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Last active October 21, 2020 02:32
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TypeScript basics
// boolean (true / false)
let isOpen: boolean
// string ('foo', "foo", `foo`)
let message: string
message = `foo ${isOpen}`
// number (int, float, hex, binary)
let total: number
total = 0xff0
// array (type[])
let items: string[]
items: ["foo", "bar"]
let values: Array<number>
values = [1, 2, 3]
// tuple
let title: [number, string]
title = [1, 'foo']
// enum
enum Colors {
white = '#fff',
black = '#000'
// any (qualquer coisa) NÃO É LEGAL
let coisa: any
coisa = [1]
// void (vazio)
function logger(): void {
// null | undefined
// never
function error(): never {
throw new Error("error")
// object
let cart: object
cart = { key: 1 }
// Type Inference
let message = "mensagem definida"
// Não precisa explicitar o tipo do evento de click (MouseEvent)
window.addEventListener("click", (e) => {
// accountInfo
// charInfo
// playerInfo
type AccountInfo = {
id: number
name: string
email?: string //optional. Same as string | undefined
const account: AccountInfo = {
id: 123,
name: "Tonho"
type CharInfo = {
nickname: string
level: number
const char: CharInfo = {
nickname: 'tonhoEstarke',
level: 100
type PlayerInfo = AccountInfo & CharInfo
const player: PlayerInfo = {
id: 69,
name: "Anthony",
nickname: "AntonTiler",
level: 8000
// type alias
type Uid = number | string | undefined
function logDetails(uid: Uid, item: string) {
console.log(`An user with ${uid} has a title as ${item}.`)
logDetails(234, "Anthony")
logDetails("234", "Anthony")
logDetails(undefined, "Anthony")
type Platform = "windows" | "Linux" | "Mac Os" | "ios"
function renderPlatform(plataform: Platform) {
return platform
abstract class UserAccount {
name: string
age: number
constructor(name: string, age: number) { = name;
this.age = age;
logDetails(): void {
console.log(`user ${} is ${this.age}`)
<!-- const tonho = new UserAcount('Tonho', 30)
tonho.logDetails() -->
/** Herança **/
class ChartAcoount extends UserAccount {
private nickname: string
readonly level: number
constructor(name: string, age: number, nickname: string, level: number) {
super(name, age)
this.nickname = nickname
this.level: level
get getLevel(){
return this.level
set setLevel(level: number){
this.level = level
const tonho2 = new ChartAcount('Tonho2', 33, 'tonhoEstarke', 100)
interface Game {
title: string
description: string
genre: string
platform: string[]
getSimilars (title: string) => void
const tlou: Game = {
title: 'The Last of Us',
description: 'The best Game in the world',
readonly genre: 'Action'
platform?: ['PS3', 'PS4'], //optional parameter
getSimilars: (title: string) => {
console.log(`Similar games to ${title}: Uncharted, Metro...`)
interface DLC extends Game {
originalGame: Game
newContent: string[]
const leftBehind: DLC = {
title: 'The Last of US - Left Behind',
description: 'You play as Ellie before the original game',
genre: 'Action',
originalGame: tlou,
newContent: ['3 hours story', 'new characteres']
class CreateGame implements Game {
title: string
description: string
genre: string
constructor(t: string, d: string, genre: string) {
this.title = t
this.description = d
this.genre = g
// Generics Conventions
// S => State
// T => Type
// K => Key
// V => Value
// E => Element
function useState<S extends number | string = string>() {
let state: S
function getState() {
return state
function setState(newState: S) {
state = newState
return { getState, setState }
const newState = useState<number>()
// Readonly
const todo: Readonly<Todo> = {
title: 'Assistir Dark de novo',
description: 'Relembrar os detalhes',
completed: false
// todo.completed = true -> NÃO PODE
// Partial
function updateTodo(todo: Todo, fieldsToUpdate: Partial<Todo>) {
return { ...todo, ...fieldsToUpdate }
const todo2: Todo = updateTodo(todo, { completed: true })
// Pick
type TodoPreview = Pick<Todo, "title" | "completed">
const todo3: TodoPreview = {
title: 'Finalizar curso de TS'
completed: false
// Omit
type TodoPreview2 = Omit<Todo, "description">
const todo4: TodoPreview2 = {
title: 'Finalizar curso de TS'
completed: false
// @Component
// @Selector
// @useState("asd")
// Class decorator
// Factory - decorator - anotar a versão da API
function setAPIVersion(apiVersion: string) {
return (constructor) => {
return class extends constructor {
version = apiVersion
class API {}
console.log(new API())
// Property decorator
function minLength(lenght: number) {
return (target: any, key: string) => {
let val = target[key]
const getter = () => val
const setter = (value: string) => {
if (value.length < length) {
console.log(`Error: ${key} cant be less then ${length}`)
} else {
val = value
Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
get: getter,
set: setter
class Movie {
// validaço - se for menor que 5 - erro
title: string
constructor(t: string) {
this.title = t
const movie = new Movie('Interstellar')
// Method decorator
function delay(ms: number) {
return (target: any, key: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) => {
const originalMethod = descriptor.value
descriptor.value = function(...args) {
console.log(`Esperando ${ms}...`)
setTimeout(() => {
originalMethod.apply(this, args)
}, ms)
return descriptor
class Person {
name: string
constructor(n: string) { = n
showName() {
const Tonho = new Person('Anthony')
Tonho.showName() // will wait for 2 segs
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