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Created September 17, 2013 19:56
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Hack used in pythonista to read the device geolocation info. This version adds some error handling, and the ability to control the geo location service options ( see ) The fake http protocol is very crude, it may be a better opttion to use python's BaseHTTPServer.
import socket
import webbrowser
import datetime
import json
from collections import namedtuple
class GeoLocationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, code, message):
self.code = code
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return 'code={}, msg={}'.format(self.code, self.message)
LocationInfo = namedtuple('LocationInfo', 'longitude latitude accuracy altitude altitudeAccuracy heading speed timestamp')
html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
function returnToPythonista() {'pythonista://', '_self', '');
window.setTimeout(function () {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.addEventListener("loadend", function () {
}, false);'POST', '/', true);
function sendPosition(position) {
xhr.send(JSON.stringify([false, position]));
function handleError(positionError) {
xhr.send(JSON.stringify([true, positionError]));
options = %s;
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(sendPosition, handleError, options);
def get_location(port=3050, enableHighAccuracy=False, timeout=5000, maximumAge=0):
s = socket.socket()
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind( ('', port) )
def send(data):
s2, addrinfo = s.accept()
resp = s2.recv(2048)
body_len = None
for line in resp.splitlines():
if line.startswith('Content-Length'):
body_len = int(line.split(':')[1])
if body_len is not None:
body_start = resp.index('\r\n\r\n')+4
buf = resp[body_start:]
resp = buf + s2.recv(body_len-len(buf))
resp = ''
s2.send("\r\n".join(("HTTP/1.0 200 OK", "Content-Type: text/html", "Content-Length: {}".format(len(data)), "", data)))
return resp'safari-http://localhost:{}/'.format(port))
# Send html page on first connection
options = dict(enableHighAccuracy=enableHighAccuracy, timeout=timeout, maximumAge=maximumAge)
send(html % json.dumps(options))
# Send empty page, we are only interested in POST data
data = send("")
error, info = json.loads(data)
if error:
raise GeoLocationError(**info)
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(info['timestamp']/1000.0)
return LocationInfo(timestamp=timestamp, **info['coords'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
loc = get_location(enableHighAccuracy=False)
print 'loc: ', loc
except GeoLocationError as error:
print 'failed: ', error.message
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