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AnthonyLam / test.vhd
Created March 17, 2016 22:30
Strange VHDL Behavior
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity counter is
end entity;
architecture dual_counter of counter is
signal sig1,sig2: natural;
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal var1_o : natural := 0;
AnthonyLam /
Created March 9, 2016 17:19
Tool for creating instructions
import re
# Format of Input Text
class Asm:
def __init__(self,filename):
self.functions = {"nop":"0000",
"add":"0001", "sub":"0010",
"cmp":"0011", "slt":"0100",
09-25 10:38:23.968 32619-32619/? I/art: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni
09-25 10:38:24.210 32619-32619/com.juteralabs.perktv I/Fabric: Initializing Crashlytics
09-25 10:38:24.351 32619-32619/com.juteralabs.perktv W/Perk Security: kernelVersion->3.4.108-newkernel-v2.62-g24a8fa4
09-25 10:38:24.351 32619-32619/com.juteralabs.perktv W/Perk Security: strFingerPrint->oneplus/bacon/a0001:5.1.1/lmy48b/yog4pas1n0:user/release-keys strModel->a0001 strBrand->oneplus strManufacturer->oneplus kernelVersion->3.4.108-newkernel-v2.62-g24a8fa4
09-25 10:38:24.378 32619-32685/com.juteralabs.perktv D/OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true
09-25 10:38:24.392 32619-32619/com.juteralabs.perktv D/Atlas: Validating map...
09-25 10:38:24.438 32619-32685/com.juteralabs.perktv I/Adreno-EGL: <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:410>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: AU_LINUX_ANDROID_LA.BF.1.1.1_RB1. ()
09-25 10:38:24.438 32619-32685/com.juteralabs.perktv I/Adreno-EGL: OpenGL ES Shader Com
AnthonyLam / PerkEv.log
Created September 21, 2015 19:35
This is all within one ad
09-21 12:30:12.520 31379-2379/com.juteralabs.perktv V/AerServ - com.aerserv.sdk.view.component.VpaidWebView: current, duration, periods 0.08179855 : 30.14 : 1
09-21 12:30:13.521 31379-2379/com.juteralabs.perktv V/AerServ - com.aerserv.sdk.view.component.VpaidWebView: current, duration, periods 0.25440025 : 30.14 : 2
09-21 12:30:14.521 31379-2379/com.juteralabs.perktv V/AerServ - com.aerserv.sdk.view.component.VpaidWebView: current, duration, periods 1.2505989 : 30.14 : 3
09-21 12:30:14.704 31379-2345/com.juteralabs.perktv D/AerServ - com.aerserv.sdk.view.component.VpaidWebView: ad click thru!
09-21 12:30:14.705 31379-2345/com.juteralabs.perktv D/AerServ - com.aerserv.sdk.controller.command.FireEventCommand: Firing event
public class Student {
// How your professor is doing it.
public String student1 = "John Smith";
public String student2 = "Zack Mills";
public String student3 = "Fred Fonz";
public int student1age = 20;
public int student2age = 21;
public int student3age = 44;
AnthonyLam / EasyDriver.ino
Created April 17, 2015 19:43
Easy Driver Example code
//©2011 bildr
//Released under the MIT License - Please reuse change and share
//Using the easy stepper with your arduino
//use rotate and/or rotateDeg to controll stepper motor
//speed is any number from .01 -> 1 with 1 being fastest -
//Slower Speed == Stronger movement
Set-ExplorerOptions -ShowHiddenFilesFoldersDrives -showProtectedOSFiles -showFileExtensions -EnableShowFullPathInTitleBar
Move-LibraryDirectory "Downloads" "D:\Downloads"
Move-LibraryDirectory "Desktop" "D:\Desktop"
Move-LibraryDirectory "Music" "D:\Music"
Move-LibraryDirectory "Pictures" "D:\Onedrive\Pictures"
Set-TaskbarOptions Set-TaskbarOptions -Size Small -UnLock -Dock Bottom
cinst -y google-chrome-x64
cinst -y foobar2000
"version": "2.10.4",
"date": 1424418210505,
"Conf": {
"JSON Navigation": true,
"Update Stale Index": true,
"Catalog Links": true,
"External Catalog": false,
"Desktop Notifications": false,
"404 Redirect": true,
AnthonyLam / sweetfx_settings.txt
Last active August 29, 2015 13:59
SweetFX Settings
/ Description /
SweetFX version: 1.5.1
Please note when tweaking settings that higher numbers does not always equal better (nor does lower).