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Last active March 12, 2020 00:07
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  • Save Anton3/5ffde9bded12062f2f0241b4114624eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Anton3/5ffde9bded12062f2f0241b4114624eb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Needs "books.txt" in the resources directory. Try experimenting with weights on line 136
package name.anton3.layout
import java.util.*
import kotlin.collections.ArrayList
import kotlin.math.abs
class Dummy
fun readResource(name: String): String {
fun makeLayoutConversions(lines: List<String>): Pair<Map<Char, Byte>, Map<Byte, Char>> {
val layout = lines.joinToString("").toCharArray()
val layoutToIndex: Map<Char, Byte> = layout.withIndex().associateBy({ it.value }, { it.index.toByte() })
val layoutFromIndex: Map<Byte, Char> = layout.withIndex().associateBy({ it.index.toByte() }, { it.value })
return layoutToIndex to layoutFromIndex
inline fun bigramIndex(letter1: Byte, letter2: Byte, nLetters: Int): Int {
return letter1.toInt() * nLetters + letter2
inline fun indexToBigram(index: Int, nLetters: Int): Pair<Byte, Byte> {
return (index / nLetters).toByte() to (index % nLetters).toByte()
fun makeSameFingerBigramIndices(fingers: ByteArray): IntArray {
val result = ArrayList<Int>()
for (finger in 0..9) {
val fingerIndices = fingers.withIndex().filter { it.value == finger.toByte() }.map { it.index.toByte() }
for (idx1 in fingerIndices) {
for (idx2 in fingerIndices) {
if (idx1 != idx2) result.add(bigramIndex(idx1, idx2, fingers.size))
return result.toIntArray()
fun makeSameHandBigramIndices(fingers: ByteArray): IntArray {
val result = ArrayList<Int>()
for (hand in 0..1) {
val handIndices = fingers.withIndex().filter { it.value / 5 == hand }.map { it.index.toByte() }
for (idx1 in handIndices) {
for (idx2 in handIndices) {
if (idx1 != idx2) result.add(bigramIndex(idx1, idx2, fingers.size))
return result.toIntArray()
fun makeRollsBigramIndices(fingers: ByteArray): Pair<IntArray, IntArray> {
val inward = ArrayList<Int>()
val outward = ArrayList<Int>()
for ((key1, finger1) in fingers.withIndex()) {
for ((key2, finger2) in fingers.withIndex()) {
val leftyComparison = (when {
finger1 / 5 != finger2 / 5 -> 0
finger1 / 5 == 0 -> 1
else -> -1
}) * finger1.compareTo(finger2)
val rollType = when {
leftyComparison < 0 -> inward
leftyComparison > 0 -> outward
else -> null
}.takeIf { abs(key1 / 10 - key2 / 10) <= 1 }
rollType?.add(bigramIndex(key1.toByte(), key2.toByte(), fingers.size))
return inward.toIntArray() to outward.toIntArray()
private const val NULL_INDEX: Byte = -1
fun letterAndBigramWeights(
corpus: String,
lowerToIndex: Map<Char, Byte>,
upperToIndex: Map<Char, Byte>
): Pair<DoubleArray, DoubleArray> {
val nLetters = lowerToIndex.size
val letterCounts = IntArray(nLetters)
val bigramCounts = IntArray(nLetters * nLetters)
var previousLetter: Byte = NULL_INDEX
for (c in corpus) {
if (!c.isLetter()) continue
val idx = lowerToIndex[c] ?: upperToIndex[c]
if (idx == null) {
previousLetter = NULL_INDEX
letterCounts[idx.toInt()] += 1
if (previousLetter != NULL_INDEX) {
bigramCounts[bigramIndex(previousLetter, idx, nLetters)] += 1
previousLetter = idx
val letterTotal = letterCounts.sumByDouble { it.toDouble() }
val bigramTotal = bigramCounts.sumByDouble { it.toDouble() }
val letterWeights = DoubleArray(letterCounts.size) { letterCounts[it].toDouble() / letterTotal }
val bigramWeights = DoubleArray(bigramCounts.size) { bigramCounts[it].toDouble() / bigramTotal }
return letterWeights to bigramWeights
data class Energy(
val key: Double,
val sameFinger: Double,
val sameHand: Double,
val inwardRolls: Double,
val outwardRolls: Double
) : Comparable<Energy> {
inline fun total(): Double = key * 2.0 + sameHand * 6.0 + sameFinger * 3.0 - inwardRolls * 4.0 - outwardRolls * 2.0
override fun compareTo(other: Energy): Int =
override fun toString(): String =
String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.4f (key: %.4f, same-finger: %.4f, same-hand: %.4f, inward: %.4f, outward: %.4f)", total(), key, sameFinger, sameHand, inwardRolls, outwardRolls)
class OptimizationWeights(
val keyWeights: DoubleArray,
val bigramWeights: DoubleArray,
val fingerPenalties: DoubleArray,
val sameFingerBigramIndices: IntArray,
val sameHandBigramIndices: IntArray,
val inwardRollsBigramIndices: IntArray,
val outwardRollsBigramIndices: IntArray
private inline fun sumBigramFreq(mapping: ByteArray, bigramIndices: IntArray, bigramWeights: DoubleArray): Double {
val nLetters = mapping.size
return bigramIndices.sumByDouble { fromBigramIndex ->
val (from1, from2) = indexToBigram(fromBigramIndex, nLetters)
val toBigramIndex = bigramIndex(mapping[from1.toInt()], mapping[from2.toInt()], nLetters)
fun evaluateEnergy(mapping: ByteArray, weights: OptimizationWeights): Energy {
val keyEnergy = mapping.indices.sumByDouble { from ->
weights.fingerPenalties[from] * weights.keyWeights[mapping[from].toInt()]
val sameFingerFreq = sumBigramFreq(mapping, weights.sameFingerBigramIndices, weights.bigramWeights)
val sameHandFreq = sumBigramFreq(mapping, weights.sameHandBigramIndices, weights.bigramWeights)
val inwardRollFreq = sumBigramFreq(mapping, weights.inwardRollsBigramIndices, weights.bigramWeights)
val outwardRollFreq = sumBigramFreq(mapping, weights.outwardRollsBigramIndices, weights.bigramWeights)
return Energy(
key = keyEnergy,
sameFinger = sameFingerFreq,
sameHand = sameHandFreq,
inwardRolls = inwardRollFreq,
outwardRolls = outwardRollFreq
fun layoutAsString(
mapping: ByteArray,
lowerFromIndex: Map<Byte, Char>,
upperFromIndex: Map<Byte, Char>
): String {
return mapping.asList().chunked(10) { letters ->
letters.joinToString(" ") { letter ->
data class StartingLayout(
val lower: List<String>,
val upper: List<String>,
val movable: List<String>
) {
init {
require( { it.length } == { it.length })
require( { it.length } == { it.length })
require(movable.joinToString("").all { it in "01" })
val colemakNoDiagLayout = StartingLayout(
lower = listOf(
upper = listOf(
movable = listOf(
val colemakLayout: StartingLayout = StartingLayout(
lower = listOf(
upper = listOf(
movable = listOf(
val ergoFingers: List<String> = listOf(
val fingerPenaltiesBase: DoubleArray = doubleArrayOf(
2.7, 2.7, 2.3, 2.3, 2.8, 2.8, 2.3, 2.3, 2.7, 2.7,
1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
3.5, 3.2, 2.5, 2.5, 3.6, 3.6, 2.5, 2.5, 3.2, 3.5
val fingerPenaltiesNoDiag: DoubleArray = doubleArrayOf(
2.7, 2.7, 2.3, 2.3, 4.5, 4.5, 2.3, 2.3, 2.7, 2.7,
1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0,
3.5, 3.2, 2.5, 2.5, 4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3.2, 3.5
val fingerPenaltiesNoDiagNoPinkies: DoubleArray = doubleArrayOf(
2.7, 2.7, 2.3, 2.3, 4.5, 4.5, 2.3, 2.3, 2.7, 2.7,
2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.5, 2.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0,
3.5, 3.2, 2.5, 2.5, 4.5, 4.5, 2.5, 2.5, 3.2, 3.5
inline fun ByteArray.swap(idx1: Int, idx2: Int) {
val temp = this[idx1]
this[idx1] = this[idx2]
this[idx2] = temp
fun keySwaps(mapping: ByteArray, movable: BooleanArray): Sequence<Unit> = sequence {
for (i in (0 until 30).shuffled()) {
for (j in (0 until i).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i] || !movable[j]) continue
mapping.swap(i, j)
for (i1 in (0 until 30).shuffled()) {
for (j1 in (0 until i1).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i1] || !movable[j1]) continue
for (i2 in (0 until 30).shuffled()) {
for (j2 in (0 until i2).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i2] || !movable[j2]) continue
mapping.swap(i1, j1)
mapping.swap(i2, j2)
for (i in (0 until 10).shuffled()) {
for (j in (0 until i).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i + 0] || !movable[j + 0] ||
!movable[i + 10] || !movable[j + 10] ||
!movable[i + 20] || !movable[j + 20]
) continue
mapping.swap(i + 0, j + 0)
mapping.swap(i + 10, j + 10)
mapping.swap(i + 20, j + 20)
for (i1 in (0 until 10).shuffled()) {
for (j1 in (0 until i1).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i1 + 0] || !movable[j1 + 0] ||
!movable[i1 + 10] || !movable[j1 + 10] ||
!movable[i1 + 20] || !movable[j1 + 20]
) continue
for (i2 in (0 until 10).shuffled()) {
for (j2 in (0 until i2).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i2 + 0] || !movable[j2 + 0] ||
!movable[i2 + 10] || !movable[j2 + 10] ||
!movable[i2 + 20] || !movable[j2 + 20]
) continue
mapping.swap(i1 + 0, j1 + 0)
mapping.swap(i1 + 10, j1 + 10)
mapping.swap(i1 + 20, j1 + 20)
mapping.swap(i2 + 0, j2 + 0)
mapping.swap(i2 + 10, j2 + 10)
mapping.swap(i2 + 20, j2 + 20)
for (i1 in (0 until 30).shuffled()) {
for (j1 in (0 until i1).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i1] || !movable[j1]) continue
for (i2 in (0..j1).shuffled()) {
for (j2 in (0 until i2).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i2] || !movable[j2]) continue
for (i3 in (0..j2).shuffled()) {
for (j3 in (0 until 30).shuffled()) {
if (!movable[i3] || !movable[j3]) continue
mapping.swap(i1, j1)
mapping.swap(i2, j2)
mapping.swap(i3, j3)
fun main() {
val layout = colemakNoDiagLayout
val (layoutLowerToIndex, layoutLowerFromIndex) = makeLayoutConversions(layout.lower)
val (layoutUpperToIndex, layoutUpperFromIndex) = makeLayoutConversions(layout.upper)
check(layoutLowerToIndex.size == layoutUpperToIndex.size)
val nLetters = layoutLowerToIndex.size
val movable: BooleanArray = layout.movable.joinToString("").map { it == '1' }.toBooleanArray()
val fingers: ByteArray = ergoFingers.joinToString("")
.map { c -> Character.digit(c, 10).also { check(it != -1) }.toByte() }.toByteArray()
val sameFingerBigramIndices = makeSameFingerBigramIndices(fingers)
val sameHandBigramIndices = makeSameHandBigramIndices(fingers)
val (inwardBigramIndices, outwardBigramIndices) = makeRollsBigramIndices(fingers)
val fingerPenalties = fingerPenaltiesNoDiagNoPinkies
val corpus = readResource("books.txt")
val (letterWeights, bigramWeights) = letterAndBigramWeights(corpus, layoutLowerToIndex, layoutUpperToIndex)
val weights = OptimizationWeights(
val mapping = ByteArray(nLetters) { it.toByte() }
var energy = evaluateEnergy(mapping, weights)
var maxEnergy = energy
val testMapping = ByteArray(nLetters)
println(layoutAsString(mapping, layoutLowerFromIndex, layoutUpperFromIndex))
println("Energy: $energy")
var iter = 0
noReset@while (true) {
for (ks in keySwaps(testMapping, movable)) {
val testEnergy = evaluateEnergy(testMapping, weights)
if (testEnergy < energy) {
energy = testEnergy
if (energy < maxEnergy) {
maxEnergy = energy
println(layoutAsString(mapping, layoutLowerFromIndex, layoutUpperFromIndex))
println("Energy $iter: $energy")
mapping.indices.forEach { mapping[it] = it.toByte() }
energy = evaluateEnergy(mapping, weights)
iter = 0
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