I hereby claim:
- I am Antiarchitect on github.
- I am antiarchitect (https://keybase.io/antiarchitect) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4F46 95F6 A181 72E9 FAC7 1C76 1462 D89E 01E7 7195
To claim this, I am signing this object:
-- ------------ Write DROP-FOREIGN-KEY-CONSTRAINT-stage scripts ----------- | |
ALTER TABLE hawkbit.sp_action DROP CONSTRAINT fk_action_ds; | |
ALTER TABLE hawkbit.sp_action DROP CONSTRAINT fk_action_rollout; | |
# Simple approach to sending email from the Rails console | |
# Implementation idea courtesy of Steve Klabnik | |
# http://blog.steveklabnik.com/posts/2012-09-09-random-ruby-tricks--class-new | |
# Create the mailer class with a block and assign to a variable | |
mailer = Class.new(ActionMailer::Base) do | |
def example_message | |
mail(to: "voronkovaa@gmail.com", from: "noreply@polarstern-staging.de", subject: "Example Message") do |format| | |
format.text { render text: "Example message body" } | |
end |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
class ApiCompatibilityChecker | |
class CheckApiCompatibilityError < StandardError; end | |
SERVER_API_VERSION = '1.0.0' | |
VERSION_REGEXP = /\A(?<major>\d{1,5})\.(?<minor>\d{1,5})\.(?<patch>\d{1,5})\z/ | |
attr_reader :request, :env | |
def initialize(request) |
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base | |
... | |
private | |
def after_sign_in_path_for(resource) | |
if current_administrator && current_administrator.is_admin? | |
[:admin, :admins] | |
else | |
root_path |
git checkout <last useful commit from bottom> | |
git checkout -b rescue | |
git merge master | |
git checkout master | |
git reset --hard <last useful commit from bottom> | |
git merge --interactive rescue |
VBoxManage --help | |
Oracle VM VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 4.2.22 | |
(C) 2005-2014 Oracle Corporation | |
All rights reserved. | |
Usage: | |
VBoxManage [<general option>] <command> |
# Русский перевод для https://github.com/plataformatec/devise/tree/v1.4.7 | |
# Другие переводы на http://github.com/plataformatec/devise/wiki/I18n | |
ru: | |
errors: | |
messages: | |
expired: "устарела. Пожалуйста, запросите новую" | |
not_found: "не найдена" | |
already_confirmed: "уже подтверждена. Пожалуйста, попробуйте войти в систему" | |
not_locked: "не заблокирована" |
require 'spec_helper' | |
describe "Edit profile process" do | |
before(:each) do | |
@user = Factory.create(:user) | |
@user.confirm! | |
@login_button = I18n.t("devise.sessions.new.submit") | |
@edit_button = I18n.t("devise.registrations.edit.submit") | |
@login_link = I18n.t("devise.menu.login_items.login") | |
@logout_link = I18n.t("devise.menu.login_items.logout") |
script_console_running = ENV.include?('RAILS_ENV') && IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES] && IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES].include?('console_with_helpers') | |
rails_running = ENV.include?('RAILS_ENV') && !(IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES] && IRB.conf[:LOAD_MODULES].include?('console_with_helpers')) | |
irb_standalone_running = !script_console_running && !rails_running | |
if script_console_running | |
require 'logger' | |
Object.const_set(:RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER, Logger.new(STDOUT)) | |
end |