability
idDict dict;
// index
typedef int aasIndex_t;
// vertex
typedef idVec3 aasVertex_t;
// edge
typedef struct aasEdge_s
int vertexNum[2]; // numbers of the vertexes of this edge
} aasEdge_t;
// area boundary face
typedef struct aasFace_s
unsigned short planeNum; // number of the plane this face is on
unsigned short flags; // face flags
int numEdges; // number of edges in the boundary of the face
int firstEdge; // first edge in the edge index
short areas[2]; // area at the front and back of this face
} aasFace_t;
// area with a boundary of faces
typedef struct aasArea_s
int numFaces; // number of faces used for the boundary of the area
int firstFace; // first face in the face index used for the boundary of the area
idBounds bounds; // bounds of the area
idVec3 center; // center of the area an AI can move towards
unsigned short flags; // several area flags
unsigned short contents; // contents of the area
short cluster; // cluster the area belongs to, if negative it's a portal
short clusterAreaNum; // number of the area in the cluster
int travelFlags; // travel flags for traveling through this area
idReachability *reach; // reachabilities that start from this area
idReachability *rev_reach; // reachabilities that lead to this area
} aasArea_t;
// nodes of the bsp tree
typedef struct aasNode_s
unsigned short planeNum; // number of the plane that splits the subspace at this node
int children[2]; // child nodes, zero is solid, negative is -(area number)
} aasNode_t;
// cluster portal
typedef struct aasPortal_s
short areaNum; // number of the area that is the actual portal
short clusters[2]; // number of cluster at the front and back of the portal
short clusterAreaNum[2]; // number of this portal area in the front and back cluster
unsigned short maxAreaTravelTime; // maximum travel time through the portal area
} aasPortal_t;
// cluster
typedef struct aasCluster_s
int numAreas; // number of areas in the cluster
int numReachableAreas; // number of areas with reachabilities
int numPortals; // number of cluster portals
int firstPortal; // first cluster portal in the index
} aasCluster_t;
// trace through the world
typedef struct aasTrace_s
// parameters
int flags; // areas with these flags block the trace
int travelFlags; // areas with these travel flags block the trace
int maxAreas; // size of the 'areas' array
int getOutOfSolid; // trace out of solid if the trace starts in solid
// output
float fraction; // fraction of trace completed
idVec3 endpos; // end position of trace
int planeNum; // plane hit
int lastAreaNum; // number of last area the trace went through
int blockingAreaNum; // area that could not be entered
int numAreas; // number of areas the trace went through
int *areas; // array to store areas the trace went through
idVec3 *points; // points where the trace entered each new area
areas = NULL;
points = NULL;
getOutOfSolid = false;
flags = travelFlags = maxAreas = 0;
} aasTrace_t;
// settings
class idAASSettings
// collision settings
int numBoundingBoxes;
idBounds boundingBoxes[MAX_AAS_BOUNDING_BOXES];
bool usePatches;
bool writeBrushMap;
bool playerFlood;
bool noOptimize;
bool allowSwimReachabilities;
bool allowFlyReachabilities;
idStr fileExtension;
// physics settings
idVec3 gravity;
idVec3 gravityDir;
idVec3 invGravityDir;
float gravityValue;
float maxStepHeight;
float maxBarrierHeight;
float maxWaterJumpHeight;
float maxFallHeight;
float minFloorCos;
// fixed travel times
int tt_barrierJump;
int tt_startCrouching;
int tt_waterJump;
int tt_startWalkOffLedge;
bool FromFile( const idStr& fileName );
bool FromParser( idLexer& src );
bool FromDict( const char* name, const idDict* dict );
bool WriteToFile( idFile* fp ) const;
bool ValidForBounds( const idBounds& bounds ) const;
bool ValidEntity( const char* classname ) const;
bool ParseBool( idLexer& src, bool& b );
bool ParseInt( idLexer& src, int& i );
bool ParseFloat( idLexer& src, float& f );
bool ParseVector( idLexer& src, idVec3& vec );
bool ParseBBoxes( idLexer& src );
- when a node child is a solid leaf the node child number is zero
- two adjacent areas (sharing a plane at opposite sides) share a face
this face is a portal between the areas
- when an area uses a face from the faceindex with a positive index
then the face plane normal points into the area
- the face edges are stored counter clockwise using the edgeindex
- two adjacent convex areas (sharing a face) only share One face
this is a simple result of the areas being convex
- the areas can't have a mixture of ground and gap faces
other mixtures of faces in one area are allowed
- areas with the AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL in the settings have
the cluster number set to the negative portal number
- edge zero is a dummy
- face zero is a dummy
- area zero is a dummy
- node zero is a dummy
- portal zero is a dummy
- cluster zero is a dummy
class idAASFile
virtual ~idAASFile() {}
const char* GetName() const
return name.c_str();
unsigned int GetCRC() const
return crc;
int GetNumPlanes() const
return planeList.Num();
const idPlane& GetPlane( int index ) const
return planeList[index];
int GetNumVertices() const
return vertices.Num();
const aasVertex_t& GetVertex( int index ) const
return vertices[index];
int GetNumEdges() const
return edges.Num();
const aasEdge_t& GetEdge( int index ) const
return edges[index];
int GetNumEdgeIndexes() const
return edgeIndex.Num();
const aasIndex_t& GetEdgeIndex( int index ) const
return edgeIndex[index];
int GetNumFaces() const
return faces.Num();
const aasFace_t& GetFace( int index ) const
return faces[index];
int GetNumFaceIndexes() const
return faceIndex.Num();
const aasIndex_t& GetFaceIndex( int index ) const
return faceIndex[index];
int GetNumAreas() const
return areas.Num();
const aasArea_t& GetArea( int index )
return areas[index];
int GetNumNodes() const
return nodes.Num();
const aasNode_t& GetNode( int index ) const
return nodes[index];
int GetNumPortals() const
return portals.Num();
const aasPortal_t& GetPortal( int index )
return portals[index];
int GetNumPortalIndexes() const
return portalIndex.Num();
const aasIndex_t& GetPortalIndex( int index ) const
return portalIndex[index];
int GetNumClusters() const
return clusters.Num();
const aasCluster_t& GetCluster( int index ) const
return clusters[index];
const idAASSettings& GetSettings() const
return settings;
void SetPortalMaxTravelTime( int index, int time )
portals[index].maxAreaTravelTime = time;
void SetAreaTravelFlag( int index, int flag )
areas[index].travelFlags |= flag;
void RemoveAreaTravelFlag( int index, int flag )
areas[index].travelFlags &= ~flag;
virtual idVec3 EdgeCenter( int edgeNum ) const = 0;
virtual idVec3 FaceCenter( int faceNum ) const = 0;
virtual idVec3 AreaCenter( int areaNum ) const = 0;
virtual idBounds EdgeBounds( int edgeNum ) const = 0;
virtual idBounds FaceBounds( int faceNum ) const = 0;
virtual idBounds AreaBounds( int areaNum ) const = 0;
virtual int PointAreaNum( const idVec3& origin ) const = 0;
virtual int PointReachableAreaNum( const idVec3& origin, const idBounds& searchBounds, const int areaFlags, const int excludeTravelFlags ) const = 0;
virtual int BoundsReachableAreaNum( const idBounds& bounds, const int areaFlags, const int excludeTravelFlags ) const = 0;
virtual void PushPointIntoAreaNum( int areaNum, idVec3& point ) const = 0;
virtual bool Trace( aasTrace_t& trace, const idVec3& start, const idVec3& end ) const = 0;
virtual void PrintInfo() const = 0;
idStr name;
unsigned int crc;
idPlaneSet planeList;
idList<aasVertex_t, TAG_AAS> vertices;
idList<aasEdge_t, TAG_AAS> edges;
idList<aasIndex_t, TAG_AAS> edgeIndex;
idList<aasFace_t, TAG_AAS> faces;
idList<aasIndex_t, TAG_AAS> faceIndex;
idList<aasArea_t, TAG_AAS> areas;
idList<aasNode_t, TAG_AAS> nodes;
idList<aasPortal_t, TAG_AAS> portals;
idList<aasIndex_t, TAG_AAS> portalIndex;
idList<aasCluster_t, TAG_AAS> clusters;
idAASSettings settings;
} // namespace BFG
#endif /* !__AASFILE_H__ */
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition
Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain
additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms
immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License
which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a
copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional
terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite
120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#pragma hdrstop
#include "precompiled.h"
#include "AASFile.h"
#include "AASFile_local.h"
bool Reachability_Write( idFile* fp, idReachability* reach )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t%d %d (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f) %d %d",
( int ) reach->travelType, ( int ) reach->toAreaNum,
reach->start.x, reach->start.y, reach->start.z,
reach->end.x, reach->end.y, reach->end.z,
reach->edgeNum, ( int ) reach->travelTime
return true;
bool Reachability_Read( idLexer& src, idReachability* reach )
reach->travelType = src.ParseInt();
reach->toAreaNum = src.ParseInt();
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, reach->start.ToFloatPtr() );
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, reach->end.ToFloatPtr() );
reach->edgeNum = src.ParseInt();
reach->travelTime = src.ParseInt();
return true;
void idReachability::CopyBase( idReachability& reach )
travelType = reach.travelType;
toAreaNum = reach.toAreaNum;
start = reach.start;
end = reach.end;
edgeNum = reach.edgeNum;
travelTime = reach.travelTime;
bool Reachability_Special_Write( idFile* fp, idReachability_Special* reach )
int i;
const idKeyValue *keyValue;
fp->WriteFloatString( "\n\t\t{\n" );
for( i = 0; i < reach->dict.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ )
keyValue = reach->dict.GetKeyVal( i );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t\t\"%s\" \"%s\"\n",
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t}\n" );
return true;
bool Reachability_Special_Read( idLexer& src, idReachability_Special* reach )
idToken key;
idToken value;
src.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
while( src.ReadToken( &key ) )
if( key == "}" )
return true;
src.ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &value );
reach->dict.Set( key, value );
return false;
numBoundingBoxes = 1;
boundingBoxes[0] = idBounds( idVec3( -16, -16, 0 ),
idVec3( 16, 16, 72 )
usePatches = false;
writeBrushMap = false;
playerFlood = false;
noOptimize = false;
allowSwimReachabilities = false;
allowFlyReachabilities = false;
fileExtension = "aas48";
// physics settings
gravity = idVec3( 0, 0, -1066 );
gravityDir = gravity;
gravityValue = gravityDir.Normalize();
invGravityDir = -gravityDir;
maxStepHeight = 14.0f;
maxBarrierHeight = 32.0f;
maxWaterJumpHeight = 20.0f;
maxFallHeight = 64.0f;
minFloorCos = 0.7f;
// fixed travel times
tt_barrierJump = 100;
tt_startCrouching = 100;
tt_waterJump = 100;
tt_startWalkOffLedge = 100;
bool idAASSettings::ParseBool( idLexer& src, bool& b )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
b = src.ParseBool();
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ParseInt( idLexer& src, int& i )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
i = src.ParseInt();
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ParseFloat( idLexer& src, float& f )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
f = src.ParseFloat();
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ParseVector( idLexer& src, idVec3& vec )
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "=" ) )
return false;
return ( src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, vec.ToFloatPtr() ) != 0 );
bool idAASSettings::ParseBBoxes( idLexer& src )
idToken token;
idBounds bounds;
numBoundingBoxes = 0;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
while( src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "}" )
return true;
src.UnreadToken( &token );
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, bounds[0].ToFloatPtr() );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "-" ) )
return false;
src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, bounds[1].ToFloatPtr() );
boundingBoxes[numBoundingBoxes++] = bounds;
return false;
bool idAASSettings::FromParser( idLexer& src )
idToken token;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
// parse the file
while( 1 )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "}" )
if( token == "bboxes" )
if( !ParseBBoxes( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "usePatches" )
if( !ParseBool( src, usePatches ) )
return false;
else if( token == "writeBrushMap" )
if( !ParseBool( src, writeBrushMap ) )
return false;
else if( token == "playerFlood" )
if( !ParseBool( src, playerFlood ) )
return false;
else if( token == "allowSwimReachabilities" )
if( !ParseBool( src, allowSwimReachabilities ) )
return false;
else if( token == "allowFlyReachabilities" )
if( !ParseBool( src, allowFlyReachabilities ) )
return false;
else if( token == "fileExtension" )
src.ExpectTokenString( "=" );
src.ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &token );
fileExtension = token;
else if( token == "gravity" )
ParseVector( src, gravity );
gravityDir = gravity;
gravityValue = gravityDir.Normalize();
invGravityDir = -gravityDir;
else if( token == "maxStepHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxStepHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "maxBarrierHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxBarrierHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "maxWaterJumpHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxWaterJumpHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "maxFallHeight" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, maxFallHeight ) )
return false;
else if( token == "minFloorCos" )
if( !ParseFloat( src, minFloorCos ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_barrierJump" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_barrierJump ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_startCrouching" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_startCrouching ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_waterJump" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_waterJump ) )
return false;
else if( token == "tt_startWalkOffLedge" )
if( !ParseInt( src, tt_startWalkOffLedge ) )
return false;
src.Error( "invalid token '%s'", token.c_str() );
if( numBoundingBoxes <= 0 )
src.Error( "no valid bounding box" );
return true;
bool idAASSettings::FromFile( const idStr& fileName )
idStr name;
name = fileName;
common->Printf( "loading %s\n", name.c_str() );
if( !src.LoadFile( name ) )
common->Error( "WARNING: couldn't load %s\n", name.c_str() );
return false;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "settings" ) )
common->Error( "%s is not a settings file", name.c_str() );
return false;
if( !FromParser( src ) )
common->Error( "failed to parse %s", name.c_str() );
return false;
return true;
bool idAASSettings::FromDict( const char* name, const idDict* dict )
idBounds bounds;
if( !dict->GetVector( "mins", "0 0 0", bounds[ 0 ] ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'mins' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetVector( "maxs", "0 0 0", bounds[ 1 ] ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxs' in entityDef '%s'", name );
numBoundingBoxes = 1;
boundingBoxes[0] = bounds;
if( !dict->GetBool( "usePatches", "0", usePatches ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'usePatches' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetBool( "writeBrushMap", "0", writeBrushMap ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'writeBrushMap' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetBool( "playerFlood", "0", playerFlood ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'playerFlood' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetBool( "allowSwimReachabilities", "0", allowSwimReachabilities ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'allowSwimReachabilities' in entityDef '%s'",
if( !dict->GetBool( "allowFlyReachabilities", "0", allowFlyReachabilities ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'allowFlyReachabilities' in entityDef '%s'",
if( !dict->GetString( "fileExtension", "", fileExtension ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'fileExtension' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetVector( "gravity", "0 0 -1066", gravity ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'gravity' in entityDef '%s'", name );
gravityDir = gravity;
gravityValue = gravityDir.Normalize();
invGravityDir = -gravityDir;
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxStepHeight", "0", maxStepHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxStepHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxBarrierHeight", "0", maxBarrierHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxBarrierHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxWaterJumpHeight", "0", maxWaterJumpHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxWaterJumpHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "maxFallHeight", "0", maxFallHeight ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'maxFallHeight' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetFloat( "minFloorCos", "0", minFloorCos ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'minFloorCos' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_barrierJump", "0", tt_barrierJump ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_barrierJump' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_startCrouching", "0", tt_startCrouching ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_startCrouching' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_waterJump", "0", tt_waterJump ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_waterJump' in entityDef '%s'", name );
if( !dict->GetInt( "tt_startWalkOffLedge", "0", tt_startWalkOffLedge ) )
common->Error( "Missing 'tt_startWalkOffLedge' in entityDef '%s'",
return true;
bool idAASSettings::WriteToFile( idFile* fp ) const
int i;
fp->WriteFloatString( "{\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tbboxes\n\t{\n" );
for( i = 0; i < numBoundingBoxes; i++ )
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t(%f %f %f)-(%f %f %f)\n",
boundingBoxes[i][0].x, boundingBoxes[i][0].y,
boundingBoxes[i][0].z, boundingBoxes[i][1].x,
boundingBoxes[i][1].y, boundingBoxes[i][1].z
fp->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tusePatches = %d\n", usePatches );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\twriteBrushMap = %d\n", writeBrushMap );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tplayerFlood = %d\n", playerFlood );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tallowSwimReachabilities = %d\n", allowSwimReachabilities );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tallowFlyReachabilities = %d\n", allowFlyReachabilities );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tfileExtension = \"%s\"\n", fileExtension.c_str() );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tgravity = (%f %f %f)\n", gravity.x, gravity.y, gravity.z );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxStepHeight = %f\n", maxStepHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxBarrierHeight = %f\n", maxBarrierHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxWaterJumpHeight = %f\n", maxWaterJumpHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tmaxFallHeight = %f\n", maxFallHeight );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\tminFloorCos = %f\n", minFloorCos );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_barrierJump = %d\n", tt_barrierJump );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_startCrouching = %d\n", tt_startCrouching );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_waterJump = %d\n", tt_waterJump );
fp->WriteFloatString( "\ttt_startWalkOffLedge = %d\n", tt_startWalkOffLedge );
fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ValidForBounds( const idBounds& bounds ) const
int i;
for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
if( bounds[0][i] < boundingBoxes[0][0][i] )
return false;
if( bounds[1][i] > boundingBoxes[0][1][i] )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASSettings::ValidEntity( const char* classname ) const
idStr use_aas;
idVec3 size;
idBounds bounds;
if( playerFlood )
if( !strcmp( classname, "info_player_start" ) || !strcmp( classname , "info_player_deathmatch" ) || !strcmp( classname, "func_teleporter" ) )
return true;
const idDeclEntityDef* decl = static_cast<const idDeclEntityDef*>( declManager->FindType( DECL_ENTITYDEF, classname, false ) );
if( ( decl != NULL ) && decl->dict.GetString( "use_aas", NULL, use_aas ) && !fileExtension.Icmp( use_aas ) )
if( decl->dict.GetVector( "mins", NULL, bounds[0] ) )
decl->dict.GetVector( "maxs", NULL, bounds[1] );
else if( decl->dict.GetVector( "size", NULL, size ) )
bounds[ 0 ].Set( size.x * -0.5f, size.y * -0.5f, 0.0f );
bounds[ 1 ].Set( size.x * 0.5f, size.y * 0.5f, size.z );
if( !ValidForBounds( bounds ) )
common->Error( "%s cannot use %s\n",
classname, fileExtension.c_str()
return true;
return false;
planeList.SetGranularity( AAS_PLANE_GRANULARITY );
vertices.SetGranularity( AAS_VERTEX_GRANULARITY );
edges.SetGranularity( AAS_EDGE_GRANULARITY );
edgeIndex.SetGranularity( AAS_INDEX_GRANULARITY );
faces.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
faceIndex.SetGranularity( AAS_INDEX_GRANULARITY );
areas.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
nodes.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
portals.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
portalIndex.SetGranularity( AAS_INDEX_GRANULARITY );
clusters.SetGranularity( AAS_LIST_GRANULARITY );
int i;
idReachability *reach;
idReachability *next;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = next )
next = reach->next;
delete reach;
void idAASFileLocal::Clear()
bool idAASFileLocal::Write( const idStr& fileName, unsigned int mapFileCRC )
int i;
int num;
idFile *aasFile;
idReachability *reach;
common->Printf( "[Write AAS]\n" );
common->Printf( "writing %s\n", fileName.c_str() );
name = fileName;
crc = mapFileCRC;
aasFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( fileName, "fs_basepath" );
if( !aasFile )
common->Error( "Error opening %s", fileName.c_str() );
return false;
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "%s \"%s\"\n\n", AAS_FILEID, AAS_FILEVERSION );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "%u\n\n", mapFileCRC );
// write out the settings
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "settings\n" );
settings.WriteToFile( aasFile );
// write out planes
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "planes %d {\n", planeList.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < planeList.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %f %f %f %f )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out planes
// write out vertices
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "vertices %d {\n", vertices.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < vertices.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %f %f %f )\n", i, vertices[i].x,
vertices[i].y, vertices[i].z
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out vertices
// write out edges
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "edges %d {\n", edges.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < edges.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d )\n", i, edges[i].vertexNum[0],
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out edges
// write out edgeIndex
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "edgeIndex %d {\n", edgeIndex.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < edgeIndex.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d )\n", i, edgeIndex[i] );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out edgeIndex
// write out faces
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "faces %d {\n", faces.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < faces.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d %d %d )\n", i,
faces[i].planeNum, faces[i].flags,
faces[i].areas[0], faces[i].areas[1],
faces[i].firstEdge, faces[i].numEdges
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out faces
// write out faceIndex
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "faceIndex %d {\n", faceIndex.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < faceIndex.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d )\n", i, faceIndex[i] );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out faceIndex
// write out areas
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "areas %d {\n", areas.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( num = 0, reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d %d %d ) %d {\n", i,
areas[i].flags, areas[i].contents,
areas[i].firstFace, areas[i].numFaces,
areas[i].clusterAreaNum, num
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
Reachability_Write( aasFile, reach );
switch( reach->travelType )
Reachability_Special_Write( aasFile, static_cast<idReachability_Special*>( reach ) );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out areas
// write out nodes
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "nodes %d {\n", nodes.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < nodes.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out nodes
// write out portals
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "portals %d {\n", portals.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < portals.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d %d )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out portals
// write out portalIndex
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "portalIndex %d {\n", portalIndex.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < portalIndex.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d )\n", i, portalIndex[i] );
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out portalIndex
// write out clusters
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "clusters %d {\n", clusters.Num() );
for( i = 0; i < clusters.Num(); i++ )
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "\t%d ( %d %d %d %d )\n", i,
aasFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n" );
// END - write out clusters
// close file
fileSystem->CloseFile( aasFile );
common->Printf( "done.\n" );
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseIndex( idLexer& src, idList<aasIndex_t>& indexes )
int numIndexes;
int i;
aasIndex_t index;
numIndexes = src.ParseInt();
indexes.Resize( numIndexes );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
index = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
indexes.Append( index );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParsePlanes( idLexer& src )
int numPlanes;
int i;
idPlane plane;
idVec4 vec;
numPlanes = src.ParseInt();
planeList.Resize( numPlanes );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numPlanes; i++ )
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 4, vec.ToFloatPtr() ) )
return false;
plane.SetNormal( vec.ToVec3() );
plane.SetDist( vec[3] );
planeList.Append( plane );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseVertices( idLexer& src )
int numVertices;
int i;
idVec3 vec;
numVertices = src.ParseInt();
vertices.Resize( numVertices );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numVertices; i++ )
if( !src.Parse1DMatrix( 3, vec.ToFloatPtr() ) )
return false;
vertices.Append( vec );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseEdges( idLexer& src )
int numEdges;
int i;
aasEdge_t edge;
numEdges = src.ParseInt();
edges.Resize( numEdges );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numEdges; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
edge.vertexNum[0] = src.ParseInt();
edge.vertexNum[1] = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
edges.Append( edge );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseFaces( idLexer& src )
int numFaces;
int i;
aasFace_t face;
numFaces = src.ParseInt();
faces.Resize( numFaces );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numFaces; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
face.planeNum = src.ParseInt();
face.flags = src.ParseInt();
face.areas[0] = src.ParseInt();
face.areas[1] = src.ParseInt();
face.firstEdge = src.ParseInt();
face.numEdges = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
faces.Append( face );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseReachabilities( idLexer& src, int areaNum )
int num;
int j;
aasArea_t *area;
idReachability reach;
idReachability *newReach;
idReachability_Special *special;
area = &areas[areaNum];
num = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( "{" );
area->reach = NULL;
area->rev_reach = NULL;
area->travelFlags = AreaContentsTravelFlags( areaNum );
for( j = 0; j < num; j++ )
Reachability_Read( src, &reach );
switch( reach.travelType )
newReach = special = new( TAG_AAS ) idReachability_Special();
Reachability_Special_Read( src, special );
newReach = new( TAG_AAS ) idReachability();
newReach->CopyBase( reach );
newReach->fromAreaNum = areaNum;
newReach->next = area->reach;
area->reach = newReach;
src.ExpectTokenString( "}" );
return true;
void idAASFileLocal::LinkReversedReachability()
int i;
idReachability *reach;
// link reversed reachabilities
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
reach->rev_next = areas[reach->toAreaNum].rev_reach;
areas[reach->toAreaNum].rev_reach = reach;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseAreas( idLexer& src )
int numAreas;
int i;
aasArea_t area;
numAreas = src.ParseInt();
areas.Resize( numAreas );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numAreas; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
area.flags = src.ParseInt();
area.contents = src.ParseInt();
area.firstFace = src.ParseInt();
area.numFaces = src.ParseInt();
area.cluster = src.ParseInt();
area.clusterAreaNum = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
areas.Append( area );
ParseReachabilities( src, i );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseNodes( idLexer& src )
int numNodes;
int i;
aasNode_t node;
numNodes = src.ParseInt();
nodes.Resize( numNodes );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numNodes; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
node.planeNum = src.ParseInt();
node.children[0] = src.ParseInt();
node.children[1] = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
nodes.Append( node );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParsePortals( idLexer& src )
int numPortals;
int i;
aasPortal_t portal;
numPortals = src.ParseInt();
portals.Resize( numPortals );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numPortals; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
portal.areaNum = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusters[0] = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusters[1] = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusterAreaNum[0] = src.ParseInt();
portal.clusterAreaNum[1] = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
portals.Append( portal );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
bool idAASFileLocal::ParseClusters( idLexer& src )
int numClusters;
int i;
aasCluster_t cluster;
numClusters = src.ParseInt();
clusters.Resize( numClusters );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "{" ) )
return false;
for( i = 0; i < numClusters; i++ )
src.ExpectTokenString( "(" );
cluster.numAreas = src.ParseInt();
cluster.numReachableAreas = src.ParseInt();
cluster.firstPortal = src.ParseInt();
cluster.numPortals = src.ParseInt();
src.ExpectTokenString( ")" );
clusters.Append( cluster );
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( "}" ) )
return false;
return true;
void idAASFileLocal::FinishAreas()
int i;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
areas[i].center = AreaReachableGoal( i );
areas[i].bounds = AreaBounds( i );
bool idAASFileLocal::Load( const idStr& fileName, unsigned int mapFileCRC )
idToken token;
int depth;
unsigned int c;
name = fileName;
crc = mapFileCRC;
common->Printf( "[Load AAS]\n" );
common->Printf( "loading %s\n", name.c_str() );
if( !src.LoadFile( name ) )
return false;
if( !src.ExpectTokenString( AAS_FILEID ) )
common->Warning( "Not an AAS file: '%s'", name.c_str() );
return false;
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) || token != AAS_FILEVERSION )
common->Warning( "AAS file '%s' has version %s instead of %s",
name.c_str(), token.c_str(), AAS_FILEVERSION
return false;
if( !src.ExpectTokenType( TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token ) )
common->Warning( "AAS file '%s' has no map file CRC", name.c_str() );
return false;
c = token.GetUnsignedLongValue();
if( mapFileCRC && c != mapFileCRC )
common->Warning( "AAS file '%s' is out of date", name.c_str() );
return false;
// clear the file in memory
// parse the file
while( 1 )
if( !src.ReadToken( &token ) )
if( token == "settings" )
if( !settings.FromParser( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "planes" )
if( !ParsePlanes( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "vertices" )
if( !ParseVertices( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "edges" )
if( !ParseEdges( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "edgeIndex" )
if( !ParseIndex( src, edgeIndex ) )
return false;
else if( token == "faces" )
if( !ParseFaces( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "faceIndex" )
if( !ParseIndex( src, faceIndex ) )
return false;
else if( token == "areas" )
if( !ParseAreas( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "nodes" )
if( !ParseNodes( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "portals" )
if( !ParsePortals( src ) )
return false;
else if( token == "portalIndex" )
if( !ParseIndex( src, portalIndex ) )
return false;
else if( token == "clusters" )
if( !ParseClusters( src ) )
return false;
src.Error( "idAASFileLocal::Load: bad token \"%s\"",
return false;
depth = MaxTreeDepth();
if( depth > MAX_AAS_TREE_DEPTH )
src.Error( "idAASFileLocal::Load: tree depth = %d", depth );
common->Printf( "done.\n" );
return true;
int idAASFileLocal::MemorySize() const
int size;
size = planeList.Size();
size += vertices.Size();
size += edges.Size();
size += edgeIndex.Size();
size += faces.Size();
size += faceIndex.Size();
size += areas.Size();
size += nodes.Size();
size += portals.Size();
size += portalIndex.Size();
size += clusters.Size();
size += sizeof( idReachability_Walk ) * NumReachabilities();
return size;
void idAASFileLocal::PrintInfo() const
common->Printf( "%6d KB file size\n", MemorySize() >> 10 );
common->Printf( "%6d areas\n", areas.Num() );
common->Printf( "%6d max tree depth\n", MaxTreeDepth() );
int idAASFileLocal::NumReachabilities() const
int i;
int num;
idReachability *reach;
num = 0;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = reach->next )
return num;
void idAASFileLocal::ReportRoutingEfficiency() const
int numReachableAreas;
int total;
int i;
int n;
numReachableAreas = 0;
total = 0;
for( i = 0; i < clusters.Num(); i++ )
n = clusters[i].numReachableAreas;
numReachableAreas += n;
total += n * n;
total += numReachableAreas * portals.Num();
common->Printf( "%6d reachable areas\n", numReachableAreas );
common->Printf( "%6d reachabilities\n", NumReachabilities() );
common->Printf( "%6d KB max routing cache\n", ( total * 3 ) >> 10 );
void idAASFileLocal::DeleteReachabilities()
int i;
idReachability *reach;
idReachability *nextReach;
for( i = 0; i < areas.Num(); i++ )
for( reach = areas[i].reach; reach; reach = nextReach )
nextReach = reach->next;
delete reach;
areas[i].reach = NULL;
areas[i].rev_reach = NULL;
void idAASFileLocal::DeleteClusters()
aasPortal_t portal;
aasCluster_t cluster;
// first portal is a dummy
memset( &portal, 0, sizeof( portal ) );
portals.Append( portal );
// first cluster is a dummy
memset( &cluster, 0, sizeof( cluster ) );
clusters.Append( cluster );
Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1993-2012 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 BFG Edition GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 BFG Edition
Source Code").
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version.
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, see <>.
In addition, the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code is also subject to certain
additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms
immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License
which accompanied the Doom 3 BFG Edition Source Code. If not, please request a
copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional
terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite
120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __AASFILE_H__
#define __AASFILE_H__
AAS File
#define AAS_FILEID "DewmAAS"
#define AAS_FILEVERSION "1.07"
// travel flags
#define TFL_INVALID BIT(0) // not valid
#define TFL_WALK BIT(1) // walking
#define TFL_CROUCH BIT(2) // crouching
#define TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE BIT(3) // walking of a ledge
#define TFL_BARRIERJUMP BIT(4) // jumping onto a barrier
#define TFL_JUMP BIT(5) // jumping
#define TFL_LADDER BIT(6) // climbing a ladder
#define TFL_SWIM BIT(7) // swimming
#define TFL_WATERJUMP BIT(8) // jump out of the water
#define TFL_TELEPORT BIT(9) // teleportation
#define TFL_ELEVATOR BIT(10) // travel by elevator
#define TFL_FLY BIT(11) // fly
#define TFL_SPECIAL BIT(12) // special
#define TFL_WATER BIT(21) // travel through water
#define TFL_AIR BIT(22) // travel through air
// face flags
#define FACE_SOLID BIT(0) // solid at the other side
#define FACE_LADDER BIT(1) // ladder surface
#define FACE_FLOOR BIT(2) // standing on floor when on this face
#define FACE_LIQUID BIT(3) // face seperating two areas with liquid
#define FACE_LIQUIDSURFACE BIT(4) // face seperating liquid and air
// area flags
#define AREA_FLOOR BIT(0) // AI can stand on the floor in this area
#define AREA_GAP BIT(1) // area has a gap
#define AREA_LEDGE BIT(2) // if entered the AI bbox partly floats above a ledge
#define AREA_LADDER BIT(3) // area contains one or more ladder faces
#define AREA_LIQUID BIT(4) // area contains a liquid
#define AREA_CROUCH BIT(5) // AI cannot walk but can only crouch in this area
#define AREA_REACHABLE_WALK BIT(6) // area is reachable by walking or swimming
#define AREA_REACHABLE_FLY BIT(7) // area is reachable by flying
// area contents flags
#define AREACONTENTS_SOLID BIT(0) // solid, not a valid area
#define AREACONTENTS_WATER BIT(1) // area contains water
#define AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL BIT(2) // area is a cluster portal
#define AREACONTENTS_OBSTACLE BIT(3) // area contains (part of) a dynamic obstacle
#define AREACONTENTS_TELEPORTER BIT(4) // area contains (part of) a teleporter trigger
// bits for different bboxes
#define MAX_REACH_PER_AREA 256
#define MAX_AAS_TREE_DEPTH 128
// reachability to another area
class idReachability
int travelType; // type of travel required to get to the area
short toAreaNum; // number of the reachable area
short fromAreaNum; // number of area the reachability starts
idVec3 start; // start point of inter area movement
idVec3 end; // end point of inter area movement
int edgeNum; // edge crossed by this reachability
unsigned short travelTime; // travel time of the inter area movement
byte number; // reachability number within the fromAreaNum (must be < 256)
byte disableCount; // number of times this reachability has been disabled
idReachability *next; // next reachability in list
idReachability *rev_next; // next reachability in reversed list
unsigned short *areaTravelTimes; // travel times within the fromAreaNum from reachabilities that lead towards this area
void CopyBase( idReachability& reach );
class idReachability_Walk : public idReachability
class idReachability_BarrierJump : public idReachability
class idReachability_WaterJump : public idReachability
class idReachability_WalkOffLedge : public idReachability
class idReachability_Swim : public idReachability
class idReachability_Fly : public idReachability
class idReachability_Special : public idReachability
idDict dict;
// index
typedef int aasIndex_t;
// vertex
typedef idVec3 aasVertex_t;
// edge
typedef struct aasEdge_s
int vertexNum[2]; // numbers of the vertexes of this edge
} aasEdge_t;
// area boundary face
typedef struct aasFace_s
unsigned short planeNum; // number of the plane this face is on
unsigned short flags; // face flags
int numEdges; // number of edges in the boundary of the face
int firstEdge; // first edge in the edge index
short areas[2]; // area at the front and back of this face
} aasFace_t;
// area with a boundary of faces
typedef struct aasArea_s
int numFaces; // number of faces used for the boundary of the area
int firstFace; // first face in the face index used for the boundary of the area
idBounds bounds; // bounds of the area
idVec3 center; // center of the area an AI can move towards
unsigned short flags; // several area flags
unsigned short contents; // contents of the area
short cluster; // cluster the area belongs to, if negative it's a portal
short clusterAreaNum; // number of the area in the cluster
int travelFlags; // travel flags for traveling through this area
idReachability *reach; // reachabilities that start from this area
idReachability *rev_reach; // reachabilities that lead to this area
} aasArea_t;
// nodes of the bsp tree
typedef struct aasNode_s
unsigned short planeNum; // number of the plane that splits the subspace at this node
int children[2]; // child nodes, zero is solid, negative is -(area number)
} aasNode_t;
// cluster portal
typedef struct aasPortal_s
short areaNum; // number of the area that is the actual portal
short clusters[2]; // number of cluster at the front and back of the portal
short clusterAreaNum[2]; // number of this portal area in the front and back cluster
unsigned short maxAreaTravelTime; // maximum travel time through the portal area
} aasPortal_t;
// cluster
typedef struct aasCluster_s
int numAreas; // number of areas in the cluster
int numReachableAreas; // number of areas with reachabilities
int numPortals; // number of cluster portals
int firstPortal; // first cluster portal in the index
} aasCluster_t;
// trace through the world
typedef struct aasTrace_s
// parameters
int flags; // areas with these flags block the trace
int travelFlags; // areas with these travel flags block the trace
int maxAreas; // size of the 'areas' array
int getOutOfSolid; // trace out of solid if the trace starts in solid
// output
float fraction; // fraction of trace completed
idVec3 endpos; // end position of trace
int planeNum; // plane hit
int lastAreaNum; // number of last area the trace went through
int blockingAreaNum; // area that could not be entered
int numAreas; // number of areas the trace went through
int *areas; // array to store areas the trace went through
idVec3 *points; // points where the trace entered each new area
areas = NULL;
points = NULL;
getOutOfSolid = false;
flags = travelFlags = maxAreas = 0;
} aasTrace_t;
// settings
class idAASSettings
// collision settings
int numBoundingBoxes;
idBounds boundingBoxes[MAX_AAS_BOUNDING_BOXES];
bool usePatches;
bool writeBrushMap;
bool playerFlood;
bool noOptimize;
bool allowSwimReachabilities;
bool allowFlyReachabilities;
idStr fileExtension;
// physics settings
idVec3 gravity;
idVec3 gravityDir;
idVec3 invGravityDir;
float gravityValue;
float maxStepHeight;
float maxBarrierHeight;
float maxWaterJumpHeight;
float maxFallHeight;
float minFloorCos;
// fixed travel times
int tt_barrierJump;
int tt_startCrouching;
int tt_waterJump;
int tt_startWalkOffLedge;
bool FromFile( const idStr& fileName );
bool FromParser( idLexer& src );
bool FromDict( const char* name, const idDict* dict );
bool WriteToFile( idFile* fp ) const;
bool ValidForBounds( const idBounds& bounds ) const;
bool ValidEntity( const char* classname ) const;
bool ParseBool( idLexer& src, bool& b );
bool ParseInt( idLexer& src, int& i );
bool ParseFloat( idLexer& src, float& f );
bool ParseVector( idLexer& src, idVec3& vec );
bool ParseBBoxes( idLexer& src );
- when a node child is a solid leaf the node child number is zero
- two adjacent areas (sharing a plane at opposite sides) share a face
this face is a portal between the areas
- when an area uses a face from the faceindex with a positive index
then the face plane normal points into the area
- the face edges are stored counter clockwise using the edgeindex
- two adjacent convex areas (sharing a face) only share One face
this is a simple result of the areas being convex
- the areas can't have a mixture of ground and gap faces
other mixtures of faces in one area are allowed
- areas with the AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL in the settings have
the cluster number set to the negative portal number
- edge zero is a dummy
- face zero is a dummy
- area zero is a dummy
- node zero is a dummy
- portal zero is a dummy
- cluster zero is a dummy
class idAASFile
virtual ~idAASFile() {}
const char* GetName() const
return name.c_str();
unsigned int GetCRC() const
return crc;
int GetNumPlanes() const
return planeList.Num();
const idPlane& GetPlane( int index ) const
return planeList[index];
int GetNumVertices() const
return vertices.Num();
const aasVertex_t& GetVertex( int index ) const
return vertices[index];
int GetNumEdges() const
return edges.Num();
const aasEdge_t& GetEdge( int index ) const
return edges[index];
int GetNumEdgeIndexes() const
return edgeIndex.Num();
const aasIndex_t& GetEdgeIndex( int index ) const
return edgeIndex[index];
int GetNumFaces() const
return faces.Num();
const aasFace_t& GetFace( int index ) const
return faces[index];
int GetNumFaceIndexes() const
return faceIndex.Num();
const aasIndex_t& GetFaceIndex( int index ) const
return faceIndex[index];
int GetNumAreas() const
return areas.Num();
const aasArea_t& GetArea( int index )
return areas[index];
int GetNumNodes() const
return nodes.Num();
const aasNode_t& GetNode( int index ) const
return nodes[index];
int GetNumPortals() const
return portals.Num();
const aasPortal_t& GetPortal( int index )
return portals[index];
int GetNumPortalIndexes() const
return portalIndex.Num();
const aasIndex_t& GetPortalIndex( int index ) const
return portalIndex[index];
int GetNumClusters() const
return clusters.Num();
const aasCluster_t& GetCluster( int index ) const
return clusters[index];
const idAASSettings& GetSettings() const
return settings;
void SetPortalMaxTravelTime( int index, int time )
portals[index].maxAreaTravelTime = time;
void SetAreaTravelFlag( int index, int flag )
areas[index].travelFlags |= flag;
void RemoveAreaTravelFlag( int index, int flag )
areas[index].travelFlags &= ~flag;
virtual idVec3 EdgeCenter( int edgeNum ) const = 0;
virtual idVec3 FaceCenter( int faceNum ) const = 0;
virtual idVec3 AreaCenter( int areaNum ) const = 0;
virtual idBounds EdgeBounds( int edgeNum ) const = 0;
virtual idBounds FaceBounds( int faceNum ) const = 0;
virtual idBounds AreaBounds( int areaNum ) const = 0;
virtual int PointAreaNum( const idVec3& origin ) const = 0;
virtual int PointReachableAreaNum( const idVec3& origin, const idBounds& searchBounds, const int areaFlags, const int excludeTravelFlags ) const = 0;
virtual int BoundsReachableAreaNum( const idBounds& bounds, const int areaFlags, const int excludeTravelFlags ) const = 0;
virtual void PushPointIntoAreaNum( int areaNum, idVec3& point ) const = 0;
virtual bool Trace( aasTrace_t& trace, const idVec3& start, const idVec3& end ) const = 0;
virtual void PrintInfo() const = 0;
idStr name;
unsigned int crc;
idPlaneSet planeList;
idList<aasVertex_t, TAG_AAS> vertices;
idList<aasEdge_t, TAG_AAS> edges;
idList<aasIndex_t, TAG_AAS> edgeIndex;
idList<aasFace_t, TAG_AAS> faces;
idList<aasIndex_t, TAG_AAS> faceIndex;
idList<aasArea_t, TAG_AAS> areas;
idList<aasNode_t, TAG_AAS> nodes;
idList<aasPortal_t, TAG_AAS> portals;
idList<aasIndex_t, TAG_AAS> portalIndex;
idList<aasCluster_t, TAG_AAS> clusters;
idAASSettings settings;
#endif /* !__AASFILE_H__ */
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