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Last active January 3, 2023 10:06
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  • Save AnthraX1/a158d4399d33c1d1757f6c2f1730cc3f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AnthraX1/a158d4399d33c1d1757f6c2f1730cc3f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tampermonkey script to remove top search bar in Kibana 8.x and add column resize inputs in Discover.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Kibana resize
// @namespace
// @version 8.0
// @description important: update matching url in the script. Script adds input fields for column width. Empty field resets width to auto.
// @author Anthr@X
// @include *://*/app/*
// @grant GM_addStyle
// @grant unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==
console.log('Kibana resize');
var tableUpdated=false;
function countUnicode(str) {
// Use a regular expression to find all Unicode escape sequences in the string
const regex = /[\\]{1,}u(\w{4})/g;
let matches = str.match(regex);
// If no matches were found, return 0
if (!matches) {
return 0;
// Otherwise, return the length of the array of matches
return matches.length;
function unescapeUnicodeRegex(str) {
return str.replace(/[\\]{1,}u(\w{4})/g, (match, grp) =>
String.fromCharCode(parseInt(grp, 16))
function unescapeUnicode(str) {
var count = countUnicode(str);
console.log("count: ", count);
if (count == 0) {
return str;
if (count > 100000) {
console.log("too many unicode chars, skipping: ", count);
return str;
if (count > 1000) {
return unescapeUnicodeLoop(str);
return unescapeUnicodeRegex(str);
function unescapeUnicodeLoop(str) {
let result = '';
let i = 0;
while (i < str.length) {
if (str[i] === '\\' && str[i + 1] === 'u') {
// Found a Unicode escape sequence.
let codePoint = str.substring(i + 2, i + 6);
let value = parseInt(codePoint, 16);
if (value >= 0 && value <= 0x10FFFF) {
// Valid Unicode code point, append the corresponding character.
result += String.fromCharCode(value);
} else {
// Invalid code point, append the escape sequence as-is.
result += '\\u' + codePoint;
i += 6;
} else {
// Not a Unicode escape sequence, just append the character.
result += str[i];
return result;
function hide_button_click($) {
var filter_bar = $(".euiFlexGroup.euiFlexGroup--alignItemsCenter.euiFlexGroup--directionRow.euiFlexGroup--wrap");
if (filter_bar.css("display") != "none") {
$("#hide_filter_btn").text("Show filters");
} else {;
$("#hide_filter_btn").text("Hide filters");
function updateTableDivs($, divs) {
$.each(divs, (index, divEl) => {
if (divEl.innerHTML.startsWith("[{")) {
var div = $(divEl)
var start =;
console.log("replacing text");
var end =;
console.log("replace complete, took: ", end - start);
function updateTableDivsAsync($, divs) {
// Define an array of deferred objects
var deferredObjects = [];
// Use $.each() to iterate over the array of divs
$.each(divs, function (index, divEl) {
// Check if the inner HTML of the div starts with "[{"
if (divEl.innerHTML.startsWith("[{")) {
// Create a deferred object for this div
var deferredObject = $.Deferred();
// Do something with the div asynchronously, such as replacing its text
setTimeout(function () {
// Replace the text of the div
var div = $(divEl);
// Resolve the deferred object
}, 0);
// Add the deferred object to the array
var start =;
// Use $.when() to execute a function when all of the deferred objects are resolved
$.when.apply($, deferredObjects).done(function () {
var end =;
console.log("replace complete, took: ", end - start);
function updateTable($) {
//add textbox for each column
$('.kbn-table th').each((i, thEl) => {
var th = $(thEl);
if (i == 0) {
return true;
var input = $('<input class="size_input" type="number" size="3" min="20" max="10240" value="150"/><br/>').on('keyup', function () {
if (this.value.length >= 2) {
} else if (!this.value) {
var divs = $("table.kbn-table").find("div.dscTruncateByHeight")
if (divs.length == 0) {
divs = $("div.euiDataGrid__virtualized").find("span.dscDiscoverGrid__cellValue")
if (divs.length != 0) {
updateTableDivsAsync($, divs)
//reset event handlers
$("table.kbn-table").on("DOMNodeInserted", function (event) {
if ($("tr.kbnDocTable__row")) {
divs = $("div.dscTruncateByHeight");
updateTableDivsAsync($, divs);
$("div.euiDataGrid__virtualized").on("DOMNodeInserted", function (event) {
if ($("div.euiDataGridRowCell.euiDataGridRowCell--string")) {
divs = $("span.dscDiscoverGrid__cellValue");
updateTableDivsAsync($, divs);
setInterval(function () {
if (unsafeWindow.$('.kbn-table th input').length == 0 && !tableUpdated) {
if (unsafeWindow.$('#hide_filter_btn').length == 0) {
unsafeWindow.hide_button_click = hide_button_click;
unsafeWindow.$(".kbnRedirectCrossAppLinks").append('<button class="btn btn-primary" id="hide_filter_btn">Hide Filters</button>');
const boundOnClick = hide_button_click.bind(null, unsafeWindow.$);
console.log("hide button added.");
}, 2000);
GM_addStyle('.euiHeader--fixed+.euiHeader--fixed{top: 0px !important;}');
GM_addStyle('.kbnBody {padding-top: 49px !important;}');
GM_addStyle('.euiHeader--dark {display:none !important;}');
GM_addStyle('.dscPage { height: calc(100vh - 55px) !important;}');
GM_addStyle('.dscPageContent__wrapper {padding: 0 0 0 0;}');
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