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Last active January 7, 2020 15:49
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Show an offline page when you have a cache miss

1 create an offline page and add the URL to the preache

// cache our offline page
// revision should be updated manually here
  "url": "/offline/",
  "revision": "d3ab5addsdef6bsse1864b1b4719e5e54ff21"

2 throw the offline page when you get a cache miss

offline  page

| --------------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Caching of the product pages
| -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
const productsNetworkFirstHandler = workbox.strategies.networkFirst({
  cacheName: 'products',

  plugins: [
    new workbox.expiration.Plugin({
      maxEntries: 30,
      maxAgeSeconds: 2 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60,
    new workbox.cacheableResponse.Plugin({
      statuses: [200]



workbox.routing.registerRoute(/\/produit\//, (args) => {

  return productsNetworkFirstHandler.handle(args).then((response) => (!response) ? caches.match('/offline/') : response);


Query the cache and retrieve the cached requests

* List the caches names
* @returns {promise} cache names

async function listCaches(){
  const cacheNames = await caches.keys();
    throw new Error('no caches');
  return cacheNames;
* Get the requests saved ina given cache
* @param {string} cacheName
* @returns {promise} keylist
async function getCachedRequest(cacheName){
  const requests = await;
  return await requests.keys()

(async () => {

    const caches = await listCaches();
    for( const cache of caches ){
        const requests = await getCachedRequest(cache)
        // now you have all the requests feel free to inject them on the page etc...


Inject the manifest and workbox config :

module.exports = {
    globDirectory: './',
    globPatterns: [
    swSrc: './serviceworker-dev.js',
    swDest: './serviceworker.js'

serviceworker-dev :




 * The workboxSW.precacheAndRoute() method efficiently caches and responds to
 * requests for URLs in the manifest.
 * See

// cache our offline page
// revision should be updated manually here
  "url": "/offline/",
  "revision": "d3ab5addsdef6bsse1864b1b4719e5e54ff21"

And run npx workbox injectManifest workbox-config.js

How to change the UI based on the current connectivity ?

Offline UI

Add a class to the html main tag when offline

const $html = document.querySelector('html');

function addOfflineElements(){


function removeOfflineElements(){



if( ! navigator.onLine )  addOfflineElements();

if( navigator.onLine )  removeOfflineElements();

addEventListener("offline", addOfflineElements );

addEventListener("online", removeOfflineElements );

The CSS :

Change the style of element or hide them when offline

*  All elements which should be hidden when offline
.offline form.cart .bouton,
.offline .menu-account,
.offline .menu-cart

display: none;


Inform the user if a link is available offline

offline links

 // Offline producst management 
            if ( document.querySelector('.product-category') !== null ){
                // we query the cache named products (which contains the products URLs )
                .then( requests => {
                    const offlineUrls = [];
                    // we pursh the urls to the array offlineUrls
                    requests.forEach( r => offlineUrls.push(r.url) );
                    //  we loop through our product list and check if the current URL is in the array 
                    document.querySelectorAll('.product-category a').forEach( a =>{

                        if( ! offlineUrls.includes(a.href) && a.querySelector('article') !== null) {
                            // if not offline we add the class not-offline



    border: solid #0202020d 1px;

Add a basic offline banner

function injectOfflineBanner(){

  let elem = document.createElement('div'); = `
  position: fixed;
  background-color: #6d6d6d;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  height: 46px;
  line-height: 40px;
  text-align: center;
  color: #FFF;
  z-index: 9999999999;
  `; = "offline-banner";

  elem.innerText = "Heads up  : You are offline";



function removeOfflineBanner(){

  const offlineBanner = document.querySelector("#offline-banner");

  if( offlineBanner !== null ) offlineBanner.parentNode.removeChild(offlineBanner);


if( ! navigator.onLine ) injectOfflineBanner();

if( navigator.onLine ) removeOfflineBanner();

addEventListener("offline", () => injectOfflineBanner() );

addEventListener("online", () => removeOfflineBanner() );
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