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Created August 8, 2021 23:44
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Инициализация массивов a la C++
trait ConstZero {
const ZERO: Self;
macro_rules! impl_primitive {
($($ty:ty)*) => {
impl ConstZero for $ty {
const ZERO: Self = 0;
i8 i16 i32 i64 i128 isize
u8 u16 u32 u64 u128 usize
impl ConstZero for f32 {
const ZERO: Self = 0.0;
impl ConstZero for f64 {
const ZERO: Self = 0.0;
macro_rules! impl_tuple {
() => {};
($first:ident $($ty:ident)*) => {
impl<$first, $($ty),*> ConstZero for ($first, $($ty),*)
$first: ConstZero,
$($ty: ConstZero,)*
const ZERO: Self = (
<$first as ConstZero>::ZERO,
$(<$ty as ConstZero>::ZERO),*
impl_tuple!(A B C D E F G H);
impl ConstZero for () {
const ZERO: Self = ();
impl ConstZero for bool {
const ZERO: Self = false;
impl<'a> ConstZero for &'a str {
const ZERO: Self = "";
impl<T> ConstZero for Vec<T> {
const ZERO: Self = Vec::new();
impl<T: ConstZero, const LEN: usize> ConstZero for [T; LEN] {
const ZERO: Self = [T::ZERO; LEN];
trait ArrayConstZero: ConstZero {
const ZERO: Self;
impl<T: ConstZero, const N: usize> ArrayConstZero for [T; N] {
const ZERO: Self = <Self as ConstZero>::ZERO;
trait Array {
const LEN: usize;
impl<T, const N: usize> Array for [T; N] {
const LEN: usize = N;
macro_rules! arr_init {
($($elem:expr,)* ; $len:expr) => {{
const LEN: usize = $len;
const _INIT_LEN: usize = $({stringify!($elem); 1usize} +)* 0;
const _ASSERT_NOT_TOO_MANY: [(); LEN] = [(); if LEN >= _INIT_LEN { LEN } else { _INIT_LEN }];
let mut ret = [<_ as ConstZero>::ZERO; LEN];
let mut i = 0usize;
i += 1;
ret[i - 1] = $elem;
macro_rules! arr_let {
(mut $name:ident: [$ty:ty; $len:expr] = [$($elem:expr,)*]) => {
let mut $name: [$ty; $len] = arr_init![$($elem,)*; $len];
($name:ident: [$ty:ty; $len:expr] = [$($elem:expr,)*]) => {
let $name: [$ty; $len] = arr_init![$($elem,)*; $len];
macro_rules! arr_const {
($name:ident: [$ty:ty; $len:expr] = [$($elem:expr,)*]) => {
const $name: [$ty; $len] = {
const fn init_arr() -> [$ty; $len] {
arr_init![$($elem,)*; $len]
struct Thirteen(u32);
impl ConstZero for Thirteen {
const ZERO: Self = Self(13);
arr_const!(ARRAY: [Thirteen; 13] = [Thirteen(15), Thirteen(14),]);
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", ARRAY);
arr: [_; 3] = [(
[vec![2u64, 3]],
(("hey",), (2i32, 3.14f64, ()), [true, true])
let all_but_one_zeros = arr_init![128u128,; 7];
println!("{:?}", arr);
println!("{:?}", all_but_one_zeros);
// не компилируется
// let wrong = arr_init![(),; 0];
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