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Created January 24, 2023 03:08
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Script to create a route to listen using MQTT
import { MqttClient } from 'mqtt'
import { UserServices } from 'services'
const PUB_TOPIC = 'DoorCloud'
const SUB_TOPIC = `\${PUB_TOPIC}/photo`
const sub = (client: MqttClient) => {
const subDebugger = 'DoorCloud:Mqtt:demo:sub'
client.subscribe(SUB_TOPIC, error => {
if (!error) console.log(`Subscribed to ${subDebugger}`)
client.on('error', error => {
console.error(error, `Topic: ${SUB_TOPIC} - Error`)
* The message received will be a string in the following format:
* userID--format--base64Photo
client.on('message', async (topic, message) => {
if (topic.includes('photo')) {
console.log('Received a photo')
const [userID, format, base64] = message.toString().split('----')
const [, base64Photo] = base64
const us = new UserServices(log)
try {
await us.sendPhotoThroughWhatsapp(
Buffer.from(base64Photo, 'base64')
console.log(`Topic: ${SUB_TOPIC} - Photo send.`)
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage = 'Error while sending the image to the user'
console.error(errorMessage, error)
throw new Error(errorMessage)
const demo: Route = {
export { demo }
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