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  • Save AntoineSoetewey/1fc0fe939336a8b8085e1872e045b48f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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dat <- mtcars[, c(1, 3:7)]
corrplot2 <- function(data,
method = "pearson",
sig.level = 0.05,
order = "original",
diag = FALSE,
type = "upper", = 90,
number.font = 1,
number.cex = 1,
tl.cex = 1,
mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) {
data_incomplete <- data
data <- data[complete.cases(data), ]
mat <- cor(data, method = method)
cor.mtest <- function(mat, method) {
mat <- as.matrix(mat)
n <- ncol(mat)
p.mat <- matrix(NA, n, n)
diag(p.mat) <- 0
for (i in 1:(n - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):n) {
tmp <- cor.test(mat[, i], mat[, j], method = method)
p.mat[i, j] <- p.mat[j, i] <- tmp$p.value
colnames(p.mat) <- rownames(p.mat) <- colnames(mat)
p.mat <- cor.mtest(data, method = method)
col <- colorRampPalette(c("#BB4444", "#EE9988", "#FFFFFF", "#77AADD", "#4477AA"))
method = "color", col = col(200), number.font = number.font,
mar = mar, number.cex = number.cex, tl.cex = tl.cex,
type = type, order = order,
addCoef.col = "black", # add correlation coefficient
tl.col = "black", =, # rotation of text labels
# combine with significance level
p.mat = p.mat, sig.level = sig.level, insig = "blank",
# hide correlation coefficiens on the diagonal
diag = diag
data = dat,
method = "pearson",
sig.level = 0.05,
order = "original",
diag = FALSE,
type = "upper", = 75
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