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Anthony Akentiev AnthonyAkentiev

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Decentralized Crypto Fund scheme with Dividends

User stories:

  1. I pay X % wei fee to put money into the fund (to buy tokens)

  2. ??? - I pay Y % wei fee to convert tokens -> ETH (withdraw money out of the fund)

  3. I can buy N tokens for K wei by sending Wei to the fund

  4. I get M% dividends each month for 1 token

AnthonyAkentiev /
Last active June 27, 2018 12:23
DAO Scheme for Podcast

Podcast DAO scheme1 ("Patreon" with tokens)


  1. Tokens give power to govern the DAO, to add new ads, to become a next radio show guest.


  1. Listener
  2. Patron (i.e. token holder)
  3. Moderator
  4. Next radio show host (selected from Moderators)

Decentralized Rating DAO scheme (without the TCR)


  1. Platform tokens - give power to govern the DAO, to add new projects to the high places in the list, to evaluate the rating (prediction).
  2. Reputation tokens - to set rating.


  1. Reader. Reader can read any rating without paying.
  2. Project leader. Can add new project to the list

Decentralized Rating DAO scheme (with the TCR)


  1. Platform tokens - give power to govern the DAO, to add new projects to the high places in the list, to evaluate the rating (prediction).
  2. Reputation tokens - to set rating.


  1. Reader.
  2. Adder. Can add new project to the list
  3. Expert. Gets tokens as a reward for the project evaluation.

Podcast DAO scheme ("Patreon" with tokens)


  1. DevZen tokens give power to add new ads;
  2. Reputation tokens are used to govern the DAO, to become a next radio show guest, to moderate the list.

DevZen tokens are minted each week:

  1. kX tokens for X ads slots
  2. F free floating tokens,
## Сравнение не реализаций! А концепций M1 vs M2
### M1 недостатки:
1. > В текущей архитектуре нельзя реализовать roadmap-milestones
2. > фича - "если посылаем меньше денег, то нет revert"
2.2 Нельзя накапливать деньги маленькими порциями
2.3 Невозможно заполнить наполовину элемент
3. > фича - "у WeiExpense' есть выходы" (типа удобнее для клиента?)

1. Портируем Table из M2 -> M1 как отдельный контракт с интерфейсом WeiExpense

2. Допиливаем Fund, делаем его Conditional:

1.a) (push) как только переполнились -> отправляем на output (WeiExpense у которого берутся getNeededAmount()) 2.b) (pull) как только прееполнились -> открылись для вывода и перестаем собирать деньги и отправляем их дальше (не revert'им)

2.a) накапливаем 1 раз 2.b) накапливаем бесконечно раз 2.c) накапилваем бесконечно раз, но с периодом K

contract DaoBase {
int x;
function method1() public {x = x +1; }
contract Moneyflow {
DaoBase daoBase;
  1. There are four DevZen team members
  2. The next show host is selected by a consensus of all the DevZen team members
  3. Any listener can suggest a topic to be discussed in the next show
  4. The DevZen team members select topics from the suggested list and move them to the "approved for the next show" list.
  5. The show has ads. Let the maxium number of ad slots be 5.
  6. Also, the guys are using Patreon to get money for mics, hosting etc.
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